1Full-time Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Hoseo University, Asan, Korea.
2Professor, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2009 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This article is based on a part of the first author's doctoral thesis from Seoul National University.
x1=physical stoma-related discomfort; x2=psychological stoma-related discomfort; x3=management-related stoma-related discomfort; x4=age; x5=frequency of sexual intercourse; x6=treatment modality; x7=gender; y1=body image; y2=depression; y3=intimacy; y4=sexual function; y5=sexual satisfaction.
x1=physical stoma-related discomfort; x2=psychological stoma-related discomfort; x3=management-related stoma-related discomfort; x4=age; x5=frequency of sexual intercourse; x6=treatment modality; x7=gender; y1=body image; y2=depression; y3=intimacy; y4=sexual function; y5=sexual satisfaction.