Varieties of literatures were reviewed in regard to the fundamental concept of day hospital, historical trends, the recipient of its care, facilities and personnel, therapeutic programmes and the follow-up care plans. Through the research the advantages of day hospital were highlighted in order to provide the reference for those who consider planning such health care institution. Since the introduction of the concept of day hospital and its implementation in 1930, many psychiatric patients world over are treated and cared. Patients with specific health problems;alcoholism, acute or serious psychiatric disease, tendencies of homi-or suicidal attempts, and with serious physical problems were excluded from the general recipient. Day hospital were annexed to the psychiatric hospitals in most in instances; facilities,personnel, except nursing personnel, were shared. All therapeutic care were planned in dayly,weekly programmes, and were foccussed on socialization. The follow-up care were provided for those participating post-therapy club activities which were planned and introduced ahead. Many advantages of day-hospital care in contrast io the traditional hospitalization care were found; 1. The abrupt discontinuity of his family and other social role is prevented. 2. Therapeutic progress is faster. 3. Lessened economic burden to the family. 4. Behavioral regression is lessened and the lessened fear of hospitalization. 5. Less injury to the patients, self-respect, through lessened anxiety of hospitalization. 6. Incidents of secondary crisis believed to be existing in long term cases are decreased. 7. Therapeutic care implemented in freer atmosphere, better patient-personnel relationships are created. 8 . Varieties of group activities are induced which enable faster recovery. 9. Patients could engage himself with social activities including getting job on part-time basis. 10. Rehabilitation of patient could be implemented.