This study is designed to reveal the relationship of Army Nurses' effectivene- ss to their perceptual orientation. Studies on nurses are very few despite of hig- hly professional duties which deal with human lives. Effectiveness of nurses could be seen from both within and without. At. present Study, however, the researcher tried to work on the point of view of perceptual psychology. The study was designed to fined the relationship of "Perceptual Orientation Scale" to their ratings training courses and experiences. The subjects are limited to nurses serving in the Army of the Republic of Korea. Many researches on nurses, such as Young Bok Lee(1970), Sook Ja Yoo(1971) Young Sook Hong (1970), Ik Do Choi (1966), are dealt with their attitude, mor- ale, how to see their profession, adjustability and college lives, but no one ever studied their subjective perceptual orientation. Method "Perceptual Orientation Scale" (Chunghoon Choy, 1971} was administered to 315 Army Nurses during the period of June to November 1971, and the relation- ship with their ratings by their supervising officers, trainning courses and their experiences were tested. All the relationship were calculated by the meth- od of Chi Squares. Result 1) There is no significant relationship between "Perceptual Orientation Scale" and their ratings. 2) There is no significant relationship between "Perceptual Orientation Scale" and their trainning courses. 3) There is no significant relationship between "Percepyual Orintation Scale" and their experiences. Conclusion As far as calculated result are concerned the research could not fined any significant relationship. Therefore we can conclude that "Perceptual Orientation Scale" of the nurses has nothing to do with nurses effectiveness. It means the Army Nurses rating method has to be modified at once. Also we have to continue to fined mofe significant effectiveness criteria and other researches be encouraged.