1Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Inje University, Busan, Korea.
2Research Assistant, Department of Nursing, Inje University, Busan, Korea.
Copyright © 2009 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This work was supported by the Korea Research Foundation Grant funded by Korean Goverment (KRF-2006-311-E00114).
x1=parenting; x2=family satisfaction; x3=school achievement; x4=school adjustment; x5=friend's support; x6=teacher's support; y1=depression; y2=anxiety; y3=impulsiveness; y4=antisocial personality; y5=self acceptance; y6=self esteem; y7=self confidence; y8=perception; y9=self efficacy; y10=substance use.
x1=parenting; x2=family satisfaction; x3=school achievement; x4=school adjustment; x5=friend's support; x6=teacher's support; y1=depression; y2=anxiety; y3=impulsiveness; y4=antisocial personality; y5=self acceptance; y6=self esteem; y7=self confidence; y8=perception; y9=self efficacy; y10=substance use.
CR=critical ratio; SMC=squared multiple correlations.
x1=parenting; x2=family satisfaction; x3=school achievement; x4=school adjustment; x5=friend's support; x6=teacher's support; y1=depression; y2=anxiety; y3=impulsiveness; y4=antisocial personality; y5=self acceptance; y6=self esteem; y7=self confidence; y8=perception; y9=self efficacy; y10=substance use.
CR=critical ratio; SMC=squared multiple correlations.