The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences Quality of Life(QOL) according to menopausal symptoms in middle aged women.
The subjects consisted of 578 women(45-60 years old) residing in urban area by convenience sampling from March 15 to May 30, 2002. The data were collected by structured questionnaire that included general characteristics, menopausal symptoms and QOL scale. the collected data were analyzed by the SPSS 11.0 program that included descriptive statistics, t-test and ANOVA.
The averaged age of menopause of subjects was 48.29±4.66 years and 74.8% in the subjects complained menopausal symptoms. As for the orders of complained menopausal symptom, it was fatigue, hot flashes, benumbed hands and feet, and irritability. The mean score of the QOL scale was showing above average level of quality of life. Religion was significantly different to the score for activity of QOL, monthly income was different to the score for activity and physical well-being of QOL. Menopausal status was significantly different to the QOL.
This study suggests that a replicate study is needed. The results are also useful in developing various programs for health promotion of middle aged women.