This study was to develop a client health status outcome evaluation instrument, and examine content validity, reliability, construct validity, and the acceptability of this instrument.
A preliminary list was made of such key information as standards, criteria, indicators and measures, by means of a broad review of literature within the field. After determining the preliminary instruments, the study sought to obtain examination, consensus, and modification of two groups of experts in the home-care field. Finally, the instrument examined content validity, reliability, construct validity, and the acceptability of this instrument.
The tool was considered of 13 criteria, 48 indicators, and 167 detail measures. The content validity index of the tool was above 0.8 according to the expert group. Regarding the reliability of the evaluators of standards 1 and 2, the degree of agreement between evaluators was high(96.4% through 98.2%). Construct validity in this study, the difference in the mean score between the baseline point and the follow up point of each of standards 1 and 2 was significant, and the mean score of the follow up point was more than that of the baseline point. After examining the acceptability of this instrument with practice managers and home care nurses in home care institutions, a positive opinion was given of this instrument, and it was indicated that to be useful and applicable in home care practice.
The results of evaluating client outcome will contribute to overall outcome-based quality improvement and service marketing in home care by providing a constant gauge of home care effectiveness.