College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This manuscript is a condensed form of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Chungnam National University.
This study was supported by the research assistance fund of Korean Society of Adult Nursing in 2010.
FE=Frail elderly; HE=Healthy elderly; OA=Osteoarthritis; AS=Ankylosing spondylitis; BBS=Berg balance scale; FRT=Functional reach test; OLS=One leg stance; POMA=Performance oriented mobility assessment; PPS=Physical performance scale; TS=Tandem stance; TUG=Timed up and go test; ROM=Range of motion; ADL=Activities of daily living; FAS=Functional ability scale; GARS=Groningen activity restriction scale; HAQ=Health assessment questionnaire; OARS=Older American resource survey; WOMAC=Western Ontario and McMaster University osteoarthritis index questionnaire; ABC=Activities-specific balance confidence scale; FES=Fall efficacy scale; SAFFE=Survey of activities and fear of falling in the elderly; MS=Muscle strength; Italic=No report about method of random assignment.
FE=Frail elderly; HE=Healthy elderly; OA=Osteoarthritis; AS=Ankylosing spondylitis; BBS=Berg balance scale; FRT=Functional reach test; OLS=One leg stance; POMA=Performance oriented mobility assessment; PPS=Physical performance scale; TS=Tandem stance; TUG=Timed up and go test; ROM=Range of motion; ADL=Activities of daily living; FAS=Functional ability scale; GARS=Groningen activity restriction scale; HAQ=Health assessment questionnaire; OARS=Older American resource survey; WOMAC=Western Ontario and McMaster University osteoarthritis index questionnaire; ABC=Activities-specific balance confidence scale; FES=Fall efficacy scale; SAFFE=Survey of activities and fear of falling in the elderly; MS=Muscle strength; Italic=No report about method of random assignment.
*Random effect model; AS=Asymmetric; S=Symmetric.
FE=Frail elderly; HE=Healthy elderly; OA=Osteoarthritis; AS=Ankylosing spondylitis; BBS=Berg balance scale; FRT=Functional reach test; OLS=One leg stance; POMA=Performance oriented mobility assessment; PPS=Physical performance scale; TS=Tandem stance; TUG=Timed up and go test; ROM=Range of motion; ADL=Activities of daily living; FAS=Functional ability scale; GARS=Groningen activity restriction scale; HAQ=Health assessment questionnaire; OARS=Older American resource survey; WOMAC=Western Ontario and McMaster University osteoarthritis index questionnaire; ABC=Activities-specific balance confidence scale; FES=Fall efficacy scale; SAFFE=Survey of activities and fear of falling in the elderly; MS=Muscle strength; Italic=No report about method of random assignment.
*Random effect model; AS=Asymmetric; S=Symmetric.