‘Yangsaeng’ is a traditional healthcare regimen for the promotion of health and prevention of illnesses by means of specific principles and methods for the purpose of living a long and healthy life. The purpose of this paper was to develop a tool in measuring Yangsaeng and to verify its reliability and validity.
Content validity was conducted three times by 8 experts. Factor analysis was conducted to test its construct validity.
Thirty-one items were selected in 8 factors; Morality Yangsaeng, Mind Yangsaeng, Diet Yangsaeng, Activity & rest Yangsaeng, Exercise Yangsaeng, Seasonal Yangsaeng, Sleep Yangsaeng and Sex life Yangsaeng. The explanatory variance is 61.76%. Cronbach's alpha of the final tool is .89 and that of each factor is .68~.82. The analysis of the items shows that the item-total correlation is .40 or higher. Criterion-related validity was verified with the CMCHS V1.0 and the KoHSME V1.0.
Since the tool developed in this study was verified in terms of its reliability and validity, it could be utilized as a tool for evaluating the extent of Yangsaeng.