The purpose of this research was to determine whether or not a consistent program of aerobic exercise as a nursing intervention would have beneficial effect on schizophrenic patients. Nonequivalent control group pre-post test research was designed. Subjects for this study were selected from thirty-eight chronically schizophrenic patients who were hospitalized at S psychiatric hospital in Taejeon city. Of them, seventeen were experimental group, twenty-one were control group. The data were collected during the period from November 1 to December 30, 1992. The instruments used in this study were Scale for Assessment of Negative Symptom developed by Andreason, Behavioral Observational Checklist (SASS) developed by Jorgensen, Harvard Step Up Test. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test and paired t-test, using the SPSS program. The results of this study are summerized as follows: 1. The scores of SANS were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when the experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=4.73,p=.00). 2. The scores of SASS were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when the experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=3.42, p=.00). 3. The scores of physical fitness were a significantly difference from pre to posttesting, when experimental group was contrasted to the control group(t=-5.87, p=.00).
It is important to understand that patients with hemiplegia are under stress during the rehabilitation process. This study was designed to determine what changes occur in the stress perceived by these patients during the rehabilitation process, and what changes occur in the ways they coped with stress. A decriptive study with a longitudinal design was conducted. A total of 57 patients with hemiplegia who were admitted to one general hospital made up the sample for this study. A questionnaire, observations and interviews were used for the data collection which was done in three phases (within one week after admission: within one week before discharge: within one month after discharge). Data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA repeated measures of ANOVA, and post hoc paired t-test, Bonferroni correction. The results of this study are: 1. Changes in the perception of stress during the rehabilitation process: There was a statistically significant differencs in the perception of stress among these patients during the rehabilitation process. On the post-hoc test, the perception of stress showed a statistically significant decrease from admission to discharge. The perception of psychological stress was high during the rehabilitation process as compared with the perception of physical and social stress. 2. Changes in the way the patients coped during the rehabilitation process: On admission passive coping was used by most of the subjects(91.2%). Passive coping showed an decrease from admission to discharge, but an increase from discharge to follow-up at one month post discharge. There was, however, no statistically significant changes in the way the patients coped during the rehabilitation process. 3. Changes in perception of stress during the rehabilitation process according to variables. Perception of stress among patients classified as So-Um was higher during the rehabilitation process, when compared with patients classified as So-Yang and Tae-Um, There was, however, no statistically significant difference in perception of stress over time. The patients with right sided paralysis perceived higher stress than those with left sided paralysis. There was, however, no statistically significant difference in perception of stress over time. Hence, stress was not influenced by which side was paralyzed th frequency of the relapse of the disease, or the time in the rehabilitation process. 4. Changes in coping during the rehabilitation process according to variables. There was a statistically significant difference in the way the patients coped at follow-up according to the three different kinds of the constitution groups. In other words, coping was not used by patients classified as Tae-Um, but was used by those classified as So-Um. On the repeated measures of ANOVA, there was a statstically significant difference in stress over time, and an interaction between constitution and time. But the way of coping during the rehabilitation process was not influenced by which side was paralyzed nor by the frequency of the relapse of the disease. In conclusion, perception of psychological stress was high during the rehabilitation process, as compared to perception of physical and social stress. There was a statistcally significant difference in the perception of stress over time, Perception of stress showed a gradual decrease from over admission to follow-up period. There was, however, no statistically significant difference in the way of coping over time. Passive coping was used by most of patients. In the study, these findings suggest a need for nursing care related to the psychological support for patients with hemiplegia both in the hospital as well as at home, and the need for education and counseling on independent self-care to help the hemiplegic patients adapt to stress using active coping.
In Korea, breastfeeding practice has decreased since 1980's. According to the literature review, insufficient milk supply (IMS) is a major reason found by mothers for early termination of breastfeeding practice. Insufficient milk supply syndrome cannot be explained simply. IMS is a complex phenomenon that has never been adequately investigated in Korea. Using the modified IMS conceptual framework by Hill and Humenick(1989), a study was conducted at one well baby clinic located in metropolitan hospital. Approval was obtained from head of nuring service and employees in the well baby clinic. The study sample was to restricted mothers who initiated breastfeeding and still continuously breastfeeding (n=52) and mothers who initiated breastfeeding but terminated at the time of data collection (n=39). Factor analysis suggested that Potential Determinant factors, maternal psychologic factors were: sociocultural factors, breastfeeding behaviors, breastfeeding frequency, social support, maternal education and prenatal preparation, physical and sibling support, maternal confidence, and maternal physicals which accounted for 71.12% of the variance. Using discriminant analysis those potential determinant factors predicted 72.49% of the cases accurately. These findings of research suggest that the modified IMS model is valid. But additional variables which consider Korea sociocultural factors may need to be included in future studies to determine and develop an IMS model for Korea.
The purpose of this study was to examine nurses' perceptions of medication treatment for psychiatric patients and to compare these perceptions with the perceptions held by the patients. The methodology used in this study was a descriptive design with semi-structured and open-ended interviews. This study used a convenience sample of 112 nurses who worked in, and 209 patients who were under psychiatric treatment, in four hospitals attached to a university and one national mental hospital in the city of Seoul. The collected data were analyzed by SAS, using percentages for descriptive purposes, and t-test or x2 for comparing the variables. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant differences between nurses' and patients' perceptions on the extent to which patients complied with their medication treatment. Generally speaking, the mean compliance scores for both nurses and patients was high (nurse: x=3.70, Patient: x=3.76). 2. There was a significant difference in nurses' and patients' perceptions on the reasons why patients do not take medication. The nurse group indicated that the patients did not take medication because of the "worry about side effects or habitu-ation(49.53%)", "boredom from long-term use of medication(26.17%)" and "distrust toward medical staff (12.15%)", but the patient group indicated that they "did not want to be dependent on medication (25%)", "forgot to take medication(19.7%) and "worried about side effects or habituation( 15.91%). 3. As for the necessity of medication, both groups showed some different responses. Even though both groups were aware of the necessity of taking medication, the patient group(21.53%) showed a more negative response. As for the effects of medication, both groups (nurses and patients) showed positive responses. However, the nurse group showed a higher positive response(91.07%) than the patient group(74.16%). 5. Both the patient and nurse group indicated that the most helpful element for the patient's life under psychiatric treatment was interviews and conversations with therapists and nurses. However, the nurse group showed a higher response (70.15%) than the patients group(47.15%). According to the patient group, family support for the patient was another important factor for psychiatric treatment and daily struggles. In conclusion, as there were differences between the perception of nurses and patients, the nurse must consider the patients' subjective perceptions first. They should also revaluate their false belief and prejudice concerning the patients' perceptions. Such information can provide a base to be applied by the nurses in devloping effective mutual relationships with patients which can in turn help in compliance with medication regimen. As it was confirmed that medication was the most important factor in the patients' recovery, a thorough education program on the therapeutic effect of medication and the necessity of their continued use after discharge is also needed.
In order to see the development of Nursing related research activities in Korea over the last three decades, abstracts of almost all of the Master and Ph.D theses that appeared from 1961 up to August 1991 were collected. The number of theses was 2354, from which an index of key words has been constructed. Key words were defined as those terms in each thesis title that convey major objectives of the given thesis study and the important nursing concepts dealt with in the thesis. Although all the key words were picked from the thesis title only, full use was made of the abstracts in deciding the principal objectives and essential contents of the thesis studies and their important concepts as well. In total, 539 kinds of key words were identified from the 2354 titles, and the identified words were all found to be in the International Nursing Index. On an average each title has two key words. Which key words were most frequently used, how they have changed with time, what kind of concept is preferably dealt with by each graduate school, and the concepts to which a given key word is likely to be connected were examined. The results are summerized below: 1) For each decade the theses numbers were as follows: 54(2.3%) from the 60's, 413(17.5%) from the 70's, 1523 (64.7%) from the 80's, and 364(15.5%) from the 90's. Master's thesis contributed 96% (2252) of the papers and Ph. D's theses filled the remaining 4% (102). 2) A total of 539 key words were used, averaging about 2 for each thesis. The most frequently used key words were 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Knowledge/Attitude/Practice', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Attitude', 'Job-Satisfaction', 'Mental Disorder', 'Operation', 'Elderly', 'Nursing Role'. 3) Each decades key words can be classified as: the 60's: 'Nursing Education', 'Pulmonary Tuberculosis', 'Mother-Child Health', 'Growth and Development', 'Public Facilities', 'Mental Disorder'; the 70's: 'Nurse', 'Family Planning', 'Attitude'/'Knowledge, Attitude/Practice', 'Curriculum in Nursing Education', 'Clinical Practice in Nursing', 'Analysis of the Work of the Nurse', 'Health Education of School',; the 80's: 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Operation', 'Nursing Role', 'Job Satisfaction'; the 90's: 'Nurse', 'Elderly', 'Family-Support', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Home Care'. Key word 'Nurse' appears continuously and most frequently through the years, which indicates that there has been active study of the characteristics of nurses and related fields. The concept 'Anxiety' has been studied steadly from the 80's and it shows that interest in health and disease are increasing which comes as a result of society changing to an industrial and informational community. 4) Looking into each graduate school's study area: key words 'Anxiety', 'Nurse', 'Mental Disorder', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Operation', 'Attitude', 'Hemodialysis', were studied in the regular graduate school: 'Family Planning/Contraception', 'Knowledge/Attitude/Practice', 'Physical Health-State/Physical Health Examination', 'Nurse', 'Using Clinical Facilities', 'Health Education of School', were studied in the Graduate School of Public Health'; 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Job-Satisfaction', 'Clinical Practice Education', 'Nursing Education', were studied in the Graduate School of Education; 'Nurse', 'Job Satisfaction', 'Nursing Role', 'Administration-Employmet/Employment Management', 'Leadership', 'Personnel Profile', 'Nursing Manpower/Changing Working Place', were studied in the Graduate School of Public Administration. 5) The Connection between key words were: 'Nurse <=> Job Satisfaction', 'Stress/Stressor <=> Coping/Ajustment', 'Nurse <=> Nursing Role', 'Anxiety <=> Giving Information', 'Nurse <=> Stress/Stressor', 'Anxiety <=> Operation', 'Nurse <=> Burnout', 'Knowledge, Attitude, Practice <=> Family Planning', 'Nurse Administration <=> Employment', 'Anxiety <=> Muscle Relaxation Technic', 'Anxiety <=> Mental Disorder'. From the above it can be noted that many nursing concepts were handled in the thesis titles. But there were more than enough papers on the characteristics of the nurse. It is suggested that in depth research be made on 'Nursing Accidents', 'Ethics', 'Nurse-Patient Interactions', 'Spritual Care', 'Dying', 'Hospice', 'Resident Helper' and that thre should be in depth research relating to the physical and mental development of youth and in particular physical concepts like 'Drug-Abuse', 'Child -Abuse and Teaching'.
People experience health behaviors for themselves and theses have diversity according to each culture and people and further there is an inherent meaning in health behavior The purpose of this study was to explore the health cconcept of Korean people and their pattern of health behavior. The research method was a questionaire including open questions and the subjests were 164 adults age from 21 to 61. The result of this study are as follows: 1. Perceived health concepts by adults were "possibility", "responsibility", "being free", "happiness", "brightness", "power", "life", "importance", "mental rest", "state of nnonilliness", "death". 2. Health behaviors carried out by Korean adults were "maintance of psychological comfort", "exercise", "work", "maintance of balanced diet", "having a hobby", "eating health food", "health check up", "prevention of hazards", "eating natural food", "maintenance of personal relationships", "rest", "having religion", "making contract with nature", "relaxation", "limit one's tastes". 3. The perceived purposes of health behavior by Koran adults were maintenance of a joyful life, health maintenance, health restoration, prevention of illness, achievement of reponsibility, having a hobby, longevity, peaceful death. Korean health concepts in this study showed a trend that reflects the rule of family and forcused harmony and eating habits. Korean health behavior in this study showed a trend that forcuses on emotional comfort which reflects oriental thinking. The result of this study will contribute to build a theory of health behavior and to derive strategies of health behavior to promote heaalth.
The effects of media violence on the delinquent behavior and violence of children and adolescent are controversial. However, a small but genuine association appears to exist between media violence and aggression or violence. At the present, for a considerable proportion of the population of children and adolescent, delinquent behavior and violence has become a major problem and a way of life. One factor contributing to this problem has been assumed to be the negative influence of mass media including television, drama, videotapes and fiction magazines and so on. Therefore, this paper is intended to discriminate the causal relationship of influence of mass media and juvenile delinquent behabior and violence and to provide nine hypotheses derived from reviewing the literature related to mass media and delinquent behavior. The nine hypotheses are as follows; 1. The presence of modeling mass media crime themes and the extent of interest in and exposure of children and adolescent to media violence themes will be positively correlated to their delinquent (aggressive) behavior. 2. A higher positive correlation will be revealed between interest in and exposure to media violence themes and aggressive behavior among adolescent having parental rejection than among adolescent not experiencing parental rejection. 3. A higher positive relationship will be found between interest in and exposure to mass media crime themes and delinquent behavior among youth having need deprivation than among youth not having need frustration. 4. A higher positive relationship will be presented between the presence of imitating mass media crime themes and interest in and exposure to media violence themes and delinquent or aggressive behavior among youth dysplaying their maladaptive character tendency than among those adolescent dysplaying adaptive character tendency. 5. A higher positively correlating relationship will be shown between interest in and exposure to mass media crime themes and delinquent behavior among youth with a higher scores of depressive trend than among those youth having few or no depression. 6. A higher positive relationship will be found between interest in and exposure to media violence themes and aggressive behavior among adolescent complaining of a high degree of psychosomatic complaints than among those youth having few or no psychosomatic complaints. 7. A higher positive correlation will be appeared between interest in and exposure to mass media crime themes and delinquent behavior among youth displaying aggressive impulsiveness than among those youth having few or no aggressive impulsiveness. 8. A higher positive relationship will be found between interest in and exposure to media violence themes and aggressive behavior among youth having antisocial character or neurotic character with weak ego functioning than among those adolescent not having antisocial character or neurotic character with weak ego functioning. 9. A higher positive correlation will be existed between interest in and exposure to mass media crime themes and delinquent behavior among adolescent displaying the lack of sociality than among those youth not having the lack of sociality. The above nine hypotheses will be tested by statistical methods including Chi-square test, simple correlation, principal component analysis, principal component regression analysis and LISREL path analysis.
In This study was carried out to describe and analyze experimental studies conducted in graduates nursing degree. Of 170 experimental studies conducted during the past three decades between 1962 and August 1991, 150 studies were available, including 124 master's and 26 doctoral theses. This study examined their general characteristics and detailed research methods using percentiles. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the studies adopted a quasi-experimental design. 2. The subjects of the studies were chosen by convenience sampling except for two studies whose subjects were drawn by randomization. Studies comparing experimental and control groups were in the highest proportion and the most frequent sample sizes of each group were 21 to 30 for both experimental and control groups. 3. As to measurement, physiological measures were most frequent followed by psychsociological measures and active report questionnaires. Each study, on average, adopted two kind of measurement tools. Studies in which the data collection period was of 1~2 months were in the highest proportion. 4. All doctoral theses and 67.0% of master's theses examined specific research hypotheses. Of these studies, the results of 92.5% supported the hypotheses. 5. Parametric statistics were the major analytical methods. In particular, t-test was used most frequently followed by Chi square, F test, and Pearson Correlation Coefficients. 6. Patients were the most frequent study subjects. Frequent nursing interventions were information and education followed by support, distraction, and nursing treatments. 7. With regards to the dependent variables, "feelings" such as anxiety, pain, and depression were most frequent. In addition, "exchanging" such as restoring, metabolism, cardiopulmonary function, infection and vital signs were adopted as the dependent variables in 29.1% of the studies examined, while 12.3% of the studies selected "choosing" such as stress, health behavior, or role performance.
The purpose of this study was to observe the change of circumference, volume and strength of normal 'and operated lower extremities on 3rd, 7th, 10th, and 14th days of postoperation following THRA compared with their condition on preoperation day. Subjects consisted of 13 male and 7 female patients operated with THRA between the age of 20 and 69 years with a mean age of 38.55(SD=15.1). Circumference of upper and lower leg was measured by tape, leg volume was determined according to formula (Moor and Thornton, 1987) with measurement of 8 circumferences of leg. Leg strength was measured by pressing the center of digital health meter in supine position. The results can be summarized as follows: 1. Circumference of operated thigh decreased significantly at 14 following THRA compared with preoperative value, while that of normal thigh decreased significantly at day 3, 7, 10 and 14 after THRA compared with preoperative value. 2. Circumference of midcalf in both operated and normal limb decreased significantly at day 3, 7, 10 and 14 following THRA compared with preoperative value. 3. Leg volume of operated lower limb decreased significantly at 10, 14 following THRA compared with preoperative value, while that of normal limb decreased significantly at day 7 and 10 after THRA compared with preoperative value. 4. Leg strength of operated limb decreased significantly at day 3, 7, 10, 14 following THRA compared with preoperative value. No significant difference of normal leg strength was shown following THRA. 5. Circumference of midcalf differed significantly at day 14 after THRA between normal and operated extremity. From these results, it can be suggested that a decreased activity after THRA caused muscle atrophies in normal and operated extremity.
The purpose of this study determine and compare spinal cord injured (SCI) patients' and nurses' perceptions of SCI patients' learning needs about altered elimination and then provide nursing data for more effective SCI patients' learning process. Data collection was done from September 3 to October 2, 1993. For this study, 36 SCI patients (12 paraplegia, 24 quadriplegia) and 20 nurses who were working neurosurgery or rehabilitation unit in 3 general hospitals in C and I city were selected. Data collection was accomplished by questionnaire method and the instrument developed by the investigater, elicited imformation about learning needs about altered elimination of SCI patients from SCI patient, nurse, rehabilitation doctor, nursing professor, nursing graduate students. The questionnaire composed altered urinary elimination part with 10 categories and altered bowel elimination part with 10 categories. The results of this study were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in learning needs about altered urinary elimination of the paraplegic SCI patients' perceptions and nurses' perceptions of the paraplegic SCI patients. But there was significant difference in learning needs about altered urinary elimination of the quadriplegic SCI patients and nurses' perceptions of the quadriplegic patients(t=2.48, p=. 017). 2. There was no significant difference in learning needs about altered bowel elimination of the paraplegic SCI patients' perceptions and nurses' perceptions of the paraplegic SCI patients. But there was significant difference in learning needs about altered bowel elimination of the quadriplegic SCI patients and nurses' perceptions of the quadriplegic patients(t=-3.00, p=.005). 3. Degree of paraplegic SCI patients' perceived learning needs about altered urinary elimination was 2.4083 and Quadriplegic SCI patients' perceptions were 2.0750. Degree of paraplegic SCI patients' perceived learning needs about altered bowel elimination was 2.3972 and quadriplegic SCI patients' perceptions were 2.181.