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Volume 2(1); December 1971
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Original Articles
Study of Patient Teaching in The Clincial Area
Kyu Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):3-34.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Nursing of today has as one of its objectives the solving of problems related to human needs arising from the demands of a rapidly changing society. This nursing objective, I bilieve, can be attained by the appropriate application of scientific principles in the giving of comprehensive nursing care. Compre- hensive nursing care may be defined as nursing care which meets all of the patient's needs. the needs of patients atr said to fall into five broad categoried: physical needs, psychological needs, environmental needs, socio-economic needs, and teaching needs. Most people who become ill have adjustment problems related to their new situation. Because patient teaching is on of the most important functions of professional nursing, the success of this teaching may be used as a gauge for evaluating comprehensive nursing care. This represents a challenge for the future. A questionnaire consisting of 67 items was distributed to 200 professional nurses working in direct patient care at Yonsei University Medical Center in Seoul, Korea. 160(80.0%) nurses of the total sample returned completed questionnaires 81(50.6%) nurses were graduates of 3 year diploma courses 79(49.4%) nurses were graduateds of 4 year collegiate nursing schools in Korea 141(88.1%) nurses had nuder 5 yeard of clinical experience in a medical center, while 19(11.9%) nurses had more than 5years of clinical experience. Three hypotheses were tested: 1. "Nurses had high levels of concept and knowledge toward patient teaching"-This was demonstrated by the use of a statistical method, the mean average. 2. "Nurses graduating from collegiage programs and diploma school programe of nursing show differences in concepts and knowledge towardpatient teaching". This was demonstrated by a statistical method, the in concepts and knowledge the results showed little difference between the two groups. 3. "Nurses having different amounts of clinical experience showed differences in concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching"-This was demonstrated by the use of the T-test. Conclusions of this study are as follow: Before attempting the explanation, of the results, the questionnaire will explained, The questionnaire contained 67 questions divided into 9 secitions. These sections were: concept, content, time, prior preparation, method, purpose, condition, evaluation, and recommendations for patient teaching. 1. The nurse's concept of patient teaching: Most of the nurses had high levels of concepts and knowledge toward patient teaching. Though nursing service was task-centered at the turn of the century, the emphasis today is put on patient-centered nursing. But we find some of the nurses(39.4%) still are task-centered. After patient teaching, only a few of the nurses(14.4%) checked this as "normal teaching." It seems therefore that patient teaching is often done unconsciously. Accordingly it would be desirable to have correct concepts and knowledge of teaching taught in schools of nursing. 2. Contents of patient teaching: Most nurses(97.5%) had good information about content of patient teaching. They teach their patients during admission abu their diseases, tests, treatments, and before discharge give nurses instruction about simple nursing care. personal hygiene, special diets, rest and sleep, elimination etc. 3. Time of patient teaching: Teaching can be accomplished even if there is no time set aside specifically for it. -a large part of the nurse's teaching can be done while she is giving nursing care. If she believes she has to wait for time free from other activities, she may miss many teaching opportunities. But generally proper time for patient teaching is in the midmorning or midafternoen since one and a half or two hours required. Nurses meet their patients in all stages sof health: often the patient is in a condition in which learning is imposible-pain, mental confusion, debilitation, loss of sensory perception, fear and anxiety-any of these conditions may preclude the posibility of successful teaching. 4. Prior preparation for patient teaching: The teaching aids, nurses use are charts(53.1%), periodicals(23.8%), and books(7.0%) Some of the respindents(28.1%) reported that they had had good preparation for the teaching which they were doing, others(27.5%) reported adequate preparation, and others(43.8%) reported that their preparation for teaching was inadequate. If nurses have advance preparation for normal teaching and are aware of their objectives in teaching patients, they can do effective teaching. 5. Method of patient teaching: The methods of individual patient teaching, the nurses in this study used, were conversation(55.6%) and individual discussion(19.2%). And the methods of group patient teaching they used were demonst- ration(42.3%) and lecture(26.2%) They should also be prepared to use pamplet and simple audio-visual aids for their teaching. 6. Purposes of patient teaching: The purposes of patient teaching is to help the patient recover completely, but the majority of the respondents(40.6%) don't know this. So it is necessary for them to understand correctly the purpose of patient teaching and nursing care. 7. Condition of patient teaching: The majority of respondents(75.0%) reported there were some troubles in teaching uncooperative patients. It would seem that the nurse's teaching would be improved if, in her preparation, she was given a better understanding of the patient and communication skills. The majority of repondents in the total group, felt teaching is their responsibility and they should teach their patient's family as well as the patient. The place for teaching is most often at the patient's bedside(95.6%) but the conference room(3.1%) is also used. It is important that privacy be provided in learning situations with involve personal matters. 8. Evaluation of patient teaching: The majority of repondents(76.3%) felt teaching is a highly syetematic and organized function requiring spccial preparation in a college or university, they have the idea that teaching is a continuous and ever-present activity of all people throughout their lives. The suggestion mentioned the most frequently for improving preparation was a course in patient teaching included in the basic nursing program. 9. Recommendations: 1) It is recommended, that in clinical nursing, patient teaching be emphasized. 2) It is recommended, that inservice education the concepts and purposes of patient teaching be renewed for all nurses. In addition to this new knowledge, methods and materials which can be applied to patient teaching should be given also. 3) It is recommended, in group patient teaching, we try to embark on team teaching.

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Sociological Evaluation for Nurses
Kyung Ja Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):35-48.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This is a research on general evaluation of the nursing profession which is a professional job, a suitable calling to women and is developing academically day by day. The author gave some questions to the patients, doctors, people, student nurses-themselves and got the folling results; (A) General concept about nursing profession A nurse is a member of a medical team who works for people's health promotion(50.8%) The reason that the nursing profession is a good one is that it is a rewarding job to care for sick patients(78.9%) The spirit is the most important factor for the nurse(84.8%) and the nursing profession is a suitable calling to women(76%) The description of nurses as "The angels in white dress" is an approprate one(44.6%) or only a beautiful expression(47.4%) (B) Nurses as actually seen by doctors and patients They work only obligatorily(47.8%)-Doctors They try to relieve the patient's physical discomforts in all sincerity(65.6%), also they try to decrease the patient's mental apperhension(56.7%) (C) Satisfaction in the nursing profession. nurses satisfaction in the nursing prosession is general(68.8%) and student nurses satisfaction in selecting nursing is fulfilled(50.9%). One reason for dissatisfaction among nurses and student nurses is people's failure to understanding the nursing profession(40.1%), One reason for satisfaction is that it is a rewarding job carning for sick patients(35%). (D) Is the nursing professional job? People think the nursing profession is a professional job like doctors or lawyers(60.2%). (E) Are they adcdemic? People think the nurses are academic(37.8%) but nurses read only intersting items in the "Journal of Korean Nurse"(67.7%). (F) Opinions about nurses' going out of the country. Doctors and nurses agree that after 1-2years' experience in this country(78.5%) and strdent nurses want to go out wher there is on oppertunity(73.1%). Student's purpose of going out is to enrich their stock of information(71.3%), doctors think, it is for training in nursing knowledge and skills(47.8%). (G) Opinions about nurse's social affairs They want nurses to be controlled(44.4%) and also think that the nurse's demonstration in the National Center was reasonable(36.3%). (H) Would you make your daughter a nurse? They favour their daughter's becoming a nurse(17.4%) because they think it is a vewarding job to care for sick patients(42.5%).

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Study on Use of Analgesics and Recovery Operation
Yoon Hee kang, Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):49-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to observe the administering of analgesice and sedatives to cases of surgery, the influence of the patients' situavional variables on the use of these drugs. and the required number of recovery days in relation to the patients' situational variables and general conditions. Fifty patients in the age range of 15 through 65 who had undergone general surgery at Seoul National University Hopital, Woo Sok University Hospital and Koryo Hospital between May and August of 1971 were chosen for this study. They were observed with regard to the frequency of pestoperative rses of analgesics and sedatives and the requied period of recovery in comparison with the situational vaiables of patients such as sex, age, marjtal status, the type and duration of anesthesia, experience of previous operation, history of cther diseases, preopcrative period of hospitalizaton; and the general conditions of patients such as sleep, stomach condition, bowel condition, urination, interest in surroundings, strength and energy, self-assistance and appetite. The study results were reviewed in a statistical method to obtain the following findings: 1. There was a significant decrease in the crequency of analgesic uses according to the number of days passed after operation. 2. The mean postoperative recovery days were 5.31 days and more than half of the patients have never used analgesics until recovery. 3. There was a significant decrease in the frequency of sedative uses according to the number of days passed after operation. 4. The rank-order correlation between the frequency of analgesic use and that of sedative use following surgery observed in relation to the number of postoperative days was a low and negative one. 5. All of the patients except one have used sedatives only once a day for the whole recovery period. 6. The longer they stayed in the hospital before surgery, the less have they used analgesics after surgery. 7. There were significant differences in use of analgesics after surgery by agegroups; the 24--44 age group used more analgesics than the 15-24 and 45-65 age groups. 8. There were no significant differences in use of analgesics after surgery by all situational variables except the number of days of hospitalization and age. 9. The longer they stayed in the hospital before surgery, the earlier have they recovered from the surgery. 10. There were no significant differences in the number of required recovery days by all situational variables except the length of preoperative hospitalization. 11. There were no significant differences in the number of required postoperative recorvery days by the general conditions of patients.

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Survey on Menstruation of Middle & High School Girls in an Urban Area
Myoung Yup Kim, Hyun Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):63-72.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The conclusions were obtained from the detailed survey of 1,285 students experiencing menstruation, who were chosen among 1,717 students in middle & high school girls in Seoul. The survey was conducted during July 20-July 24, 1971. 1. Age of Menarche An average age of menarche was 13.3+-1.07. The earlist age of menarche was 9 and the leates age 18. Ages of menarche were between 12 and 14 in 84.3 percent of the students surveyed. a. By present age distribution, the aged students were lower than younger students in the average age of menarche. b. By father's educational levels, among the students whose fathers were graduated from high schools, college & over the earlist average age of menarche was found with 13.2, and among the students whose fathers were graduated from primary schools that was latest with 13.6. c. By fater's occupations, among the students whose fathers engaged in "workers not classifiable" the earlist age of menarche was found with 12.5+-0.27, among the students whose fathers were in "service business" the second was 12.9+-1.07, and among the students whose fathers were in "miners, quarrymen and related workers" that was latest with 13.8+-1.14. d. By economic status, among the students of "wealthy" families the age of menarche was 13.1+- 0.25, the among the students of "ordinary" families the age of menarche 13.3+-1.06, and the among the students of "poor" families that was 13.8+-0.31. e. By home dicipline, among the students being treated "rigid" the age of menarche was 13.5+- 1.13, among the students being treated "moderate" the age of menarche was 13.3+-0.22, and those being treated "indifferent" that was 13.0+-0.26. f. By students physical condition, among the students of "good" condition the average of menarche was 13.3+-0.16, and among the students "poor" that was 13.5+-0.31. 2. Menstruation a. Por the six months after the average of menarche 39.0 percent of the students had normat menstruations, and 61.3 percent of them had abnormal ones. Of the students with abnormal menstruation 21.7 percent had abnomal menstruaion from time to time, 25.4 percent had no menstruation for one month to three months, 7.2 percent had menstruation for four to six months and 6.7 per cent had no menstruation for more than six months. Most students became to have normal menstruations a few months later the age of menarche. b. At the time interviewed, the percentile of cycle of menstruation as follwing: 23 days types: 46.8 percent 30 days types: 40.6 percent others : 12.6 percent The average cycle of menstruation was every 28.9 days. c. The average duration of menstrution in 4.69 days. d. The subjective symptoms during menstruaton period: Out of the total 89.7 per cent had some pains, while 10.3 percent had no symptom. Among the wymptoms, abdominal pain occupied 29.9 percent, neurotic symptoms 19.0 percent and lumbago 15.1 percent. e. By attitude or Action at first physical change, "Treated it by own experience" :36.0 percent "Didn't know what to do because of ignorance" :20.1 percent "Asked others about it" :43.0 percent.

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Epidemiological Study of the Communicable Disease in Kang Won Area
Sung Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):73-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

A epidemiological study was condueted by autlor on 925 official reported patients with first grade legal communicable disease during the period from January 1969 to December 1970 in all area of Kangwon province. As the results of this study, the following conclusion were obtained. A) Typhoid fever 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, typhoid fever showed the highest rate as 50.7 persent. 2. Age group from 10 to 14 years old showed the highest rates 3. High epidemic period was from june to September. 4. As for the occupatlonal distrlbution, unemployee slrowed the lriglrest late as 63.2 persent, followed by 21.1 persent in farmer and 9.4 persent in student. 5. Most of all patients(93.7%) were isolated in their own house 6. The morbidity rate was 16.0 per 100,000 population and case fatality rate was 1.76 percent 7. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curation were 11.7+-7.1 days and 25.1+-13.8 days respectively. 8. Main diagnostic method was almost the clinical examination B) Dysentery 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, dysentery showed 44.4 percent 2. Age group from 0 to 9 years old showed the highest rate 3. High epidemic period of this disease was from April to August 4. As for the occupational distribution, unemployee showed the highest rate as 73.9 persent, followed by 17.7 person in farmers and 7.0 percent in student 5. The attack rate of agricultural area was higher than of fiching area 6. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 10.4+-4.3 days and 15.7+-8.8 days respectively. 7. The morbidity rate and case fatality rate were 21.8 per 100,000 population and 1.45 percent, respectively. 8. Most of all patients were isolated in own house 9. Most of all patients(97.6%) were diagnosed by the clinical examination C) Diphtheria 1. As for the age distribution, 0-4 years old group showed the highest rate as 44.4 percent, followed by 27.7 percent in 5-9 years old group and 22.2 percent in 10-14 years old group 2. Epidemic season was almost in autum, winter and spring 3. The morbidity rate was 0.96 per 100.000 population and case fatality rate was high as 26.6 percent 4. 66.6 percent of this disease was isolated in their own house and others were admittend in hospital D) Paratyphold Fever 1. Most of all patients were attacked below 20 years old 2. Epidemic season was almost was almost in late summer 3. The morbidity rate was 0.53 per 100.000 population 4. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 18.3+-1.3 day and 13.7+-0.2 day respectively.

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Study on Industrial Fatigue of Working Girls in a Spinning and Weaving Industry
Kwang Ja Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):87-96.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This Study was undertaken to evaluate the present health status and fatigue of the wekers in T. Industrial Company in Puasn in Jan 1971. The results were based on a questionare from 354 working girls. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The largest portion for the workers, 20.2% of the questioned employees, were observed to be at age 20. 2. Regarding their formal education, 76.0% of them had completed middle school. while only 7.1% had graduated from high school. 3. 63.0% receive 7-8 hrs. of sleep a day while 18.4% receive 5-6 hrs. of sleep a day. 4. 36.4% spend leisure time reading: while 15.5% spend it resting and thinking. 5. 53.8% of them live in the company's domitory and 31.6% live at home. 6. Time spent in travel to work 32.8% spent 40-49 min, 23.6% spent 10-29 min. 7. The shift times were reported as 44.1% wonking from 8 A.M. to4 P.M. and 33.9% working from 6 .A.M. to 2. P.M. which is what they are doing now. 8. Regarding symptoms of fatigue: 1) Physical symptoms were: 48.3% complained of "feeling heavy in the legs,", and 39.3% com- plained of "general exhaustion." 2) Psychological symptoms were: 37.6% said that "it is boring to talk" and 26.3% said" they had a desire to be alone". 9. When asked about the most fatiguing time during work, the following information was reported: 25.2% felt the first hour in the mornig was most fatiguing while 22.9% felt the sixth hour in the evening, and 22.8% eelt the fifth hour at night was. 10. 38.4% complained of sleepiness at 3 A.M. and 35.0% at 4 A.M. during night work. 11. 38.1% found Sunday the most fatiguing work day and 20.% found Monday. 12. The results of the effects of their work on certain diseases: 51.1% showed those with anemia as most effected by work. 13. In their Response to the question, "do you eat breakfast?" 57.0%, the largest portion, answered," none at all 36.3%, enough. 14. Regarding the accident rate relating to the length of time employed at the company 28.5% was the highest accident rate from 5year to 6 year. As a result of this study, it could be concluses that the employer should consider the following points: 1. employ according to the woker's vocational aptitude. 2. adjust the shifts. 3. offer rest time and off days, and establish recreational facilities. In the end we can contribute to the promtion of the health of the workers and to the prevention of accidents due to industrial fatigue.

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Effects of Preoperative Psychological Care on Postoperative Recovery: An Exploratory Experiment
Cho Ja Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):97-114.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the preoperative anriety of surgical patients and to observe the effects of an experimental nursing process on the incidence of vomiting, the number of analgesice used and the voiding ability of surgical patients within a 48 hour postoperative period and also the number of postoperative days in the hospital. This study was based on a sample of 51 patients who were schoduled for abdominal surgery. They were assigned alternately to experimental and control groups. Patients assigned to the-experimental group were given nursing care by the writer, using an experimental mursing process. This is a process directed toward helping the patient obtain a suitable psychological state for surgery. This process was performed by use of the following steps: 1. The nurse approached the patient with interest and concern, and observed the patient's behavior to deternine the presence of anxiety. 2. The nurse explored further to find out what was causing the anxiety and what was peeded too relieve it. 3. The nurse listened carefully to the patient. 4. Teh nurse gave an opportunity for expression of individuality. 5. The nurse showed friendliness and reassured the patient. 6. The nurse gave instruction about deep beating, turing and coughing and gave an explanation of routine preoperative preparation which decreased the unknown and so decreased the patient's anxiety. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The investigation of preoperative anxiety through observing and ineerviewing rewealed patients were qoncerned about the following: a. Length of stay in the hospotal 69.7%(31 cases) b. Condition unimproved or worse 58.8%(30 cases) c. Postoperative pain and discomfort 56.8%(29 cases) 2. The resalts of the study regarding the four hypothesis were as follows: a. Preoperative psychological care did not reduce the number of analysics needed during the 48 hour period following surgery. b. Preoperative psycholegical care did not reduce the Postoperative incidence of vomiting c. Preoperative psychological care had noinfluence on voiding ability following surgery. d. Preoperative psychological care significantly reduced the number of postoperative days in the hospital. The experimental nursing process proved to be successful in decreasing the length of postoperative hospitalization(improving rate of healing). This study has demonstrated further that the relief of anxiety (emotional distress) is part of the nurses' professional role. In order to be sure psychological care is given it is important to make a nursing care plan which includes a plan for the psychological care needed by the patient. As this care is given it can be checked off by each nurse just as medication and treatments are checked after they are given.

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Study on Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children in Korea
Cho Kang Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):115-130.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

As the result of a survey conducted by the auther on the status of the 12 eduxatienal institutiens for menatlly retarded children in Korea and their quartering facilities as well as on 934 children accommod- ated in such institutions, the following conclusion has been reached: 1) More than a half (approximately 58 percent)of the facilities for mentally retarded children are con- centrated in Seoul. About eaighty-three percent of these superintendednts. Although theses facilities were first established as many as 22 years ago, it has been only five or six years since education was actu- ally started for mentally retarted children. 2) Out of a total of 179 employes, teachers number 99, there by constituting approximately 57.6 per cent. Out of them, however, only 32 teachers or 2.8 percent have special teachers licenses. Thus, each teachers has to take care of an average of 29 children. This is excessive a number of children per tea- secure more teachers for this field. 3) Out of the mantally retarded children investigated 57.6 percent suffer from physical disorder in addition to mental retardation, 53.0 percent from mental alienation illnesses besides retardation, and 25 pent from physical, mental disorders in addition to ratardation. It is therefore necessary to maintain medical and nursing facilities together with educational facilities. however, two places have no medical facilities at all, and four other places, without medical personnel, have to receive medical support from nearby hospitals or clinics. 4) The total number of children in the surveyed facilities is 934, who can be broken down into 58.7 percent boys and 41.3 percent for girls. They are classified into 12.5 percent for idiot, 37.7 percent for imbeiles, 32.7 percent for morons, and 17.3 percent for thoes children on borderline. Their average age is 13.9 years. 5) As the result of education, the illiteracy rate of mentilly retarded childern has decreased from 78.1 percent to 32.1 percent while the percentage of those taking the primary school course has increased from 12.2 per cent to 33.5 percent. As a result, it has been learned that education is definitely nece- ssary for Retarded children though it may be a difficult task. 6) The children who have mentally retarded children among their brothers or sisters constitute 6.3 pet- cent of the total number. The corresponding rate for boys is 3.5 percent while that for girls is a rem- arkably higher rate 10.6 percent. Through studies on the causes of their mental retardation, it has been learned that 39.6 percent of them is of the inherent type and 35.3 percent is of the environme- ntal type. Control and improvement of health of mothers and children, early diagnosis and early trea- tment are believed to be very important because they could prevent or alleviat much of these conditions. 7) The average age of teachers and employes is 35.3 years, an indication that a great proportion of them is experienced in a way or another as their major difficulty or problems in serving with these special school, 22.5 percent cited inadequate payment 24.5 gave the inadequate public understanding, and 22.5 percent pointed out the lack of understanding on the part of give parents.

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Review of Prenatal care on Clinical and Statistical Observation
Young Sook Yoon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):131-140.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Among a total of 1,410 women who were taken in th the Ilshin Maternity Hospital in Pusan for child-bearing from January 1 to May 31, 1970. review and observation were made on 653 mothers and 661 babies delivered (including twin) who had received prental care, and on 757 mothers and 775 babies delivered(including twin) who had not received prental care. The results are: 1. Out of 1,410 women 653 received prental care, The number is 46.4% 2. Most of them are between 25 and 29 years of age, and it shows the highest percentage. 3. Twenty five % of them visited the hospital care for the first time in the tenth month of pregnancy It was the highets percentage. 4. Those who visited the clinic only once for prental care during the pregnancy were 25.7%, the highest precentage. 5. Those who got prental care among primiparae were 43.7%, and among multiparae were 48.5% The- rates are similar to each other. 6. Maturity rate of the babies delivered after receiving prematal care: mature-91%, Immature-1% and premature-8%. 7. It was found that among primiparae were the higher frequency of prematurity. 8. Among babies delivered by mothers after receving prental care, 8.1% were premature, while 16.1% of babies delivered by those who hadn't received the care were premature. 9. Mothers between 25 and 29 years of age brought birth to premature babies most. 10. Frequeney of prematurity based on the times of prental care received was: ocne or twice-8.7% 3 or 4 time-8.9%, 5 or tines-10.3%, 7 or 8 times-4.5%, 11 or 12 times-2.7%, 13 or 14 times-3.8%. 11. Perinatal death rate shows 2.9% among the mothers received prenatal care, and 7.3% among those without prental care. 12. Average weight of a baby boy was 3,114 gm, and that of a baby girl was 3,021gm. 13. Obstetric complication rate was 63.2% in the babies delivered by mothers with prenatal care, and 85.6% in those delivered by mothers without prental care.

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Study on the Aseptic Care during Labor and Delivery, and their Effects to Puerperal Morbidity
Kyung Hye Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):141-158.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The puerperal infection is one of the major causes of maternal death, and although it is preventable throuht an effective prenatal as well as postnatal care its morbidity is increasing due to bacterial resistant to an effective antibiotics. The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the puerperal morbidity of 949 parturients who were admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynecologic deparment of Ewha Womans University Hospital from January 1971to Septenber 1971. Among the 949 parturients, especially 40 normal parturients were selected(20, control goup was glven complete aseptic care during laber and delivery and post delivery; 20, compare group was given the ordinary care practiced during labor and delivery and maternal ward of Ewha Whmans University Hospital) for bacteriologic test on vaginal flora twivce, on admission and on complete cervical dilatation of each parturient. The results obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Majority of parturients' age were 21 to 35 years old(90.83%), and educational level of 949 parturients was above high school. A large number of parturients' socieconomic level (according to their husbands' job) were moderate. 2. Among the 949 parturients, multipara(55.9%) were a little more than primipara(44.1%) and 38.84% of parturients had experienced abortion. 3. In deliverty types, normal deliveries(804 cases) were more than cesaeran section deliveries(145 cases) The puerperal morbidity after normal deliveries was 0.5%, and cesarean section deliveries, 23.45%. 4. Among 949 parturients incidence of hemorrhage cases (500cc or more bleeding) showed the higher puerperal morbidity (24.86%) than other cases (bleeding less than 500cc, 7.83%). 5. The majority of parturients(81.03%) had been taking antenatal care, but most of them were taken irregular antenatal care. On the other hand, on admission, the parturients with complication were 30.32%, and their puerperal morbidity showed much higher(7.02%) than those with no complica- tion(2.71%). 6. The incidence of puerperal morbidity in premature ruptured menbrane was higher(10.91%) than normal parturients(1.73%). 7. In the result of aseptic care during labor and delivery and post delivery, the number of cultured bacteria was less. in control group than Compare group (in control group, on admission 17, on complete cervical dilatation 12: in compare group, on admission 21 on complete cervical dilatation 21). The most common bacterias were Staphyococcus (control group 14 on admission, compare group 16 on admission), and next Streptococcus, E-Coli, Bacillus Subtilus, in order. Also in control group the number of colony were reduced (43%) more than in Compare group. Transient temperature elevation from 37degrees C to 37.4degrees C were noted in compare group(50%) than in control group(30%), and there was no one indicated above 38degrees C. In conclusin, the aseptic care is the best way of preventing puerperal infection as well as decreasing the puerperal morbidity. Therefore the most important nursing care is the asptic care for each parturent during labor and delivery and post delivery and also all the instruments must be cleaned and sterilized.

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Study on Needed Professional Knowledge and Understanding of Family Planning Workers in Kyonggi-Do, Korea.
Kwang Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):159-174.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The Family Planning Program has been intensively implemented in Korea by the national policy since 19 62. However, the desired effective results were not fully obtained by many reasons such as the shortae of qualified workers, lack of eligible women's cooperation and understanding of the importance of family planning etc.. The field family planning workers is classified into two categories along the gouernmental personnel order; the senior field worker and the assistant field worker. The former is qualified licensed nurse and the latter same as the former of a certified nurses-aid. These family planning worker's roles are somewhat in change not only in field education, distribution of contraceptions, administrating mother's class of assistant field workers but also responsible for the senior field workers such as recording, reporting and keeping statistics. Therefor, the desired success of family planning programming in Korea depends on family planning worker's professional abilities and activities in the field. In aiming to study on professional knowledge of the above two kinds of family planning workers, the following results were obtained through a field survey with questionnairs done as of October, 1970 in Kyonggi-Do. 1. Working term of the family planning workers in average were less than two years. The younget the assistant Field workers were, the earlier they left job. 2. The assistant field workers selected their job in order to the superficial rather than implernenting job itself. 3. Most of the workers either in the health center or in the Up-Myun had a better understanding concern- ing with their job; contraceptive methcds, maintenance of equipment and drug keeping, and other admini- strative procedures, etc.. 4. They had relatively better understanding and sufficient knowledge about contraception itself appli- cation of it's methods and side effects in detail too, but less knowledges for the care after. 5. It was hard to Find out any differences in administrative knowledge and demographic understanding. 6. It is fully agreed upon that the lenger the worker have experienced with the program, the more skilful she applied. 7. The worker who had training whether pre-service or inservice are working more effectively than the untrained. 8. The fundamental demographic knowledge is recommended to obtain for the workers in Kyonggi-Do.

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Literary Review of Therapeutic Activity of Psychiatric Patients
So Woo Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):175-188.   Published online April 3, 2017
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More and more emphasis is put on moral treatment in the care of psychiatric patients. Methods emp- loyed for meral treatment make use of therapeutic activity for the mentally ill patient. In some psychi- atric hospitals all of the thrapeutic activities are categorized as occupational therapy, while in others these activities are departmentally categorized recreational, musical, occupational and bibliotherapy. All of these constitute separate departmental therapise. By research, it is known at this time, that the above activities have been of great help in personality integration, reeducation and early recovery of patients, as well as in their sccial adjustment after discharge. The goal of these therapeutic activities incorporate the goals set by healthier interpersonal relationship and psychotherapy. But the therapeutic activities require a prolonged time of therapy for effectivness, economic support. special trained personnel, careful planning, guidance and proper evaluation. Therefore this treatment is a very complicated one. But it may be the most profitable therpy for certain patients. One true fact about this treament is, that simple recreation, occupation, music, reading, etc.. make the patients life in the ward more interesting and have a good effect on the interpersonal relationship between patients. Thus it has been proved that this kind of treatment demands the active and full participation of the personnel and the full support of the hospital administration.

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Sudies on the Psychological Nursing care of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
Eun Soon Cheung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):189-200.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Auther Studied on a few as Pects of cliaial psychology of 274 patients with chronic pulmonary tuberculosis by simple questionare, who had been admitted in national Masen for a long time Feb, 1971, Hospital. The results obtained were Summerized as follows: 1. The attitude and state of understanding to their diseases were somewhat different between males and females, That is, rather scientific and intellectual in males but rather unscientific and desparing in females. 2. The attitude to their doctors and nurses were rather more discontent in males and younger age group. 3. Attitude to hospital life what was some different between males and females, that is, more agreeable and obedient to their circumstances in frmales and older age group than in males and younger age group. 4. The most anxious problem and the persons who gave best consolation during hospital life were family members in their home. 5. The home visting of the nurses seemed under whole net welcomed.

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Study of the Curriculum Development of Nursing Education in Pusan
Sun Jung Cha
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):201-216.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The survery was conducted on 16 questions for 24 propessons, 20 questions for 250 students following school such as Pusan National school of nursing, Marykneil school of nursing, Boak oum school of nursing, Chun hae school of nursing in pusan from April 17, to September15, 1971. The results of the evaluated were follows: It was found that the most of students are majoring nursing, the reasons are 1. For future home life(21%) 2. For secure job(16%) The feeling of clinical practice. 1. Expected too much(32%) 2. Unstabled(36.4%) 3. Fearful(31.6%) The main problems whcih student nurses. 1. The gap between lecture and clincal practice(22%) 2. Over clinical practice(18%) 3. Unfairness of evaluation practice(66.5%) As matter of fact. it was revealed that the professor's adequate clinical supervision was mainly attributed to the professor's excess workload conisting of lectures, and other duties. Professors and they also recognized that appraisment of elinical experiences of students are often found to be gaised. In view of the findings of this study regarding the educational process and its principles of formation above, a few suggetions have been made regarding the development of the Curriculum of nursing school in Pusan.

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Experimental Study of Clinical Obstetric Nursing Education
Yun Soon Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):217-236.   Published online April 3, 2017
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INTRODUCTION: The integration of theoretical material in the classroom with clinical practice in the field is an important concept in nursing education. Nursing students at all levels need to acquire individual patient's needs, and applying creativity in the comprehensive nursing care. Problem solving and observa- tion skills are important aspects in the development of nursing skills. Nursing students during their clinical work in maternal and child health observed that the major difficulties experienced by new mothers centered around psychological and physiological changes. Breast engorgement and thorbbing breast pain were the most frequent complaints by primiparas during the postpartum phase. In order to understand the factors affecting the discomfort, and to devise appropriate nursing care, these complaints were experimented. resent study represents an attempt to ewaluate the impact of antepartal care(including breast care)on the subsequent of breast feeding difficulties. For the research purposes, hypotheses were made as follows: 1. There is a relationship between breast care and antenatal care attendance. 2. If primiparas pracitce breat care during their antenatal peried, they will have less throbbing breast pain during the postpartum phase. 3. If primiparas practice breast care during their antenatal peried, they will have less breast engorge- ment during the postpartum phase. METHOD: The researcher selected two highly specialized nurses in maternity clinical ward. They checked mother's chest circumference on the top line of breast every morning including mother's fever, caked- breast, end lymprmedes on axillae. These nurses checker] mother's breast while they staying hospital for four days. The total number of primiparas were 62 during June 5th to July 15th in 1971 at the Severance Hospital. For 40 days among 62 members of new mothers, 28 of them had breast care during antenatal period. Rest of them did not have breast care during antenatal period. RESULT: The result of this research revealed that the first hypothesis was accepted that the group which had breast care during antenatal period, had positive relationship with antenatal care. If the mothers were more educated, the more anticipated to antenatal care including breast care. For the second hypothesis, on the delivery day, there was no change on breast between two groups, On the first day of delivery, there were breast throbbing pains to the group who did not receive breast tare, than the group who received the breast care. Therefore, second hypothesis was also accepted. For the third hypothesis, there was no breast engorgement difference between two groups for the entire period. The third hypothesis was rejected.

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Experimental study on Methods of Fever Control Effects of ice-pack application on different body areas?
Young Ja Han
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):237-246.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to observe the effects of ice-pack application on different body areas and to note which body area produces the best results according to age, room temperature, sex and disease. Seventeen patients, including six men and eleven women, hospitalized at Seoul National University Hospital from May 22 to August 29, 1971, ranging in age from 15 through 60 years with an oral temperature of 38degrees C or over, were chosen for this study, They were observed with regard to the effect of the iee-riaclcs aftnr applications for 30, 45 or GO minutes. Four ice- packs, 7.6inch by 9 inch, were applied on the chest and the abdominal surface in the control group and the same size and number of packs on the axillary and popliteal regions in the experimental group. The study results were reviewed in a statistical method to obtain the following findings 1. There was no significant difference in the change of the body temperature between the control group and the experimental group after applying the packs for 30, 45 or 60 minutes. 2. Individually, there was a significant difference in the change of body temperature between before and after application for 30, 45 or 60 minutes. 3. The difference of room temperature also had no marlel influence on the body temperature taken immediately before applying the ice-packs. Even when ice-packs were applied for 30, 45 or 60- minutes, the room temperature did not influence the reduction of temperature in the patient. 4. There was a significant difference in the change of the body temperature, according to the sex, after application for 30, 45 or 60 minutes. Male patient's body temperature decreased far more noticeably than the female patients and the degree of reduction became more pronounced the longer the packs were applied. 5. In regard to age, in adults, the degree of reduction in the dody temperature by the application of Ice-packs was similar after applying them for 30, 45 or 60 minutes and did not depend upon the length of application. 6. Regardless of the disease, there was no great difference in the reduction of body temperature when the ice-packs were applied for 30 or 45 minutes, except for patients with typhoid fever when a striking decrease in the fever resulted after a 60 minute application of the ice-pack.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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