1College of Nursing·Research Institute of Nursing Science, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
2College of Social Sciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.
This study was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education and Technology (No.: NRF-20110022764).
This research was supported by Kyungpook National University Research Fund, 2013.
RCT=Randomized controlled trials; NRCT=Non-randomized controlled trials; N/R=Not reported; SST=Social skill training; REBT=Rational emotive behavioural therapy; SCA=Self control approaches; PSA=Problem solving approaches; CM=Cognitive modeling; cCBT=Delivery of computerised CBT; MT=Multimodal therapy; AIT=Attention improved training; TAT=Think aloud training; SIT=Self instructional training; AT=Art therapy; CET=Cognitive enhancement training; ACRS=Abbreviated conners parent-teacher rating scale-revised; ADDES=The attention deficit disorders evaluation scale; ADS=ADHD diagnostic system; AES-C=Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder evaluation scale-children version; AHS=Attention deficit and hyperactivity rating scale; BBRS=Burks behavior rating scales; DTA=Diagnostic test of aggression; CTRS-28=Conners teacher rating scale-28; DS&DS/C=Digit span of K-WISC-III & digit symbol/coding; FAIR=Frankfurter aufmerksamkeits-inventar; K-ARS=Korean-ADHD Rating scale; K-CBCL=Korean-child behavior checklist; K-IOWA=Korean-IOWA conners rating scale; MESSY=Matson evaluation of social skills with youngsters; MFFT=Matching Familiar figures test; SCRS=Self-control rating scale; SSRS=Social skills rating system; STA=Stratified test of attention; P=Parent; T=Teacher; C,T=Children, teacher.
RCT=Randomized controlled trials; NRCT=Non-randomized controlled trials; N/R=Not reported; SST=Social skill training; REBT=Rational emotive behavioural therapy; SCA=Self control approaches; PSA=Problem solving approaches; CM=Cognitive modeling; cCBT=Delivery of computerised CBT; MT=Multimodal therapy; AIT=Attention improved training; TAT=Think aloud training; SIT=Self instructional training; AT=Art therapy; CET=Cognitive enhancement training; ACRS=Abbreviated conners parent-teacher rating scale-revised; ADDES=The attention deficit disorders evaluation scale; ADS=ADHD diagnostic system; AES-C=Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder evaluation scale-children version; AHS=Attention deficit and hyperactivity rating scale; BBRS=Burks behavior rating scales; DTA=Diagnostic test of aggression; CTRS-28=Conners teacher rating scale-28; DS&DS/C=Digit span of K-WISC-III & digit symbol/coding; FAIR=Frankfurter aufmerksamkeits-inventar; K-ARS=Korean-ADHD Rating scale; K-CBCL=Korean-child behavior checklist; K-IOWA=Korean-IOWA conners rating scale; MESSY=Matson evaluation of social skills with youngsters; MFFT=Matching Familiar figures test; SCRS=Self-control rating scale; SSRS=Social skills rating system; STA=Stratified test of attention; P=Parent; T=Teacher; C,T=Children, teacher.
RCT=Randomized controlled trials; NRCT=Non-randomized controlled trials; N/R=Not reported; SST=Social skill training; REBT=Rational emotive behavioural therapy; SCA=Self control approaches; PSA=Problem solving approaches; CM=Cognitive modeling; cCBT=Delivery of computerised CBT; MT=Multimodal therapy; AIT=Attention improved training; TAT=Think aloud training; SIT=Self instructional training; AT=Art therapy; CET=Cognitive enhancement training; ACRS=Abbreviated conners parent-teacher rating scale-revised; ADDES=The attention deficit disorders evaluation scale; ADS=ADHD diagnostic system; AES-C=Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder evaluation scale-children version; AHS=Attention deficit and hyperactivity rating scale; BBRS=Burks behavior rating scales; DTA=Diagnostic test of aggression; CTRS-28=Conners teacher rating scale-28; DS&DS/C=Digit span of K-WISC-III & digit symbol/coding; FAIR=Frankfurter aufmerksamkeits-inventar; K-ARS=Korean-ADHD Rating scale; K-CBCL=Korean-child behavior checklist; K-IOWA=Korean-IOWA conners rating scale; MESSY=Matson evaluation of social skills with youngsters; MFFT=Matching Familiar figures test; SCRS=Self-control rating scale; SSRS=Social skills rating system; STA=Stratified test of attention; P=Parent; T=Teacher; C,T=Children, teacher.