This study was conducted to evaluate the methods used in nursing procedures for infection control. Skilled nursing procedures are related to prevention of hospital infection. The sample consisted of 301 nurses' re3ponsc to the questionnaire. Data were collected from Feb. to March, 1993 from 35 hospitals located in five major cities. The findings of the study are as follows: 1) Relatively unsafe nursing procedures were reported for preperation of IV therapy, change of IV site and aseptic dressing on IV site, hand wash-ing and use of paper towels, use of sterile urine bottle with indwelling urinary catheter, management of dressing cart, disinfection of transfer forcep, ambu respirator, laryngoscope, humidifier and handling of incubator. 2) Relatively safe nursing procedures were reported for management of suction tube, marking for contaminated materials and waste collection. The rate of participation in education programs for infection control by the nurses was higher than in other research results. 3) Further study on procedures for IV site infusion and care of dressing cart are recommended.