This report will present a clinical and statistical analysis of 210 case of Ectopic pregnancies who were treated at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Chung Nam Medical Center from January, 1966 to March, 1970.
The results obtained are as follows;
1. The total number of Ectopic pregnancies was 8.22%.
2. The occurrence of Ectopic pregnancy was high in June (13.81%), low in October (2.38%). There was a higher occurrence of Ectopic pregnancy in the summer than in the winter.
3. The average age of all patients was 33.25 years. The most frequent age for this type of pregnancy was 31-35 years (32.86%). The youngest patient was 18 years old and the oldest was 50.
4. Multipara occured in 82.38% of the cases; Nullipara in 17. 62% and the occurance of primipara was especially high, 20. 95%.
5. 48.09% of the women had previously experienced normal deliveries; 42.8% had received artificial abortions and 5.23% had experienced spontaneous abortions. 3.8% had a previous history of Ectopic pregnancy. It was found that the occurance of Ectopic pregnancy was more frequent in those women who had had a D & C in the Past.
6. The average length of infertility was 21.7 months. The shortest length was 60 days; longest period of infertility was 19 years.
7. The occurance of Ectopic pregnancy is higher (29.27%) in patient who have experienced only one previous D & C. The total number of patients who received a D & C was 58.57%.
8. Ectopic symptoms appeared during the first 4.7 weeks (mean) and most frequently occurred between the 5th and 6th weeks (48.57%) of pregnancy. The Symptoms were;
-99.04% complained of lower abdominal pains.
-80.95% experienced abnormal uterine bleeding.
-42.38% experienced bleeding before the occurance of pain.
-18.57% experienced pain before the occurance of bleeding.
-8.57% experienced both pain and bleeding.
-7.62% experienced only bleeding.
-22.86% experienced only pain.
9. In-77.62% of the cases the adnexal mass palpated. 91.42% complained of abdominal tenderness. 42.38% complained of pain when the cervix was examined.
10. Culdocentesis Was performed in 86. 19% of the cases. In 92.82% of the cases the presense of an Ectopic pregnancy was accurately diagnosed.
11. 71.90% of the Ectopic pregnancies occured in the ampulla portion of the ovarian tube, of the total number of gestations, 40.95% were tubal abortions and 59.05% were ruptured. The ruptured group occured more frequently in the isthmic portion and interstitial portion of the tube than the aborted group. The aborted group occured more frequently in the fimbrial extremities of the tube.
12. The blood pressure (systolic) was noted at 119-80mmHg in 81.89% of the total cases. Hemoglobin value was noted at over 8gm/dl in 58.57% of the cases. The average blood transfusion was 2.3 pints.
13. In 52.86% of the Ectopic pregnancies the right side of the ovarian tube was affected. The left side of the tube was affected in 47. 14% of the cases.
14. 3.33% of the patients were not given an accurate diagnosis.
15. The kinds of operation performed were as follows; Salpingectomy, 41.43%; Adnectomy, 38.57% and Adnectomy with total hysterectomy, 19. 05%.
16. The patient mortality rate was significantly small; only 1 case out of 210 died. This patient most likely had a profuse hemorrhage because of a ruptured tube before her admission to the hospital.
17. The patients personnal feelings and attitudes must be treated with care. Particularly patients who are concerned about vaginal bleeding or the impossibility of another pregnancy.