1College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
3School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA.
4Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/) If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0003738).
3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; AUC=Area under the ROC curve; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment-EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; FEES=Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOF-II=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; NR=Not reported; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SLP=Speech Language Pathologist; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; VFSS=Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study; wbc=White blood cell; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.
*Quality rating of measurement property (+=Positive; ?=Indeterminate; -=Negative; 0=No information available); †Time to administer (+=Less than 10 minutes; -=More than 10 minutes; ?=Time to administer unknown); ‡Test procedure (+=Trial swallow only; -=Procedures and instruments needed other than trial swallows); 3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment- EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOFII=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.
Asp. Pneu.=Aspiration pneumonia; DR=Doctor; D/W=Distilled water; GCS=Glasgow Coma Scale; Hx=History; NR=Not reported; RN=Registered nurse; SLP=Speech language pathologist; SLT=Speech language therapist; s/s=Sign and symptom; VFG=Videofluorography.
3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; AUC=Area under the ROC curve; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment-EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; FEES=Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOF-II=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; NR=Not reported; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SLP=Speech Language Pathologist; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; VFSS=Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study; wbc=White blood cell; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.
*Quality rating of measurement property (+=Positive; ?=Indeterminate; -=Negative; 0=No information available); †Time to administer (+=Less than 10 minutes; -=More than 10 minutes; ?=Time to administer unknown); ‡Test procedure (+=Trial swallow only; -=Procedures and instruments needed other than trial swallows); 3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment- EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOFII=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.
Asp. Pneu.=Aspiration pneumonia; DR=Doctor; D/W=Distilled water; GCS=Glasgow Coma Scale; Hx=History; NR=Not reported; RN=Registered nurse; SLP=Speech language pathologist; SLT=Speech language therapist; s/s=Sign and symptom; VFG=Videofluorography.
3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; AUC=Area under the ROC curve; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment-EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; FEES=Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOF-II=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; NR=Not reported; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SLP=Speech Language Pathologist; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; VFSS=Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study; wbc=White blood cell; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.
*Quality rating of measurement property (+=Positive; ?=Indeterminate; -=Negative; 0=No information available); †Time to administer (+=Less than 10 minutes; -=More than 10 minutes; ?=Time to administer unknown); ‡Test procedure (+=Trial swallow only; -=Procedures and instruments needed other than trial swallows); 3-oz WST=3-oz Water Swallow Test; 3 non-VFG=Three non-Videofluorography Test (water + food test + x-ray); 9-indicators=9-Clinical Indicators of Dysphagia; ASDS=Acute-Stroke Dysphagia Screen; BDST=Burke Dysphagia Screening Test; BSA=Bedside Swallowing Assessment; BSA + O2 saturation=Combination of Bedside Swallowing Assessment and Oxygen Saturation Monitoring; BSA-EATS=Bedside Swallow Assessment- EATS (Examine Ability To Swallow); CFS-D=Clinical Functional Scale for Dysphagia; DAT=Dysphagia Assessment Tool; DRACE=Dysphagia Risk Assessment for the Community Dwelling Elderly; DSQ=Dysphagia Screening Questionnaire; GUSS=Gugging Swallowing Screen; MASA=Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; Massey BSS=The Massey Bedside Swallowing Screen; MEOFII=Minimal Eating Observation Form II; MISA=McGill Ingestive Skills Assessment; MMASA=Modified Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability; MWST + cough test=Modified Water Swallowing Test + Cough Test; NDST=Nursing Dysphagia Screening Tool; PAC-SAC=PAC (prefeeding assessment checklist)- SAC (swallowing assessment checklist); SBST=Simple Bedside Swallowing Test; SSA=Standardized Swallowing Assessment; SSA with water/pudding=Standardized Swallowing Assessment with water/pudding; STS-SPT=Simple Two-Step Swallowing Provocation Test; TOR-BSST=Toronto Bedside Swallowing Screening Test; TWST=Timed Water Swallowing Test; WSD=Westergen's Screening for Dysphagia.