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Original Article
Study on the Changes in Limb Circumferences and Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators
Young-Hui Hwang, Myoung-Ae Choe
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2008;38(6):874-880.
Published online: December 31, 2008

1Doctoral Student, Department of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

2Professor, Department of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Hwang, Young Hui. Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Seoul National University, 28 Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-744, Korea. Tel: 82-2-2112-5496, Fax: 82-2-2112-5554,
• Received: June 10, 2008   • Accepted: November 14, 2008

Copyright © 2008 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to identify muscle atrophy in critically ill patients on ventilators. A comparison was made between limb circumferences and muscle areas on the day of admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) and on the 8th day after admission.
  • Methods
    The data were collected from 30 critically ill patients using ventilators at S hospital ICU in Seoul during the period from October 2005 to April 2006. Limb circumferences and skinfold thickness were measured on the day of admission and on the 8th day after admission to the ICU. Limb circumferences and skinfold thickness were measured on the right mid-arm, right mid-thigh, and right mid-calf using a measuring tape and a skinfold calipers. Limb muscle areas were calculated by an equation after measuring limb circumferences and skinfold thickness. The data were analyzed by paired t-test and independent t-test.
  • Results
    1) Mid-arm circumference, mid-thigh circumference and mid-calf circumference on the 8th day after admission to the ICU were significantly less than those on the day of admission to the ICU, 2) Mid-arm muscle area, mid-thigh muscle area and mid-calf muscle area on the 8th day after admission to the ICU were significantly less than those on the day of admission to the ICU, 3) Steroid and vecuronium medication didn't affect changes in limb circumferences (mid-arm, mid-thigh, mid-calf) and muscle areas (mid-arm, mid-thigh, mid-calf) on the 8th day after admission to the ICU compared to the day of admission.
  • Conclusion
    Limb muscle atrophy may occur on the 8th day after admission to the ICU in critically ill patients using ventilator.
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Table 1
Characteristics of the Subjects (N=30)

*Values on the day of admission.

COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Tb=tuberculosis.

Table 2
Mean Daily Dose of Midazolam, Vecuronium, and/or Steroid, and Mean Daily Calorie Intake (N=30)

ER=energy requirement.

Table 3
Limb Circumferences of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


Table 4
Limb Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


Table 5
Limb Circumferences and Limb Muscle Areas on the 8th Day after Admission compared to the Day of Admission by Steroid and Vecuronium Medication (N=30)

*p<.05; values on the 8th day after admission - values on the day of admission.

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        Study on the Changes in Limb Circumferences and Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2008;38(6):874-880.   Published online December 31, 2008
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      We recommend
      Study on the Changes in Limb Circumferences and Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators
      Study on the Changes in Limb Circumferences and Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators

      Characteristics of the Subjects (N=30)

      *Values on the day of admission.

      COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Tb=tuberculosis.

      Mean Daily Dose of Midazolam, Vecuronium, and/or Steroid, and Mean Daily Calorie Intake (N=30)

      ER=energy requirement.

      Limb Circumferences of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


      Limb Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


      Limb Circumferences and Limb Muscle Areas on the 8th Day after Admission compared to the Day of Admission by Steroid and Vecuronium Medication (N=30)

      *p<.05; values on the 8th day after admission - values on the day of admission.

      Table 1 Characteristics of the Subjects (N=30)

      *Values on the day of admission.

      COPD=chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; Tb=tuberculosis.

      Table 2 Mean Daily Dose of Midazolam, Vecuronium, and/or Steroid, and Mean Daily Calorie Intake (N=30)

      ER=energy requirement.

      Table 3 Limb Circumferences of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


      Table 4 Limb Muscle Areas of Critically Ill Patients using Ventilators on the 8th Day After Admission to Intensive Care Unit (N=30)


      Table 5 Limb Circumferences and Limb Muscle Areas on the 8th Day after Admission compared to the Day of Admission by Steroid and Vecuronium Medication (N=30)

      *p<.05; values on the 8th day after admission - values on the day of admission.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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