The purpose of this study determine and compare spinal cord injured (SCI) patients' and nurses' perceptions of SCI patients' learning needs about altered elimination and then provide nursing data for more effective SCI patients' learning process. Data collection was done from September 3 to October 2, 1993. For this study, 36 SCI patients (12 paraplegia, 24 quadriplegia) and 20 nurses who were working neurosurgery or rehabilitation unit in 3 general hospitals in C and I city were selected. Data collection was accomplished by questionnaire method and the instrument developed by the investigater, elicited imformation about learning needs about altered elimination of SCI patients from SCI patient, nurse, rehabilitation doctor, nursing professor, nursing graduate students. The questionnaire composed altered urinary elimination part with 10 categories and altered bowel elimination part with 10 categories. The results of this study were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in learning needs about altered urinary elimination of the paraplegic SCI patients' perceptions and nurses' perceptions of the paraplegic SCI patients. But there was significant difference in learning needs about altered urinary elimination of the quadriplegic SCI patients and nurses' perceptions of the quadriplegic patients(t=2.48, p=. 017). 2. There was no significant difference in learning needs about altered bowel elimination of the paraplegic SCI patients' perceptions and nurses' perceptions of the paraplegic SCI patients. But there was significant difference in learning needs about altered bowel elimination of the quadriplegic SCI patients and nurses' perceptions of the quadriplegic patients(t=-3.00, p=.005). 3. Degree of paraplegic SCI patients' perceived learning needs about altered urinary elimination was 2.4083 and Quadriplegic SCI patients' perceptions were 2.0750. Degree of paraplegic SCI patients' perceived learning needs about altered bowel elimination was 2.3972 and quadriplegic SCI patients' perceptions were 2.181.