The purpose of this study was to test the effect of Taping therapy on Range of Motion, pain, and depression in stroke patients in the home without complete recovery as a means of nursing intervention.
Twenty seven subjects out of fifty four people who were attending in the stroke self-help group in one community health center in S city were asked to participate in this Quai-experimental study. The Taping therapy was a method that stick to the illness area and the point of pressure pain, the elastic and cross tape without medicine treatment with domestic products. Nursing intervention was independently completed by researcher once a week over two period of 12 weeks from September 2001 to March 2002 year. Data were analyzed using the SPSS win. The homogeneity between the experimental group and control grouup was test by x2 and t-test. The difference of experimental before and after were tested by the unpaired t-test.
The shoulder joint flexion and abduction, the elbow joint flexion and extension, the hip joint flexion, and the flexion of knee joint in the ROM of the experimental group were significantly improved over those of the control group. In difference of pain, rest and painful movement, the experimental group were significantly decreased over those of the control group. The difference of depression in experimental before and after was significantly decreased in the experimental group over those of the control group.
The Taping therapy intervention proved effect pain relief and depression decrease as well as promote of range of motion.