PURPOSE: This study was done to develop the concept of grief focusing on the process of spousal bereavement in Korea.
METHODS: The Hybrid model was used for analysis according to the 3 phases. An extensive literature review was done for the Theoretical phase. In-depth interviews were conducted with 15 participants whose spouses died within the past 3 years in the Field phase. In the Final analytic phase, the results in the Theoretical and the Field phases were compared, analyzed, and integrated according to the process of grief.
RESULTS: The antecedent of the concept of spousal grief was spousal death. The dimensions of grief were classified to inner dimensions related to oneself, relational dimensions related to family and others, and existential dimensions related to the meaning of being. The attributes of grief were physical suffering, decline of cognitive ability, heartbreaking sorrow, expectations and conflicts of a new life, social stigma, dependence on or resentment towards God, etc. The empirical referent of grief was physical, psychological, social, and spiritual health status. The grieving progressed through 3 phasesshock-emancipation, suffering, and integration.
CONCLUSION: Nurses should recognize the importance of their unique position as supporters for grievers, and try to assess individual characteristics and to provide tailored nursing interventions.