1Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing & Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University, Asan, Korea.
2Wound Ostomy Continence Nurse, Nursing Department, Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
3Full time Lecturer, Department of Nursing & Research Institute for Basic Science, Hoseo University, Asan, Korea.
4Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Kyungwon University, Seongnam, Korea.
© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2009-0067851).
*Fisher's exact test.
SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique.
*Reference was initial skin status at the time of randomization (0 month); †Fisher's exact test; *p<.05; **p<.01.
SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique, DET total status: at least one abnormal skin problem such as discoloration, erosion, and tissue overgrowth.
*CT group or baseline is the reference. Controlled variables are age, gender, ostomy type, and treatment. DET total status: at least one abnormal skin problem such as discoloration, erosion, and tissue overgrowth.
SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique; *Only patients who answer this question were analyzed (n=74, SPSC group=45, CT group=29); †Only patients who answer this question were analyzed (n=63, SPSC group=37, CT group=26); KRW=Korean Won.
*Fisher's exact test. SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique.
*Reference was initial skin status at the time of randomization (0 month); †Fisher's exact test; * SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique, DET total status: at least one abnormal skin problem such as discoloration, erosion, and tissue overgrowth.
*CT group or baseline is the reference. Controlled variables are age, gender, ostomy type, and treatment. DET total status: at least one abnormal skin problem such as discoloration, erosion, and tissue overgrowth.
SPSC=Standardized peristomal skin care; CT=Crusting technique; *Only patients who answer this question were analyzed (n=74, SPSC group=45, CT group=29); †Only patients who answer this question were analyzed (n=63, SPSC group=37, CT group=26); KRW=Korean Won.