PURPOSE: The object of this study was to explore and describe the experience of women living with lymphedema within a socio-medical context in Korea.
METHODS: Research data was collected through interviews and participant observation with 9 informants between February 2000 and July 2002. Data was examined using Spradley's taxonomy analyzing techniques.
RESULTS: 5 themes were identified; 'overwhelming and despair over the ailment condition', 'distrust and abandonment of conventional medicine' 'shaming of losing maternity and femineity', 'returning to the permanent safe shelter', and 'struggling for reconstruction of one's self'. The 'chaotic' state of knowledge and health care system for lymphedmea patient affected the experiences of informants.
CONCLUSIONS: This result will be a basic understanding of psychosocial impact of lymphedema for the women and to develop the comprehensive nursing program including counseling program.