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Original Article
A Prediction Model of Drug Misuse Behaviors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
Se Hwa Hong, Kwang Soo Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2016;46(5):630-641.
Published online: October 31, 2016

1Department of Nursing, Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Wanju, Korea.

2College of Nursing, Chonbuk National Universty, Jeonju, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Hong, Se Hwa. Department of Nursing, Hanil University & Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 726-15 Waemok-ro, Sanggwan-myon, Wanju-gun, Jeonbuk, 55359, Korea. Tel: +82-63-230-5619, Fax: +82-63-284-7863,
• Received: January 12, 2016   • Revised: May 10, 2016   • Accepted: May 10, 2016

© 2016 Korean Society of Nursing Science

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. ( If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.

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  • Purpose
    This study was designed to construct a model which explains drug misuse behaviors in community-dwelling older adults.
  • Methods
    The design of this research is a cross-sectional study using structure equation modeling. The hypothetical model consisted of two types of variables: the exogenous variables of health status, cognitive ability, and negative emotion, and the endogenous variables of number of drugs, and drug misuse behaviors. The data collection was conducted from September 2 to September 21, 2013 through self-report questionnaires. Participants were 320 community-dwelling adults over the age of 65 living in J city. Data were analyzed with SPSS 21.0 program and Amos 18.0 program.
  • Results
    The results of the model fitness analysis were satisfied. The predictor variables for the hypothetical model explained 62.3% of variance regarding drug misuse behaviors. Drug misuse behaviors were directly affected by health status, cognitive ability, negative emotion and number of drugs and indirectly affected by health status, and negative emotion through number of drugs.
  • Conclusion
    These findings indicate factors that should be used in developing effective nursing interventions for safe and proper drug use and the prevention of drug misuse behaviors in community-dwelling older adults.
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Figure 1

Path diagram for the final model.

Table 1

Convergent Validity through Confirmatory Factor Analysis


CR=Construct reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

Table 2

General Characteristics of Participants (N=310)


*Multiple response.

Table 3

Descriptive Statistics of Variables (N=310)


VIF=Variance inflation factor

Table 4

β, C.R., SMC, Direct, Indirect and Total Effects of the Hypothetical Model


β=Standardized regression weight; C.R.=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlation.

Figure & Data



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        A Prediction Model of Drug Misuse Behaviors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2016;46(5):630-641.   Published online October 31, 2016
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      We recommend
      A Prediction Model of Drug Misuse Behaviors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults
      Figure 1 Path diagram for the final model.
      A Prediction Model of Drug Misuse Behaviors in Community-Dwelling Older Adults

      Convergent Validity through Confirmatory Factor Analysis

      CR=Construct reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

      General Characteristics of Participants (N=310)

      *Multiple response.

      Descriptive Statistics of Variables (N=310)

      VIF=Variance inflation factor

      β, C.R., SMC, Direct, Indirect and Total Effects of the Hypothetical Model

      β=Standardized regression weight; C.R.=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlation.

      Table 1 Convergent Validity through Confirmatory Factor Analysis

      CR=Construct reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

      Table 2 General Characteristics of Participants (N=310)

      *Multiple response.

      Table 3 Descriptive Statistics of Variables (N=310)

      VIF=Variance inflation factor

      Table 4 β, C.R., SMC, Direct, Indirect and Total Effects of the Hypothetical Model

      β=Standardized regression weight; C.R.=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlation.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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