The purpose of study carried out to determine the effects of antenatal education about the normal course of labor in last trimester (pregnancy 36 wks longer) influencing the State-Anxiety of primigravida. And the relationship between primigravia's general characteristics and State-Anxiety. This study was carried out between May 1. to October 20. 1979. The study sample consisted of 150 primigravidas who visited the out-patient of Department of obstetrics of Ew-ha Womans University Hospital. The method used for the collection of data were Antenatal Education Curriculum made by researcher and State-Anxiety Inventory. The questionnaire of State-Anxiety Inventory is made up 20 items. The date was analyzed by computer program. The followings are results. 1 . There was shown Satae-Anxiety to to be alleviated by experimental group than control group. There was significant relation between experimental gronp and control group. (p<0.01) 2 . Within the experimental group, there was no significant relation to State-Anxiety by age and education level. (p>0.05) 3. In the investigation sample, according to the primigravida's gestation, there was shown State-Anxiety to be increased by closing to the delivery (p<0.01). There was no relation of State-Anxiety response by age, education level, religion and acceptance of pregnancy, (p>0.05)
The purpose of this study was undertaken to determine the health interests by middle school students in Soo Dong Myun. It was planned that this data would help nursing help students who is under the community health nursing pra tice in Soo-Dong, and development of health education programmes. The instrument used which was orginially the Health Interest Inventory by Ramsdell, was modified. This study involed 358 students ranging from 1 st year to 3 rd year and was carried out from September 1 to 30, 1979. The results obtained as follows : 1 . Comparing students health interests by grade, there was a high interested areas were [Dental health], [Ment al health], and [Alcohol, drugs and smoking] On the other hand the least interested areas were [Family he alth] and [Weight control] There was a difference between 2 nd and 3 rd year by grade mean score, In the health areas, all grade students are interested in [Nutrition]. [Control & preventive disease] and [Consumer health]. 2. Comparing students health interests by sex, the rank order of health interests was similar to both sex. The most interested areas were [Mental Health], [Dental health], and [ Alcohol, drugs, and smoking]. The least interested areas were [Family health] and [Weight control]. There was no sinificant difference by sex. But in the health areas, girls are interested in [Nutrition] and [ Control and preventive disease], and boys are interested in the I Safety education]. 3 . There was a highest correlation between [Family health] area and [Persona! grooming], the lorvest correla tion between [Consumer health] area and the combined [Family health] and [Weight control].
A Study on environmental factors influencing blood pressure control of a patient with essential pressure hyper tension was conduct to the identification of differences of demographic characteristics, socioeconomic factors and living habits. This study was performed on 219 cases who were divided into two groups from Sept. 14 to Oct. 20, 1979. One is the group with complication in the departments of internal medicine and outpatient of 7 hospitals in Seoul. The other is the group without complication in the same places as above. The instrument applied to this study consists of 19 items amended through preliminary test after consideration of related literatural review and Nursing History made by Smith (1965). The materials were analyzed by computer program. The findings were as follows : 1 . The group with complication had more sleep disturbances than the group without complication 2 . The group with complication used more short term coping method on stress than the group without complication. 3 . The group with cnmplication had a tendency to more intake of salt, fat, alcohols and cigretts than the group without complition, but there were no significant differences between two groups. 4 . The group with complication were lower social class than the group without complication. 5 . The group with complication were more single( Death of spouse, Divorce, Separation) in marital status than the group without complication.
The medical care insurance system, being put into practice nearly for three years, seem to have brought about some considerable problems as serious for the government as to consider a revision of that system. As one of the most serious problems of present system, the treatment cost of insurance patients is so remarkably low in compari son with than of non-insurance cases that normal operation of hospitals is threatened and care services of low quality are induced. The researcher carried out this survey to analyze and brine to light several aspects of treatment cost of non-insurance patients as a material for a re-assessment of the cost of insurance cases which shows a a considerable difference in amount at the standpoint of hospitals with than of non-insurance cases and further, hoping the significant blind spot of present insurance system (that is, the absence of regulations for cost assessment by patterns or types of health care treatment) will be mended in near future. The survey was carried out with the treatment invoice sheets of total 902 in-hospital patients of a general hospital in Seoul during the period of the 2 nd quarter of the year(1979). Among total 902 patients, 694 cases were used for analysis, because those disease or syndromes shared by less than 10% of the patients were put aside before procession. The data were analyzed by kinds or types of diseases, demographic characteristics of patients, hospitalization patterns, types of nursing treatment, etc. The result of analysis was as follows. 1. Among all the non-insurance cases, those who received one or more kinds of nursing treatment mounted up to 96. 7 %. The invoice issue frequency per person was 7.2 times, while that frequency per day for a person was 0.8, the treatment cosr per person was W22',650 while its daily average was W2,430,due to the average 9.3 in-hospital days per person. 2. As to the nursing treatment types by the demographic characteristics of patients and hospitalization patterns. a. The unit cost female patients was generally more expensive them that of males, and independent nursing service was more given than other types of treatment.. As to age, higher age groups received independent nursing service most, while the youngest group received instrumental and integrated nursing services. b. As to room grade, the unit cost of I.C.U. cases was the highest: and the cost of private room patients was higher than that of public room patients. By in-hospital days, the curve of function showed L. type ; that is, the longer stay, the lower function. 3. State of treatment types by kinds of disease were; a. Dependent nursing service showed comparatively high availability in surgical and neurologic diseases, and independent nursing service was most received by medical, obstetrical and urological patients, while instrumental and integrated services were most available for respiratory disease and obstetrical and neurologic diseases next. b. The invoice issue frequency per day for a patient was highest in obstetrical disease 3.8 times, and the unit cost(per one invoice sheet) was also highest in obstertrical disease(\10,880) and next in neurologic cases(\4,690). 4. As to the pertained departments. a. Cost amount per person was highest in department of psychiatrics daily cost was highest in obstetrical cases; while the invoice issue frequency was highest in obstetrics and next in pediatrics. b. In departments in need of surgical operation, dependent nursing care was highly availabl: while in internal meicine and obstetrics, independent service was higher. Psychiatrics showed the highest use of integrate nursing while pediatrics and obstetrics higher of instrumental services. The variation co-efficien of treatment cost came out to be relatively in high in special surgery, opthalmology and internal medicine. 5. State of treatment cost by types of nursing behavior was : a. The average frequency of invoice issue was 3.5 (times). Among the type four types of treatment, instrumetal service (4.3) and independent nursing behavior(3.9) showed higher frequency than average respectively. But as to unit cost (per invoice), dependent (\5.200) and integrated (\5.340) nursing care services were higher than average and considerably higher than the other two types. b. In repect patient distribution, independent nursing behavior(80.3%) was the highest and dependent nursing (31.7%) the lowest. The variation co-efficient of treatmenf cost appeared highest in dependent nursing be havipr as a whole, and among that, doctor's diagnosis showed the highest coefficient value(100.7). In conclusion, the variaty of treatment cost (treatment itself) by various characteristics and treatment types proyes that treatment various sort of patients and treatment cost of various types of nursing behavior cannot be uniform. Therefore, to attain the equalization of health care service and its cost both for insurant and non-insurant patients, a more specific provision for assessment of cost should be added to the present medical care insurance system and, in addition, the cost of nursing treatment is desired to be inserted into the treatment invoice.
The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between experienced stressful events and its coping behavior within mentally wellness and illness, and to define the effective coping method under the stressful situation. By doing so, during the period of April, 1978- to March, 1979 the objects of this study were 100 persons who were under the psychiatric facilities in their first hospitalization, and who were registered in psychiatric out patient department in the form general hospitals located at Seoul selected as a experimental group. As a control group 100 persons who never experienced psychiatric treatmcntd who were not under the current medical treatment, and who were earring appropriate social roles in their community were selected, and in both groups utilized questimaires for Social Readjustment Pating Scale and Coping Scale. This study was tested by X2 examinationand by F-ratio (analysis of variance). Results were as follows : Hypothesis 1 . The actually experienced life events were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, but they did not show the significant difference between the groups. (p> 0.05) Thus hypothesis 1 was rejected. Hypothesis : 2 . The stress scores were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the groups (p<0.05) . Therefore hypothesis 2 was supported. Hypothesis 3 . The non-effective coping behavior were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the two groups(p< 0.001). Also hypothesis 3 was supported. Hypohthesis 4 . The higher stress score groups (above 250 LCU) were expected to utilize non-effective coping method more frefuently than in the lower stress score groups (below 249 LCU), and not only they showed high in utilizing non-effective coping method but also showed high in utilizing effective coping method. Thus hyphothesis 4 was partially supported, (p < 0.001) The following are drawn out based on the result of this study that the stress scores were higher, and more utilized non-effective coping method in the emotionally disturbances than in the emtionally healthies.