1Student, Bredin Institute, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
2Professor, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (810-20090016).
This article is a part of master's thesis.
n=number of animals.
PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals.
PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals.
PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals.
PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals.
PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals. PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals. PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals. PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals. PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.
n=number of animals. PD=Parkinson's disease; S=sham.