1Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
2Assistant Professor, Nursing Science University of Ulsan, Ulsan, Korea.
3MPH, Graduate School of Public Health, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
4Professor, School of Medicine, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
5Associate Professor, St. Vincent's Hospital, Catholic University, Suwon, Korea.
6Professor, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea.
7Director, Suwon Yeongtong-gu Health Center, Suwon, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Criterion value of loading>.50.
a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.94, Bartlett's test of sphericity=23,296.07, p<.001; bKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.93, Bartlett's test of sphericity=19,846.11, p<.001; cKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.93, Bartlett's test of sphericity=18,941.00, p<.001; dKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.92, Bartlett's test of sphericity=6,233.51, p<.001.
Characteristics of Participants in Interviews, (N=30)
Characteristics of Participants for Psychometric Evaluation, (N=873)
Frequencies and Percentages of Missing Values and Factor Loadings
Criterion value of loading>.50.
a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.94, Bartlett's test of sphericity=23,296.07, p<.001; bKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.93, Bartlett's test of sphericity=19,846.11, p<.001; cKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.93, Bartlett's test of sphericity=18,941.00, p<.001; dKaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.92, Bartlett's test of sphericity=6,233.51, p<.001.
Inter-subscale Correlations and Reliability Coefficients of Each Subscale
( )=Cronabch's alpha of each subscale; PS=physical symptoms; DE=diet and exercise; S=support; RHP=relationship with health professionals; TP=treatment and prognosis; KMC=keeping mind under control.
Multitrait/Multi-Item Matrix (Correlation Matrix Corrected for Overlap) for Item Convergent and Item Discriminant
PS=physical symptoms; DE=diet and exercise; S=support; RHP=relationship with health professionals; TP=treatment and prognosis; KMC=keeping mind under control. Standard error of a correlation coefficient=1 divided by the square root of the sample.
Criterion value of loading>.50. a Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO)=.94, Bartlett's test of sphericity=23,296.07,
* ( )=Cronabch's alpha of each subscale; PS=physical symptoms; DE=diet and exercise; S=support; RHP=relationship with health professionals; TP=treatment and prognosis; KMC=keeping mind under control.
PS=physical symptoms; DE=diet and exercise; S=support; RHP=relationship with health professionals; TP=treatment and prognosis; KMC=keeping mind under control. Standard error of a correlation coefficient=1 divided by the square root of the sample.