The purpose of the study was to evaluate the educational content which had been given by midwifery training program. It was hoped that this result would help. It was sponsored by community health worker plan effective health education. College of Nursing Ewha Womans University and The Korean Nurses Academic Society during the November 19 thru 24,1979. It was carried out on July through on September 1980, and involved 22 community health workers. The results were as follows: 1. Most of the community health workers came from Seoul & Pusan areas and have been working at the hospitals. There were 31.82% of Head Nurses, 27.2% of Staff Nurses, 22. 73% Nurse Supenisons, 13. 6% of Nurse Directors and 4.5% of educational coordinator for Nurses. These participant had nurse-midwifery lincences by 63.64%. None of there had just midwifery linceces. 2. Age structures of the study population shows 31. 82% of whom are.26-30 years and 22.73% of whom are 36. 40 years of age. This shown that seniority proportion is higher than the younger. There are 31.82% of 1-5 years, 27.27% of 6-10 year and 11-15 years, respectively by work career. 3. There are 54. 55% of the institutions have opened their own midwifery training course for their nursing staff members. Because of lack of the facilities, shortage of instructors, and problems of administrative process. 4. According to the institution which opened for midwifery training courses, the participant was responsible for "midwifery" "Infant care" "MCH" "Practice of midwifery" "Nursing adjustment" and "F. P." 5. During the midwifery couse, there were 8 institution who used the textbook and 4 institution who did not. Least of there referned to content matinals which was given by the sponsored. 6. There are 7 insititues who kept their training courses with other professional helps such as physicians, professiors and nurses. 7. Some problems are pointed out by respondents such as "conflict with residents" "poor suportive administration" and "lake of manpower". 8. The participant showed that they learned new knowledge & trends during this programs for there quality work so it need (one or twice times) a year. But they suggested that it needed more emphasis on the "maternal health care" and "role of the nurse-midwifery". 9. The analysis of the results are as follows within the 6 areas which are given by the sponsored: There are highest ranks between "basic theory & family planning "role of midwifery & nursing practice". In the prenatal care the highest rank ware related to "health risk" on "idenify of risk symtoms". In the health care areas which related to delivery, the responsers were related to "general conditions" or "high risk criteria". In the health care area which related to high risk maternity care. In the neonatal health care, the highest rank was related to "health assessment of normal infant". In the infant health care the responses was related to "abnormal symptoms" and "risk symptoms". Actually, the participants show that they are more interested in "role of midwifery" "health assessment" and "high risk maternity care" are which emphasised on health promotion, health maintenance & disease preventive. 1) The midwifery training program need higher education for midwifery on a regular basis. 2) Within the open institution of midwifery training program, the nurses must be supported by their own institution and administry of social welfare must give systematic support. Also non-open institution must be open very soon. 3) All health workers including the residents & other workers, must cooperate for their phased common good of impovement of the maternity health. 4) Administration agenies & education institutions must provide the curriculum facilitis and administration systems which are needed for training of nurse-midwifery.