1Department of Nursing, Kimcheon Science College, Gimcheon, Korea.
2BK21 Center for Elderly Health Policy Research, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
3Graduate School of Public Health, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This manuscript is based on a part of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Seoul National University.
This study was supported by the research fund of the Korea Health & Medical Worker's Union in 2011.
Note: Capitalize all of the above names.
HIRA=Healthcare insurance review & assessment service; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; KRINP=The Korean research institute for nursing policy; KOSIS=Korean statistical information service; CMI=Case mix index.
HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; RN=Registered nurse.
*10,000 won/year; **Duncan grouping: a>b, c>d; †General hospital: 1st-2nd grade, Tertiary hospital: 3rd grade or higher; ‡General hospital: 3rd-5th grade, Tertiary hospital: 4-6th grade.
*Fisher's exact test; CMI=Case mix index; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; RN=Registered nurse.
OR=Odds ratio; CMI=Case mix index; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; ICC=Intraclass correlation.
*HHI was calculated on the basis of hospital's nurse share in their labor market(HHI_RN).
Note: Capitalize all of the above names. HIRA=Healthcare insurance review & assessment service; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; KRINP=The Korean research institute for nursing policy; KOSIS=Korean statistical information service; CMI=Case mix index.
HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; RN=Registered nurse.
*10,000 won/year; **Duncan grouping: a>b, c>d; †General hospital: 1st-2nd grade, Tertiary hospital: 3rd grade or higher; ‡General hospital: 3rd-5th grade, Tertiary hospital: 4-6th grade.
*Fisher's exact test; CMI=Case mix index; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; RN=Registered nurse.
OR=Odds ratio; CMI=Case mix index; HHI=Herfindahl Hirshman index; ICC=Intraclass correlation. *HHI was calculated on the basis of hospital's nurse share in their labor market(HHI_RN).