The purpose of this study is the extent of the stress of the nursing students during the period of delivery room practice, according to whether they have their practical experience and in which situations they received. The subject of this study is 62 nursing students (who experienced delivery room pracice at an early stage) in Kang Weon C.Junior College of nursing and 62 nursing students (who experienced delivery room practice at a latter stage) in J. Junior college of Nursing (total 124 students) from March 1988 to December 1988. The results of this study are summerized as follows. 1. According to the general characteristics, it revealed that they have not any relations between the religion, the numbers of family, health status and the extent of stress during the nursing students have experienced in the delivery room practice (p>. 05). 2. It revealed that there were much differences to the extent of stress they have experienced during the delivery room practice between the nursing students (who experienced delivery room practiceat an early stage) in C.Junior College of Nursing and nursing students (who experienced delivery room practice at a latter stage) in J. Jnninr College of Nursing(p<.000). 3. In ten items of the stress that was confronted by nursing practice, they had much differences to the extent of stress perception for the students during the period of delivery room practice between each cdlege(p<.05). 4. In the four parts of the clinical pratice except for adult nursing practice, they had much differences to the extent of stress according to whether they have their practical experience. However the stress which they experienced in the adult ward during the period of delivery of delivery room nursing practice is too low to be significant(p<.05).