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Volume 11(1); June 1981
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Original Articles
Report on Symposium Nursing Science as a Interdiscipline
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):1-5.   Published online January 22, 1981
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A Study on the Family Attitude toward Mental illness
Young Sook Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):7-18.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between family attitude about mental illness and their general characteristics. The subjects for this study were a sample of 120 families selected from psychiatric ward of one university hospital, which is one national hospital in Seoul. Data was collected from July 1th to August 10th in 1980 used by Opinion about Mental Illness Scale (O.M.I.). The materials were analized by S.P.S.S. program. The findings of the study were as follows: A. Families' attitude toward mental illness shown by this study was more negative compared to those of Korean nuraing professorss, nurses and nursing students. B. Variables which influence families' attitude about mental illness: 1. There is no significant between general characteristics and authoritarianism. (P> 0.05) 2. Benevolence (Factor B) was found to be significantly related to such variables as religion, eucation levels, existence of mental patient in their an intimate friends. (P < 0.01) Families' attitude about benevolence was more positive to families who have not relegion or having chrirtion beliefs; having the higher education levels; not having a mental patient in their an intimate friends. 3. Mental health ideology (Factor C) was found to be significantly related to variable experience of mental illness. (P < 0.01). Families' attitude about mental health ideology was more positive in families who had experience of mental illness. 4. Social Restrictiveness (Factor D) was found to be significantly related to variable relationship between families and patients (P < 0.01). An intimate friend's attitude about mental health Ideology was more positive than that of parent and couple. 5. Interpersonal Etiology (Factor E) was found to be significantly related to variable religion (P < 0.05). Families' attitude about interpersonal etiology was more positive in families who have relegion.

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An Experimental Study on the Occurrence of Bacteriuria according to Duration of Insertion, Frequency of Bladder Irrigation & Perineal Care, & Administration of Antibiotics in Patients with Indwelling Catheter.
Nan Young Lim, Boon Han Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):19-28.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This Study was conducted at Intensive Care-Unit of H & S Hospitals from Jan 4 to April 7, 1981 on 14male & 26female adult patients. Each patient was screened and found to have nonbacteriuria in clean catch specimen before catheterization. Clean catch apecimen through Foley catheter were obtained after 24hours, 48hours and 72hours from catheterization. The result of this study is reviewed in a statistical analysis of percentage & Chi Square test to obtain the following findings. 1) THe occurenc of bacteriuria in patients according to duration of indwelling catheter, a, 9.1% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 24hours post catheterization specimen and 60% showed 48hours post cathetreization, while 68.4% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 7 2hours post catheterization specimen. The occurence of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between duration of indwelling catheter. b, Male patients had no infection 24hours post catheteiization, 50% displayed bacteriuria 48hours post catheterization & 62.5% displayed bacteriuria 72hours post catheterization. 11.1% of female patients displayed infection 24hours post catheterization 66.7% displayed infection 48hours post catheterization and 72.7% displayed infection 72hours post catheterization. There were significant differences at 1% level between bacteriuria occurence of male & female patients and the duration of insertion. 2) 56% of those patient who have altered mental state developed bacteriuria, while 40% of those patient who have clear mental state developed bacteriuda. But there was without statistically any significant difference between patient's mental status. 3) The occurence of bacteriuria with the administration of antibiotics in 36 patients was in 50%. The occurence of bacteriuria without the administration of antibiotics in 4 patients was in 50%. But there was without statistically any significant difference between the administration of antibiotics. 4) The occuience of bacteriuria in patients according to frequency of bladder irrigation. 50% of those patient who irrigated twice a day developed bacteriuria, 63.6% of those patient who irrigated once a day developed bacteriuria. The occuience of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between frequency of bladder irrigation. 5) The occurence of bacteriuria in patients who did perineal care once a day was 58.1%, 22.6% of those patient who did perineal care twice a day developed bacteriuria. But there: was without statistically any signiticant differences between frequency of perineal care. 6) Most frequent bacteria of all bacterial strains isolated by culture of the urine was E. coli (45%). Enterococci & Staphylococcus were 15% respectively.

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A Study on Nurses Role Conflict in a Hospital University
Yoo Soon Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):29-44.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Nursing role tends to be more complex then before because of the increased number of health professionals and of the health needs of patient. Accordingly, nursing role expectations are various and sometimes conflict by its role set. There are various literatures on role conflict of nurses and discussed how to eliminate the conflict in order to improve nursing service particularly in the hospital organization. This study was designed to determine if role conflict exist among nurses who work in a hospital and if so what resolution were most frequently selected by the nurses to the role conflict. The study population was fifty six registered nurses of K university hospital. The fifty six was defined and selected by nonproportional stratified sampling method to obtain subjects who are from uniform role set. A questionnaire, a list of role conflict, stimulated by the literature review, knowledge based on several years' experience in nursing was formulated by the author and administered to the study population. The questionnaire included twenty nine closed question items of role conflict and classified according to the intra sender conflict, intersender conflict, person conclift and interperson conflict. The response choices to the questions range on a scale continuum with degrees of conflict from one to five: never - 0, seldom - 1, occasionally - 2, frequently - 3, and mostly - 4. Per cent, means, standard deviation, and x2-test were used to analyze data. The findings of the study could be summarized as follows. 1. General characterstics of the study population: Most of the population were between the age of 22-27 and are not married 2. Analysis of Role conflict Existence of Role conflict of nurses was found by the total mean conflict score, 2.06. Inter Sender Role conflict revealed the most high mean conflict score and the lowest one was inter person role conflict. Among the five role senders Of nurses: Physician, patient and his family, peer and superior, nursing students and hospital administrator, nurses showed the highest conflict mean score for physicians and the lowest score for Nursing student. 3. Analysis of role conflict resolution. Compromise through discussion with the role sender was the most frequently selected method by the respondents. The result also showed that the respondents tend to resolve the conflicting situation created by patient or his family by persuation. On the other hand, Avoidance and ignorance was frequently chosen for the conflicting role expectations from the hospital administrator.

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A Study of the Anxiety Levels of Hospitalized Psychiatric Patients in Terms of Length of Hospitalization
Yoon Hee Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):45-64.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study was done to detenine the relationship between the anxiety levels of hospitalized psychiatric patients and various influencing variables. The purpose of this study was to determine factors that may help hospitalized psychiatric patients to experience lower levels of anxiety in relation to changing situations and provide the basic data for a dynamic approach which is important in the field of modern psychiatric nursing that understands and analyses the meaning of patients behavior. The anxiety may produce stress, which is a common experience among all human beings. Patients may merely feel uncomfortable in the state of mild anxiety, however, the severe state could be an obstacle to treatment and recovery from disease. The anxiety of the psychiatric patient is a factor which greatly influencing the patient's behavior, so his disorderd behavior is an expression of defence or pathologically fixed behavior. According the psychiatric patient's anxiety at the time of admission is the concern of the health team. The nurse's special concern has to do with understanding and supporting the patient and meeting his individual needs by frequent close contacts during the entire hospitalization period, compared to other teammembers the nurse's responsibility in this regard is greated. So this study emphasizes the necessity of creating conditions these, but above all the psychiatric nurse should create a therapeutic environment by not only regarding the patient's behavior or symptoms but understanding the meaning of them. The subjects of this study were 57 psychiatric patients selected from the K neuropsychiatric hospital located in Kunsan city. Data were collected twice from the same patients within a 24 hour period after admission and 10 days after admission. (September 18th to November 8th, 1980). The data collected method was through direct interview, and the interview time was 20 minutes for each patient. Data analysis included Item Analysis & Internal Consistency Reliability Tests, Percentages, t-test, analysis of variance and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The findings of this sudy were as follows. A. Test of Hypothesis a. Hypothesis 1: "The anxiety level of psychiatric patients within 24 hours after admission will be higher than those of the same patients 10 days after admission," was accepted, (t = 3.15; p < 0.005) b. Hypothesis 2: "The more the number of admissions the higher the level of anxiety related to two categories", was accepted, (affective anxiety: F - 5.50, p <k 0.005, Somatic anxiety: F = 9.12, p < .

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The Empirical Exploration of the Conception on Nursing Peak
Hea Ja Peak
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):65-87.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study is aimed at exploring concept held by clinical nurses of nursing. The data were collected from 225 nurses conviniently selected from the population of nurses working to Kang Won province. Findings include. 1) Nurse's Qualification. The respondents view that specialized knowledge is more important qualification of the nurse. Than warm personality. Specifically, 92.9% of the respondents indicated specialized knowledge as the most important qualification while only 43.1% indicated warm personality. 2) On Nursing Profession. The respondents view that nursing profession as health service oriented rather than independent profession specifically. This suggests that nursing profession is not consistentic present health care delivery system nor support nurses working independently. 3) On Clients of Nursing Care The respondents include patients, family and the community residents in the category of nursing care. Specifically, 92.0% of the respondents view that patient is the client, while only 67.1% of nursing student and 74.7% of herself. This indicates the lack of the nurse's recognition toward their clients. 4) On the Priority of Nursing care. Most of the respondents view the clients physical, psychological respects as important component of nursing care but not the spiritual ones. Specially, 96.0% of the respondents indicated the physical respects, 93% psychological ones, while 64.1% indicated the spiritual ones. This means the lack of comprehensive conception on nursing aimension. 5) On Nursing Care. 91.6% of the respondents indicated that nursing care is the activity decreasing pain or helping to recover illness, while only 66.2% indicated earring out the physicians medical orders. 6) On Purpose of Nursing Care. 89.8% of the respondents indicated preventing illness and than 76.6% of them decreasing pain of clients. On the other hand, maintaining health has the lowest selection at the degree of 13.8%. This means the lack of nurses* recognition for maintaining health as the most important point. 7) On Knowledge Needed in Nursing Care. Most of the respondents view that the knowledge faced with the spot of nursing care is needed. Specially, 81.3% of the respondents indicated simple curing method and 75.1%, 73.3%, 71.6% each indicated child nursing, maternal nursing and controlling for the communicable disease. On the other hand, knowledge which has been neglected in the specialized courses of nursing education, that is, thinking line among community members, overcoming style against between stress and personal relation in each home, and admini' Choonchun Junior College of Nursing stration, management have a low selection at the depree of 48.9%, 41.8% and 41.3%. 8) On Nursing Idea. The highest degree of selection is that they know themselves rightly, (The mean score measuring distribution was 4.205/5) In the lowest degree, 3.016/5 is that devotion is the essential element of nursing, 2.860/5 the religious problems that human beings can not settle, such as a fatal ones, 2,810/5 the nursing profession is worth trying in one's life. This means that the peculiarly essential ideas on the professional sense of value. 9) On Nursing Services. The mean score measuring distribution for the nursing services showed that the inserting of machine air way is 2.132/5, the technique and knowledge for surviving heart-lung resuscitating is 2.892/5, and the preventing air pollution 3.021/5. Specially, 41.1% of the respondents indicated the lack of the replied ratio. 10) On Nurses' Qualifications. The respondents were selected five items as the most important qualifications. Specially, 17.4% of the respondents indicated specialized knowledge, 15.3% the nurses' health, 10.6% satisfaction for nursing profession, 9.8% the experience need, 9.2% comprehension and cooperation, while warm personality as nursing qualifications have a tendency of being lighted. 11) On the Priority of Nursing Care The respondents were selected three items as the most important component. Most of the respondents view the client's physical, spiritual; economic points as important components of nursing care. They showed each 36.8%, 27.6%, 13.8% while educational ones showed 1.8%. 12) On Purpose of Nursing Care. The respondents were selected four items as the most important purpose. Specially, 29.3% of the respondents indicated curing illness for clients, 21.3% preventing illness for client 17.4% decreasing pain, 15.3% surviving. 13) On the Analysis of Important Nursing Care Ranging from 5 point to 25 point, the nurses' qualification are concentrated at the degree of 95.1%. Ranging from 3 point to 25, the priorities of nursing care are concentrated at the degree of 96.4%. Ranging from 4 point to 16, the purpose of nursing care is concentrated at the degree of 84.0%. 14) The Analysis, of General Characteristics and Facts of Nursing Concept. The correlation between the educational high level and nursing care showed significance. (P < 0.0262) The correction between the educational low level and purpose of nursing care showed significance. (P < 0.002) The correlation between nurses' working yeras and the degree of importance for the purpose of nursing care showed significance (P < 0.0155) Specially, the most affirmative answers were showed from two years to four ones, 15) On Nurses' qualification and its Degree of Importance The correlation between nurses' qualification and its degree of importance showed significance, (r = 0.2172, P< 0.001) 0.005) B. General characteristics of the subjects The mean age of the subjects was 39;with 38.6% with in the age range of 20-29; 52.6% were male; 57.9% were Schizophrenia; 35.1% were graduated from high school or high school dropouts; 56.1% were not have any religion; 52.6% were unmarried; 47.4% were first admission; 91.2% were involuntary admission patients. C. Measurement of anxiety variables. 1. Measurement tools of affective anxiety in this study demonstrated high reliability (.854). 2. Measurement tools of somatic anxiety in this study demonstrated high reliability (.920). D. Relationship between the anxiety variables and the general characteristics. 1. Relationship between affective anxiety and general characteristics. 1) The level of female patients were higher than that of the male patients (t = 5.41, p < 0;05). 2) Frequencies of admission were related to affective anxiety, so in the first admission the anxiety level was the highest. (F = 5.50, p < 0.005). 2. Relationship between somatic anxiety and general characteristics. 1) The age range of 30-39 was found to have the highest level of the somatic anxiety. (F = 3.95, p < 0.005). 2) Frequencies of admission were related to the somatic anxiety, so in first admission the anxiety level was the highest. (F = 9.12, p < 0.005) E. Analysis of significant anxiety symptoms for nursing intervention. 1. Seven items such as dizziness, mental integration, sweating, restlessness, anxiousness, urinary frequency and insomnia, init. accounted for 96% of the variation within the first 24 hours after admission. 2. Seven items such as fear, paresthesias, restlessness, sweating, insomnia, init., tremore and body aches and pains accounted for 84% of the variation on the 10th day after admission.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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