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Original Article
Study on Industrial Fatigue of Working Girls in a Spinning and Weaving Industry
Kwang Ja Kim
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):87-96.
Published online: April 3, 2017

Copyright © 1971 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • This Study was undertaken to evaluate the present health status and fatigue of the wekers in T. Industrial Company in Puasn in Jan 1971. The results were based on a questionare from 354 working girls. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The largest portion for the workers, 20.2% of the questioned employees, were observed to be at age 20. 2. Regarding their formal education, 76.0% of them had completed middle school. while only 7.1% had graduated from high school. 3. 63.0% receive 7-8 hrs. of sleep a day while 18.4% receive 5-6 hrs. of sleep a day. 4. 36.4% spend leisure time reading: while 15.5% spend it resting and thinking. 5. 53.8% of them live in the company's domitory and 31.6% live at home. 6. Time spent in travel to work 32.8% spent 40-49 min, 23.6% spent 10-29 min. 7. The shift times were reported as 44.1% wonking from 8 A.M. to4 P.M. and 33.9% working from 6 .A.M. to 2. P.M. which is what they are doing now. 8. Regarding symptoms of fatigue: 1) Physical symptoms were: 48.3% complained of "feeling heavy in the legs,", and 39.3% com- plained of "general exhaustion." 2) Psychological symptoms were: 37.6% said that "it is boring to talk" and 26.3% said" they had a desire to be alone". 9. When asked about the most fatiguing time during work, the following information was reported: 25.2% felt the first hour in the mornig was most fatiguing while 22.9% felt the sixth hour in the evening, and 22.8% eelt the fifth hour at night was. 10. 38.4% complained of sleepiness at 3 A.M. and 35.0% at 4 A.M. during night work. 11. 38.1% found Sunday the most fatiguing work day and 20.% found Monday. 12. The results of the effects of their work on certain diseases: 51.1% showed those with anemia as most effected by work. 13. In their Response to the question, "do you eat breakfast?" 57.0%, the largest portion, answered," none at all 36.3%, enough. 14. Regarding the accident rate relating to the length of time employed at the company 28.5% was the highest accident rate from 5year to 6 year. As a result of this study, it could be concluses that the employer should consider the following points: 1. employ according to the woker's vocational aptitude. 2. adjust the shifts. 3. offer rest time and off days, and establish recreational facilities. In the end we can contribute to the promtion of the health of the workers and to the prevention of accidents due to industrial fatigue.

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        Study on Industrial Fatigue of Working Girls in a Spinning and Weaving Industry
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1971;2(1):87-96.   Published online April 3, 2017
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