Instructor, Department of Nursing, Nambu University, Gwangju, Korea.
© 2012 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Homogeneity Test of General Characteristics of Participants
*Fisher's exact test; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
Homogeneity Test of Disease-related Characteristics of Participants
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
Smoking Cessation Rates of Participants
*Fisher's exact test; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
Effects of Smoking Cessation Education on Flow-Mediated Vasodilation and the Serum Carboxyhemoglobin
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; COHb=Carboxyhemoglobin.
Influence of Education and Cessation on Flow-Mediated Dilation and Carboxyhemoglobin Change
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; COHb=Carboxyhemoglobin.
*Fisher's exact test; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
*Fisher's exact test; Exp.=Experimental group; Cont.=Control group.
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; COHb=Carboxyhemoglobin.
FMD=Flow-mediated vasodilation; COHb=Carboxyhemoglobin.