1Professor, College of Nursing Science, KyungHee University, Seoul, Korea.
2Manager, Gangbuk-gu Community Mental Health Center, Seoul, Korea.
3Part-time Instructor, College of Nursing Science, KyungHee University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2008 Korean Society of Nursing Science
x1=Employment intention; x2=Quality of life; x3=Employment desire; x4=Self esteem; x5=Guardian's expectation; x6=Friend's support; x7=Professional's support; x8=Eating habit; x9=Hygiene; x10=Appearance care; x11=Environment arrangement; x12=Financial management; x13=Health management; x14=Daily life; x15=Age; x16=Period of mental health center use; x17=Frequency of hospital admission.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
x1=Employment intention; x2=Quality of life; x3=Employment desire; x4=Self esteem; x5=Guardian's expectation; x6=Friend's support; x7=Professional's support; x8=Eating habit; x9=Hygiene; x10=Appearance care; x11=Environment arrangement; x12=Financial management; x13=Health management; x14=Daily life; x15=Age; x16=Period of mental health center use; x17=Frequency of hospital admission.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
x1=Employment intention; x2=Quality of life; x3=Employment desire; x4=Self esteem; x5=Guardian's expectation; x6=Friend's support; x7=Professional's support; x8=Eating habit; x9=Hygiene; x10=Appearance care; x11=Environment arrangement; x12=Financial management; x13=Health management; x14=Daily life; x15=Age; x16=Period of mental health center use; x17=Frequency of hospital admission. *p<.05; **p<.01.