This study was undertaken to obtain information about selected characteristics and the degree of physical disability of patients with a diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident upon their discharge from a general hopsitaL It was hoped that this information would contribute to the assessment of their needs for follow-up nursing care. Nurse's and Physician's Progress Notes of all stroke patients discharged from five general hospitals in Seoul from Jaunary to December 1975 were analysed using a prepard check list. Patients with other complicating diagnosis such as diabetes, tuberculosis or heart disease w-ere excluded from the sample. According to six factors used to grade the total sample of 334 stroke victims degree of physical ability at discharge, 144(43%) of the Survivors had good functional ability, 72(22%) fair. 62(18%) poor, and 57(17%) very poor. Certain clinical diagnosis correlated with the degree of physical ability. Intracranial Hemorrhage and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage tended to be related to poor and very poor outcome categories. There was no significant correlation between age and ability outcome, women had revealed a significantly positive correlation with poor and very poor ability outcomes. The hospitalization period was less than three days for 37.5% of the total group, and more than one month for 4. 7% . Those patients with less than three days hospitalization accounted for the highest relationship with poor and very poor ability outcomes. Of the total groups 175(50.99%), were discharged with a diagnosis of condition improved (though not necessarily with good physical ability). The results suggest serious need for comprehensive follow-up nursing care for stroke survivors discharged a from general hospitals in Seoul