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Volume 1(1); December 1970
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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):3-26.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

That's an attempt to study about knowledge, attitudes and practice of the residents with regard to maternal child health, family planning, and tuberculosis in rural area which was chosen to be a demonstration area for nursing students of College of Nursing, Yonsei University for their public health nursing practice. In addition, it is designed to collect information on population of the area such as age and sex distribution, mobility, and other characteristics also be sought by doing a census. The purpose of study is to obtain data which are needed for planning student learning experiences in the community. The information which was obtainable through this study is as follows; 1. In demographic aspect a. Population structure was a typical rural type in terms of population pyramid. b. Distribution of age and sex of residents showed more female in the older ages. c. Population has not moved much. Majority of them have been living in the area since their births. 2. In sociological aspect a. The level of education of female was comparatively lower than male. b. The residents of the area did not have any special religion. c. The economic status was found low or middle class. 3. In health practice In general health knowledge, attitudes and practice appeared to be poor. As a result of this study, it could be summararized that there are a great public health nursing needs in the community. According to these needs found and to it's nature, severity and massiveness, the nurse instructors with students were able to set up a priority system in services. Meanwhile student case load can be logically figured out in consideration of variety of experiences need for each student. The study helped student not only to find out resident characteristics and their health problems in terms of family and community problem but also to provide a good learning experience by participating in the interviewing. In sum this type of study is necessary for planning of student field experience when no data are available where students are going to have field experiences in public health nursing.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):27-43.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study is designed to find out proper nursing activities for the needs of the colostomy patients, i.e., mental and psychological as well as physical needs for rapid recovery, and to help them build up the follow-up care for proper social adjustment. The study is based on 268 cases out of 3S1 colostomy patient's records kept in Ewha Womans University Hospital, Yonsei Medical Center, and National Medical Center in between the period from Jan. 1953 to Jan. 1970. The items of study are mainly on etiology, sex, age, duration of hospitalization, mortality rate, seasonal frequency, time from the onset of illness to the admission of the hospital, signs and Symptoms. 1. Frequency of onset by etiology: Neoplastic disease 112 cases (42%), Inflammatory disease 33 cases (12%), Congenital malformation 30 cases (11%), Intussusception 25 cases (9.3%), Trauma 24 cases (9%), Volvulus 17 cases (6.3%), and Crohn's disease 6 cases (2.2%). 2. By sex: male 167 cases (62.9%), and female 101 cases (37.1%). So the ratio of portion of male and female 2:1. 3. By age: under 1-year-old 27 cases (10.1%) highest, 41-50 yrs 54 cases (20.2%), 51-60 yrs 42 cases (15.5%), above 71 yrs 5 cases (1.9%). 4. Duration of hospitalization: the shortest is 2-days and the longest is 470 days. 1-20-days 52%, 40-60 days 14%. 5. Mortality rate: Under the 10-days-admission 19.5%, and the beyond 30-days-admission 3.9%. 6. Seasonal frequency: Higher in summer (32%). 7. Signs and symptoms: abdominal pain (56%), abdominal distention (54%), vomiting (40%), bloody mucoid diarrhea (38%), pain of anal region (18%), abdominal tenderness, anorexia, indigestion, constipation, disuria, tenesmus, high fever and chilling sensation, bile tingled vomiting. Nursing activities for the patient's physical needs are as follows: Skin care for colostomy region, Prevention of colostomy constriction and depression, Removal of an offensive odor, The use of colostomy bag-selection for, and demonstration of the use of inexpensive colostomy irrigation equipment, Personal hygiene, general skin care, care of hair, finger nails and toe-nails, Oral hygiene, sleep and rest, adquate, Daily activities, etc. Measures for regulation of bowl movement. Keeping the instruction of taking food, Preparing the meal and help for anorexia, Constipation and it's solution, Prevention of diarrhea, helping the removal of mucous, and stretch constricted stoma as needed. Nursing activities for Pt's socio-psychological needs are as follows: Help the patient to make decision for the operation, Remove pt's anxiety toward operation and anesthesia, To meet the pt's spiritual needs at his death bed, Help to establish family and friends cooperation, Help to reduce anxiety at the time of admission and it's solution, Help to meet religious need, Help to remove pt's anxiety for loosing his job and family maintainance, Follow-up studies for 7 cases have been done to implement the present thesis. The items of the personal interviews with the patients are as follows: Acceptability for artificial anus, The most anxious thing they had in mind at the time of discharge, The most anxious thing they have in mind at present, Their friends and family's attitudes toward the patient after operation, Relations with other colostomy patients, Emotional damage from the operation, Physical problem of enema, irrigation, Control of diet, Skin care, Control of offensive odor, Patient's suggestions to nurses during hospital stay and after discharge. In conclusion, the follow-up care for colostomy patients shares equal weight or perhaps more than the post-operative care. The follow-up care should include the spiritual care for moral support of the patient, to drag him out of isolation and estrangement, and make him fully participate in social activities. It is suggested that the following measures would help to rehabilitate the colostomy patients (1) mutual acquaintance with other colostomy patients if possible form a sort of club for the colostomy patient to exchange their experiences in care (2) through the team work of doctor, nurse and rehabilitation specialists, to have a sort of concerted effort for betterment of the patient.

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Influences of Milk of Magnesia and Chewing Gum on Oral Conditions of Patients
Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):44-48.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):49-58.   Published online April 3, 2017
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For the purpose to clarify the effects of the mothers health during pregnancy on the wight and length of the newborn infants, this study was carried out on 500 new born infants delivered at St, Mary's Hospital, Ewha Woman's University Hospital and Red Cross Hospital in Seoul during the eight-month period from March, 1969 to October, 1969. In this study, the relationship between the weight and length of the new born infants, and in each case, the weight, length, age, duration of labour, duration of pregnancy, weight gain during pregnancy and diets level during pregnancy of the mother were observed. The relationship between the weight and length of the new born infants and the parity was also observed. The results obtained in this study were as follows. 1. The weight of new born infants of both sexes was significantly correlated with the parity, the weight of the mother, and the duration of labour of the primipara. The weight of the mother and the duration of pregnancy were significantly correlated with the weight of the male new born infants only, and the weight of the new born infants and the weight gain of the mother during pregnancy were significantly correlated in the female new born infants. 2. In general, the weight of the new born infants of well or excellently nourished mothers were heavier than those of poorly nourished ones. 3. The length of the new born infants was significantly correlated with the duration of labour in the primipara.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):59-63.   Published online April 3, 2017
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As a result of inquiry about menarche age, existence or non-existence of menstruation, comparative menarche age by reginal groups, and monthly occurrence rate of menarche among 1642 school girls in Kwangju district, we obtained the following conclusion. 1. The menarche age of school girls in Kwangju district was 10-17, and the average age was 14.03+/-1.85. 2. According to the percentage of menarche occurrence by the present age, we got a fact that 58.67% had menarche at 13 to 15-year-old school girls. So the tendency is that menarche occurs sooner by degrees. 3. As a result of inquiry about the existence or non-existence of menarche by the present age, 54.54% have not bad menarche among 15-year-old school girls. There is one person who have not had it at 18, and none that have not had it at over 19. 4. The menarche age by regional groups shows that menarche occurs at 13.85 in the city and at 14.27 in the country: those inhabited in the city have menarche sooner than those in the country. 5. Monthly rate of menarche occurrence shows that August in the largest number, December the second, January the third, and so on.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):64-76.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This report will present a clinical and statistical analysis of 210 case of Ectopic pregnancies who were treated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Chung Nam Medical Center from January, 1966 to March, 1970. The results obtained are as follows; 1. The total number of Ectopic pregnancies was 8.22%. 2. The occurrence of Ectopic pregnancy was high in June (13.81%), low in October (2.38%). There was a higher occurrence of Ectopic pregnancy in the summer than in the winter. 3. The average age of all patients was 33.25 years. The most frequent age for this type of pregnancy was 31-35 years (32.86%). The youngest patient was 18 years old and the oldest was 50. 4. Multipara occured in 82.38% of the cases; Nullipara in 17. 62% and the occurance of primipara was especially high, 20. 95%. 5. 48.09% of the women had previously experienced normal deliveries; 42.8% had received artificial abortions and 5.23% had experienced spontaneous abortions. 3.8% had a previous history of Ectopic pregnancy. It was found that the occurance of Ectopic pregnancy was more frequent in those women who had had a D & C in the Past. 6. The average length of infertility was 21.7 months. The shortest length was 60 days; longest period of infertility was 19 years. 7. The occurance of Ectopic pregnancy is higher (29.27%) in patient who have experienced only one previous D & C. The total number of patients who received a D & C was 58.57%. 8. Ectopic symptoms appeared during the first 4.7 weeks (mean) and most frequently occurred between the 5th and 6th weeks (48.57%) of pregnancy. The Symptoms were; -99.04% complained of lower abdominal pains. -80.95% experienced abnormal uterine bleeding. -42.38% experienced bleeding before the occurance of pain. -18.57% experienced pain before the occurance of bleeding. -8.57% experienced both pain and bleeding. -7.62% experienced only bleeding. -22.86% experienced only pain. 9. In-77.62% of the cases the adnexal mass palpated. 91.42% complained of abdominal tenderness. 42.38% complained of pain when the cervix was examined. 10. Culdocentesis Was performed in 86. 19% of the cases. In 92.82% of the cases the presense of an Ectopic pregnancy was accurately diagnosed. 11. 71.90% of the Ectopic pregnancies occured in the ampulla portion of the ovarian tube, of the total number of gestations, 40.95% were tubal abortions and 59.05% were ruptured. The ruptured group occured more frequently in the isthmic portion and interstitial portion of the tube than the aborted group. The aborted group occured more frequently in the fimbrial extremities of the tube. 12. The blood pressure (systolic) was noted at 119-80mmHg in 81.89% of the total cases. Hemoglobin value was noted at over 8gm/dl in 58.57% of the cases. The average blood transfusion was 2.3 pints. 13. In 52.86% of the Ectopic pregnancies the right side of the ovarian tube was affected. The left side of the tube was affected in 47. 14% of the cases. 14. 3.33% of the patients were not given an accurate diagnosis. 15. The kinds of operation performed were as follows; Salpingectomy, 41.43%; Adnectomy, 38.57% and Adnectomy with total hysterectomy, 19. 05%. 16. The patient mortality rate was significantly small; only 1 case out of 210 died. This patient most likely had a profuse hemorrhage because of a ruptured tube before her admission to the hospital. 17. The patients personnal feelings and attitudes must be treated with care. Particularly patients who are concerned about vaginal bleeding or the impossibility of another pregnancy.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):77-84.   Published online April 3, 2017
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A survey was conducted on 2,321 Chung Rhang Middle School boys to check out their physical growth, development and the number of parasite carriers during the period from June 16. to June 23. 1970 As the results of this study, the following conclusions were revealed. A) Physical Growth and Development State. 1. Direct curve in physical growth and development was observed during the period from 13 to 16 years of age. 2. The age and quantity of maximum growth and development. Height; 13-14 years of age 6.1cm Body weight; 14-15 years of age 5.1kg Chest circumference; 13-14 years of age 9.9cm Sitting height; 14-45 years of age 3.4cm 3. Comparison with Japanese students Most Korean students are shorter than Japanese students, though the standard of height became higher than before. The standard of body weight is visibly lower than Japanese students. The standard of chest circumference of the students of age 14 is higher than counter part of Japanese students and the all boys are lower than Japanese students except at the age of 14. The standard of the sitting heights of the Korean students are growing steadily, but every students are shorter than Japanese students. 4. The greatest differences in physical growth and development were shown in 13/N./14 years of age. 5. The students of 13-15 years of age developed their bodies most highly according to index of Rohrer. 6. Body weight and chest circumference have not grown enough compared with height. The development of sitting height was made highly and the development is steadily growing as they grow old. B. The Number of Parasite Carriers The number of parasite carriers was shown 79.4 per cent among all the student checked out. The number of trichuris was shown 79.7 per cent. The number of parasite carriers was shown higher per cent as they grow old.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):85-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This is a study of 21 tuberculosis patients receiving medical treatment at the Public Health Center in Kyongi Do, Pu Chun Gun and at the General Hospital. The results cover the findings of the period from May, 1969 to November 1970. The information obtained is based on personal interviews with the patients, and symptomatic diagnosis made from observations. The following statistics when not equalling 100% contain only the responses of the two extremes in each case. The findings of the research are as follows: 1. 52.3% of the patients in the study are males and 47.7% are females. 28.6% of the subjects are between 20 and 29 years- of age and an equal percent are between 30 and 39 years. 2. 47.5% of the subjects had graduated from primary school, while only 4.8% had graduated from high school. 3. 57.1% of the patients said they had no religions beliefs, while 4.8% professed to being Buddhists or believing in superstition. 4. 47.3% of the people said they were unemployed, while 4.8% classified themselves as labourers. 5. In response to how tuberculosis was first detected in their respective cases, 52.6% became aware of their disease through X-ray results, while 4.8% were discovered to have tuberculosis when being treated for other diseases at the hospital. 6. When asked bow many of the patients knew anything about their disease when treated, 57.1% knew nothing about tuberculosis when they received treatment, while 42.9% bad some knowledge of the disease. 7. Of those who knew something about tuberculosis, 61.9% learned about from doctors and nurses, while 4.8% learned from other people. 8. 57.1% of the patients knew that tuberculosis is a communicable disease, while 42.9% did not know. 9. 52.4% of the patients did not know the cause of tuberculosis while 4.9% believed the disease was caused by a curse. 10. When asked about the extent of treatment, 52.4% responded that they had undergone continuous treatment, while 4.8% had not received treatment. 11. The reasons given for not continuing treatment were the following: economic factors 55.6%; side reactions to the treatment, lack of knowledge of how to get treatment, of the need for treatment, or of the positive effects of treatment 11.1%. 12. 61.9% of the subjects usually took the medical treatment at home, while 9.5% took it in the mountains or at the beach. 13. 42.9% of the patients received drugs for treatment at the local public health center, while 4.8% received them at the hospital. 14. 33.3% of the patients received P.A.S.+I.N.H.+S.M. for treatment of tuberculosis, while 4.8% received P.A.S. +S.M. and some secondary drug. 15. Of the patients who took some extra medicine for tuberculosis, 38.1% took a Chinese drug, while 9.5% took herb medicine. 16. 38.1% of the patients had continued treatment for three years, while 4.8% had interrupted the treatment. 17. When asked about the development of the disease after treatment, the patients gave the following information: after one month, 90.5% thought the treatment helped, while 9.5% weren't sure; after one year, 55.6% thought it was good, while 5.5% thought it was not; after three years, 63.6% had a very bad condition, while 4.8% didn't know. 18. 61.9% of the patients were unconcerned about covering their mouths when they coughed, while 38.1% covered their mouths. 19. 57.2% were unconcerned they spit, while 23.8% spit into a waste basket. 20. 66.7% were unconcerned about sterilizing tableware, while 9.5% handled it separately. 21. 66.7% were unconcerned about ventilating their room, while 9.5% ventilated the room twice a week.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):95-102.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Ascariasis symptoms penetrated into biliary tract are reported to be found much more in Korea than in foreign countries. And the present writer believes there are also many cases of biliary tract symptoms that are actually experienced but that are not reported. As a result of experiencing and nursing twenty cases of ascariasis symptoms of biliary tract, the present writer has got several conclusions, and reports them together with reference to sundry records. (1) The penetrating rate of ascariasis in male versus female was I to 1.5. Consequently the rate of female was higher than that of male. The highest age of the case was 67, the lowest 19, and the average age was 45.2. (2) As to symptoms, right upper quadrant abdomen pain and fat diet intolerance were the largest in number. By laboratory findings there were depressive pain on right upper quadrant abdomen in all the cases. (3) As to the location of ascariasis, choledochus occupied the largest part, and the longer illness history was, the more cases coexisting with calculus were found. (4) As to operative method, cholecystectomy and choledochotomy weres the largest in number, and choledochotomy was inserted in all cases. As to complication after operation, there were operative wound infection, excoriation through bile juice issue, etc. There were three cases of re-penetration of ascariasis and only one case of re-operation.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):103-110.   Published online April 3, 2017
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It is important to point out that the perinatal mortality rate of the multiple pregnancy is almost twice of the single pregnancy due mainly to their prematurity and the mothers of twins will also be suffered from the plural births to nurse and take care of them. We therefore studied the incidence, the sex ratio, the types of deliveries, the complications and the perinatal mortality rate of the twin deliveries in order to promote the development of our field of maternal and child nursing. We selected our materials from the 112 patients who had been admitted and delivered twins in the department of OB. & Gyn. of the S.N.U. Hospital from Jan. 1962 to Dec. 1969. The abstructed results of this study were as follows. 1. The incidence of twins among 7,731 births was 1:69 2. The occurrence of twins from elder multigravida was 4 to 6 times higher than younger primigravida mothers under 35 years of age. 3. The gestational length of 45.5% of all twins was under 38 weeks and the mean birth weight of 1st and 2nd twins were 2,354.7gm and 2,215.8gm respectively. 4. The sex ratio of twins was 99 males and 124 females. 5. Presentation of twins: 59 cases (52.69%) were in both vertex. 37 cases (33.03%) in vertex plus breech. 15 cases (13.39%) in both breech and one case (0.89%) in transverse presentation. 6. For the types of deliveries Spontaneous deliveries were in 90 babies (40.6%) Breech extraction in 60 babies (26.3%) Vaccum used in 33 babies (15.0%) Cesarean section in 22 babies (9.8%) Forceps in 9 babies (4.2%) and others such as version and destructive measures in 9 babies (4.1%) 7. Intervals between the 1st and 2nd delivery were analyzed and 93% of 2nd twins were delivered within minutes after 1st delivery. 8. The main complications of twin deliveries were toxemia (45.5%), second was postpartal hemorrhage (19.6%) and third was hydramnios (7.1%) 9. The mean perinatal mortality of 1st and 2nd twins was 12.52% and 16.96% respectively of which main cause of death were their prematurity.

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Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1970;1(1):111-132.   Published online April 3, 2017
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An analysis of nursing activities in a in-patient ward and its management was observed in order to assess necessary number of nursing hands and find out reasonable work management with them. The study was performed with two wards of St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic Medical Center, for the period from July to December 1970. The results and conclusions were as the following 1. The role of the nurses are determined by doctor's order in 57.7% in kind, 80.0% in amount and by nurses decision 20.0% in amount. 2. Works related to patient care are found to be 20.6% in the internal medicine ward and 20.4% in the surgical ward while works related to treatment are 4.7% in the former and 27.2% in the letter. Medication occupies 40.0% in the internal medical ward while 26.6% in the surgery ward, and observation occupies 34.7% in the former while 25.8% in the letter. These can be said to, reflect characteristic differences between the two wards. 3. When nursing functions were evaluated by importance "A" level in the amount of works to be done occupied 67.6% in the surgical ward and 62.8% in the internal medical ward. In the kind of the important works, "B" level is found to be most frequent with 50% while "A" level 43%. When evaluated by difficulty, "B" level was found to be most frequent in amount in both internal medicine and surgical wards (52.6%, 38.2%). 4. Works needing professional knowledge and skills occupied 92% in the both wards while unprofessional works 2.8% and 4.2% respectively. There are indications, however, that unprofessional works have an increasing tendency. 5. When evalunted by the amount of works, the surgical ward has 11 nurses less and the internal medicine ward 3 nurses less than the necessary number of nursing staffs. There are shortage of 12 and 6 nurses respectively when evaluated l)y the number of patients and 18 nurses in the both wards when evaluated by the medical regulations of the Government. 6. The ratio of the nursing staff to patient was found to be 1:11.5, 1:23.0 and 1:34.5 in the morning, evening and night turn in the surgical war(l. In the medical word the ratio was 1:9.4, 1:22.0 and 1:33.0. 7. The deficiency of necessary equipment and tension accompanying management of those equipment were found to lower the effective functioning of the head nurse who is a junior manager of the ward. They also consume much of the time and energy of the nurses at work who are over burdened in most of the cases. 8. The high rate of the number of nurses who leave the job impairs the functioning of team work which is considered to be most important in the effective performance of nursing activities and thus contributes to lower the efficiency of nursing functions.

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