Professor, Department of Nursing, Kwandong University, Gangreung, Korea.
© 2012 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2009-0071483)
HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Z: Mann-Whitney U test; χ2: Kruskal Wallis test; HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Z: Mann-Whitney U test; *χ2: Kruskal Wallis test; HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Ref.=Reference; Adj. OR=Adjusted Odds Ratio; CI=Confidence interval; HPV=Human Papillomavirus; STD=Sexually transmitted disease.
HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Z: Mann-Whitney U test; χ2: Kruskal Wallis test; HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Z: Mann-Whitney U test; *χ2: Kruskal Wallis test; HPV=Human Papillomavirus.
Ref.=Reference; Adj. OR=Adjusted Odds Ratio; CI=Confidence interval; HPV=Human Papillomavirus; STD=Sexually transmitted disease.