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Volume 23(1); March 1993
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Original Articles
Factors Influencing Nursing Students' Psychiatric Nursing Practice Evaluation Scores
Hang Jo Pai, Hoang Lan Ahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):5-15.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study examined the effects of therapeutic communication skills, self esteem and self concept, psychiatric nursing lectures on students' psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores. The purposes of this study were to determine factors influencing students' psychiatric nursing practice to improve the quality of that practice. The subjects were 123 third year nursing students in the department of nursing of G University in C city. Data were collected from 1989 to 1991 by questionaires and academic records. Pearson Correlation and t-test were used in analyzing the data to confirm the relationship and influence among the study variables. Stepwise Multiple regression was used to confirm the predictors of the nursing students' psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores. The results were as follows: 1) Relationship of General characteristics and Psychiatric Nursing Practice Evaluation Scores: General characteriotics were not significant on psychiatirc nursing pracice evaluation scores. 2) Relationship of the therapeutic communication skill and psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores: the higher the degree of therapeutic communication skill was the higher the scores for psychiatric nursing practice (r=.5528, p<.001). 3) Relationship of psychiatric nursing course and psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores: the higher the scores in the psychiatric nursing course the higher the scores for psychiatric nursing prac tice(r=.2793, p<.01). 4) Relationship of self-esteem and self concept and psychiatirc nursing practice evaluation scores: Self-esteem and concept was not significant on psychiatic nursing practice evaluation scores. 5) Stepwise multiple correlation of therapeutic communication skills, self-esteem and self concept, psychiatric nursing lectures on psychiatric nursing practice evaluation scores showed that therapeutic communication skills and the psychiatric nursing course scores influenced the evaluation scores psychiatric nursing practice significantly.

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The Image of Nursing projected in Newspapers
Myun Sook Jung, Young Sil Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):16-28.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the image of nursing, that is, to see how nursing is viewed in newspapers. Articles about nursing from two Korean daily newspapers from Jan. 1,1987 to Dec. 31, 1991 were examined for subject, type, attitude and authorship. The inter-rater reliability was 0.89(by The Holsti method). The major findings were as follows; 1. The total number of articles were 110. 2. As for the subjests matter, articles related to professional nursing activities appeared most frequently (29.6%), there about labor issues and activity to promote nurses's job climate 19.4%, and about official activities of nursing 11.2%. 3. Commentary articles appeared most frequently(41.2%), Other article forms were straight news(27.1%), contribution(17.6%) and interviews (10.<6%). 4. Feature stories acounted for 62.4% and news articles for 37.6%. Most of the articles were of national interests (96.5%), the rest (3.5%) of news from abroad. 5. Articles favorable toward nursing accounted for 54.1%, neutral 28.2%, negative 17.6%. 6. Many articles were written by the reporters (66.3%).

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A Study on Korean Imaginations of Relaxation
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):29-41.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Relaxation technique is an independent nursing intervention used in various stressful situations. Relaxation techniques must be explored regarding relaxing imaginations used by the people in their traditional life experiences. So for Korean relaxation techniques to become culturally acceptable and effective imaginations of relaxation must be developed. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in relaxation levels of Koreans according to five relaxation imaginations and five groups and to analyze the factors influencing relaxation techniques for Korean people. The subjects were 38 hospitalized patients, 21 rural residents, 56 housewives, 16 researchers and 59 nursing students. Data were collected from September 4 to October 24, 1991 by interview or self-report questionnaires. The measurement tool was the graphic rating scale of relaxation levels. The data analysis was done by percent, ANOVA and Scheffe test using the SAS program. The results of study arc summerized as follows; 1. The relaxation level of Koreans was significantly different for the five relaxation imaginations (F=5.95, P=0.0001). Relaxation level of 'after bathing imagination' was 6.90, 'in bed imagination' was 6.55, 'in the mountain imagination' was 6.01. 'snow and fireplace imagination' was 5.84 and 'at the seashore imagination' was 5.80. As a result of the Scheffe test, 'after bathing imagination' was found to show a higher relaxation level than 'at the seashore imagination" 'in the mountain imagination' and 'snow and fireplace imagination(P<.05). 2. The relaxation levels of the Koreans were not different for the five groups(F=1.26, P=0.29). 3. There were no differences in the relaxation level of the koreans according to sex, age, place of residence, place of residence during childhood, mari-' tal status, religion or educational status. In conclusion, Korean people prefer the 'relaxation imagination of after bathing' to western style relaxation imagination of 'at the seashore imagination' and 'snow and fireplace imagination'.

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A Study on the Development of a Computerized Standardized Nursing Care Plan
Cho Ja Kim, Ji Soo Yoo, Jee Won Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):42-55.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Computerization has been applied in most areas of health care in recent years. But computerized standardized nursing care plans have not yet been adequately developed even though they can significantly contribute to an improvement in the quality of nursing care. Therefore, this study was done to develop computerized nursing care plans. For this purpose, the study had the following objectives: 1) to develop a computerized program for standardized nursing care plans which include defining characteristics, relating factors, expected outcomes and nursing interventions 2) to test applicability of the computerized programs to the actual clinical situation of the clinical nurse. Application of the system development life cycle by davis was used as the study methodology. There are five stages in this method; strategy planning development, system analysis, system design, system practice and system evaluation. The first four steps in this methodology were used in this project. Two clinical nurses were selected to apply this computerized program in the clinical situation. The results of the study are as follows; 1) Ten standardized nursing care plans including defining characteristics, relating factors, expected outcomes and nursing interventions which had been proven to have validity in the clinical setting were computerized using the Foxbase Program. 2) These programs were applied to the actual clinical situation by two clinical nurses working at Severance Hospital. For further study, continuous revision should be done by the users. Evaluation related to the utilization of the program should also be done.

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Comparison of the circumference, skinfold thickness and leg strength of normal limb with those of casted limb following removal of leg cast
Myoung Ae Choe, Mi Jeong Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):56-67.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to compare the circumference and skinfold thickness of upper and lower limb and the leg strength of the casted limb with those of the normal limb after removal of a leg cast. The subjects for the study were orthopedic patients who had had long and short leg casts or splints due to tibial, fibulal, metatarsal, calcaneus fracture or ankle sprains. The subjects were divided into two groups, those who had the cast on for less than 40 days and those for over 41 days. Circumference and skinfold thickness of the upper and lower limb on the side on which the cast was applied were compared with those of the contralateral side after removal of the cast. Circumference and skinfold thickness of the upper and lower limb, and leg strength for those in a cast for under 40 days were compared with those of over 41 days for both the side to which cast was applied and the contralateral side. Measurements were made after removal of the cast. Skinfold thickness was measured by fat cali-per, circumference was measured by tape and lower extremity strength was determined with flat foot pressing on an electronic digital health meter in the sitting position. The results can be summarized as follows; 1. The circumference of the upper and lower leg on the side on which the cast was applied, when measured after the cast was removed, were significantly less than those of the normal side, 93.88%, 93.11% each. 2. Skinfold thickness of the quadriceps and gastrocnemius on the side on which the cast was applied were significantly less than those of the normal side when measured after removal of the cast, 85.98%, 82.85% respectively. 3. Leg strength on the side where the cast was applied was significantly lss than that on the normal side, 60.20%. 4. There was no difference in the circumference of upper and lower limbs, skinfold thickness or leg strength on the side where the cast was applied between the group which had the cast applied for under 40 days and the group that had it applied for over 41 days. 5. The circumference of the upper arm and lower leg on the normal side for the group that had the cast applied for over 41 days was significantly greater than the group that had the cast application for under 40 days. There was no difference between the two groups in the circumference of the forearm and upper leg, skinfold thickness and leg strength in the normal side, from these results, it may be concluded that muscle atrophy was apparent in the casted limb compared to the normal limb, and the circumference of the upper arm and lower leg, and leg strength on the normal side increased after removal of the cast in the group which had the cast on for more than 41 days.

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Development of a Nursing Fee Schedule Model
So Young Cho, Jung Ho Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):68-89.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was conducted to develop a model of a fee schedule for nursing services. Regardless of the demand for skilled and professional nursing service today, the Korean health insurance system does not furnish a chapter tor the nursing service fee schedule. A nation-wide survey of hospital nursing service fee schedules was to provide practical and realistic data about how the variety of nursing services are being charged. From September 1990 to April 1991, data from the fee schedule used by twenty hospitals located in eight large cities which are designated large medical regions in the Korea Health Care and Patient Referral System were collected. Nursing services and the fees charged for them were analyzed. The nursing services were subjected to a secondary analysis with referrence to reports on "nursing services to be charged in Korea". The total mumber of nursing services recommended by the literatures was 177; finally 141 types of nursing services were selected by investigator as chargable nursing services. In addition, data on managerial characteristics of the hospitals were collected to discover influential variables for a nursing fee schedule model. Under the assumption that all the managerial characteristics of the hospitals influenced the fee schedule, the following model was tested: Fee of nursing services(C)=f(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) When, A1=number of nurses A2=the first salary of a nurse educated in a four year A3=scale of nursing management division A4= location of the hospital A5=the type of hospital management (profit/non-profit) A6=number of hospital beds A7=years of hospital operation A8=number and kinds of clinical divisions The results showed that the model should be built as follows: C=f (A1. A4. A5) Each nursing service was applied to the fee schedule with consideration for the professional level and time-taken to provide the services. Detailed fee schedules were presented in the related tables. Of the 141 kinds of nursing services, 24.8% were chargeble to the Korea Health Insurance, 32.6% of the nursing services were being paid directly by the patienty. The rest of nursing services(42.6%) were not being charged to any source. It was recornmened that the Korea Health Insurance Reimbursement system should add a classification system for nursing services that can be used in the national health care program. Further study is needed about how to include 32.6% of the nursing services now being paid for directly by the patients in the health insurance system.

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A Study on Self-concept and Frustration of Siblings of Mentally Retarded Children
Eun Soon Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):90-106.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study attempted to analyze the psychological impact of mentally retarded children on their normal siblings in the family. The data were collected from siblings of 130 mentally retarded children using a questionnaire with a semantic differential scale. ANOVA and simple correlation coefficient tests were employed to examine the relationship between the siblings' self-concept and psychological frustration. The major results of the study are as following. 1. Female siblings showed a lower degree of self-concept than male siblings. 2. No significant relationship was found between self-concept and frustration stimuli. 3. Parent related frustration stimuli was no significantly different in sex, age, siblings, religion, and retardation level of mentally retarded children. 4. Siblings related frustration stimuli was significantly related to only one item in sex. 5. Their peers related frustration stimuli while sex as well as religion was significantly related to only one item.

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The Effect of the Range of Motion Exercise on Powerlessness and Life Satisfaction in the Elderly
Jae Shin Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):107-117.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was a clinical Quasi-experiment to examine the effects of the range of motion exercise on powerlessness and life satisfaction among the E-Institutionalized elderly in Pusan. The purpose was to test the effect of the range of motion exercises on powerlessness and life satisfaction, and to examine the correlation between powerlessness and life satisfaction. The subjects for this study were 54 elderly people, both were over 60 and residing at E-Institution in Pusan. The research samples of 54 elderly were divided into an experimental and control group by matching randomized assignment. The instruments for this study were the Assessment Tool of Powerlessness in the elderly developed by Miller, Life satisfaction developed by Yoon Jin, and the Active-Passive Range of Motion Exercise Program which was developed and utilized by Shin, Jae-Shin. The data were collected from December 15, 1990 to November 1991. The paired t-test, t-test and ANCOVA were used to test hypothesis I and II. related to the Effect of the Range of Motion Exercises to powerlessness and life satisfaction. To identify the relationship of the range of motion exercises to powerlessness and life satisfaction, path analysis was done through multiple regression. The interrelationship of the variables was analyzed using t-test paired t-test. The results of the three hypothesis can be summarized as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1 -the experimental group which participated in the Range of Motion Exercise gets lower powerlessness score than that of the control group-was accepted by t-test (t=-3.40, p=.001) but not accepted by ANCOVA (F=.1, p=.96). 2. Hypothesis II -the experimental group which participated in the Range of Motion Exercise gets a higher Life Satisfaction Score than that of the control group-waa not supported by t-test(t=1.01, p=.316) but was accepted by ANCOVA (F=4.39. p=.006). 3. Hypothesis ?-if the powerlessness Score becomes higher, the Life Satisfaction Score will become lower- was accepted by Pearson Correlation Coefficient (pre exercise: r=-.34, p;=.006), (post exercise: r=-.06, p=.32): The relationship between the score of powerlessness and life satisfaction was negatively correlated. The results obtained clearly showed that the ef fects of the range of motion exercises on powerlessness and life satisfaction are beneficial to the elderly. The relation between the scores of powerlessness and life satisfaction was negatively correlated and the range of motion exercise had a direct influence to powerlessness. Therefore, it is concluded that the relationship between powerlessness and life satisfaction was not a causal one. Also it is concluded that the range of motion exercises can be applied as a nursing intervention to reduce powerlessness and to improve life satisfaction in the elderly.

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A Literature Review for Approach of Oriental Nursing
Hyun Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):118-129.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In order to approach the nursing care of clients who are using oriental medicine and to understand the perception of the client who uses oriental medicine practices and the need to develop a model of nursing related to oriental medicine it is important to examine the major nursing concepts as they are found in oriental medicine and as they are differently defined according to the basic thought, theory and philosophical perspectives between East and West. Oriental medicine developed based on Sung Confucianism; the teachings of Chu-tzu, especially Tai-Chi-Tu Shuo and energy thought which are similar to traditional Korean Sasang Constitutional medicine. The basic theory on which oriental medicine is build is the theory of the five elements of Yin/Eum-Yang Theory (cosmic dual forces) and Meridian Theory. The most important attribute of Yin Yang is the concept of duality, confrontation and dependence, within Yin Yang but which do not exist separately. That is, the universe is a vast, indivisible entity within which all things exist in harmonious interdependence and balance. Harmony is achieved only when the two primorial forces, Yin and Yang, are brought into perfect balance. Each is contained within the other and there is a continuing interchange between the two. This also applies to the human body including human health which is defined as balanced harmony. The most universal connection of Yin and Yang is found in the universe where the five elements of life, fire, water, earth, wood and metal can be explained as having either Yin or Yang and thererfore being in a state of connectedness but systematically circulating between the two, that is essentalilly one (the control of the unified) or as co-existant poles of individual wholes (the pluralism of Yin Yang Theory) so that it is all unified (balanced) in the Great Absoulte. Human beings also maintain a balance of Yin and Yang in the five elements and this relationship is very important in. approaching oriental medicine. The meridians are the channels in the body through which the life force flow throughout the body. In oriental medicine the meridians are seen as the railroad, the acupuncture points on the meridians as the stations and energy as the train. In the normal healthy organism, all are maintained in balance and in a contiuous circulation of energy. Illness is the result of the enrgy flow becoming disarranged. Although practitioners of oriental medicine approach the client differently than do practitioners of Western medicine and their method of examining the patient is different, the basic objectives of the examination are the same for practitioners of both types of medicine. Therefore if each could be used to supplement the deficncies in the other and achieve a harmonious cooperation between the two, a higher level of care which is culturally appropriate to korean culture could be achieved. The traditional korean concept of health is a naturalistic view which emphasizes being in harmony with nature. Any manifestation of disease is considered a sign that the body is in a state of disequilibrium and is thus no longer in harmony with the universe. The wholistic view of the world held by practitioners of oriental medicine can be used by nursing in the development of a world view of nursing in which the human being is seen within the macrocosm as part of the natural phenomenon of the universe and but also as a microcosm of the universe, a universe which is a vast and indivisible entity within which all things exist in harmonious interdependence and balance. Interaction between human beings and their environment and the relationship of this interaction to health are concepts that are also found in nursing. Nursing views human beings, not as an accumulation of separate cells and organs but, as unified wholes interacted in very close relationship with their environment. Nursing also maintains a view of human beings in which emphasis is placed on the role of the mind in explaining the concepts of harmony and balance in health. Although there are differences between oriental medicine and nursing in approaches to clients, the basic point of view and philosophy have many fundamental similarites. An understanding of the basic thought and philosophy of oriental medicine if applied to nursing, would allow for the development, not only of nursing related to oriental medicine, but of a nursing theory appropriate to the korean context.

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Analysis of Variables Influenced on the Patterns of Antipsychotics Medication by Schizophrenic Out-patients: Using the Technique of Two Group Discriminant Function Analysis
Tae Kyung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):130-141.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to find out variables influenced on the medication patterns(voluntary medication, involuntary medication) of antipsychotics taken by schizophrenic outpatients. Purposes of this study were to be identified that there was the significant difference between the group of voluntary medication and involuntary, and that which variables had infuence on outpsychotics medication. The sample consisted of 30 patients takeing their pills voluntary (voluntary medication group), and 15 patients involuntary(involuntary medication group) at a psychiatry hospital and a psychiatric unit of a The findings of the study are as follows; university hospital in Daegu. Data were collected from September to October, 1991 through interview using questionare about antipsychotics medication. Data were analyzed by :he technique of two group discriminant function analysis using SPSS pc+ 1) Discriminant function discriminating between voluntary medication and involuntary medication was significant at the level of 10% significance (sig.=.055, p<.10) Hit ratio was very high(91.1%) 2) One of General variables, SEX, was significant of discriminating between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 3) One of Family Environmental Variables, BROTH(a number of brother), were significant between two medication patterns. (p<.l0) 4) One of Therapeutic Environmental Variables, FAMHX, was significant between two medication patterns at the level of 10% significance. 5) One of Variables Related to Drug and Medication, NECESS, was significant between two medication patterns. (p<.05) 6) Variables Related to Disease was not significant between two medication patterns.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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