1Department of Nursing, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, Konkuk University, Chungju, Korea.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.
This manuscript is a condensed form of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Konkuk University.
*Fisher's exact test; †Bristol Stool Scale; ‡Septic, hypovolemic, cardiogenic shock; §Pre-albumin<20 (mg/dL), albumin<2.5 (g/dL) or NPO longer than 3 days;
Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; ICU=Intensive care unit; BMI=Body mass index.
Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; IADS=Incontinence-associated dermatitis and its severity.
Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; BWAT=Bates-Jensen wound assessment tool; MR=Mean rank; SR=Sum of ranks.
*Fisher's exact test; †Bristol Stool Scale; ‡Septic, hypovolemic, cardiogenic shock; §Pre-albumin<20 (mg/dL), albumin<2.5 (g/dL) or NPO longer than 3 days; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; ICU=Intensive care unit; BMI=Body mass index.
Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; IADS=Incontinence-associated dermatitis and its severity.
Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group; BWAT=Bates-Jensen wound assessment tool; MR=Mean rank; SR=Sum of ranks.