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Development and Validation of the Self-Care for Aspiration Pneumonia Prevention Scale in the Community Dwelling Elderly with Risk of Dysphasia
Yang, Eun Young , Lee, Shin-Young
J Korean Acad Nurs 2020;50(3):474-486.   Published online June 30, 2020
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The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a Korean version of the Self-Care for Aspiration Pneumonia Prevention(SCAPP-K) scale in older adults at risk of dysphasia.
The Hertz and Baas model of scale development and validation was used. Inthe development stage, items were generated via literature review and interviews with medical experts, older adults, and caregivers. Tenexperts assessed the items for content validity. Subsequently, 12 older adults participated in a pilot test to determine the comprehensibilityand appropriateness of the SCAPP-K scale. The validation stage involved a cross-sectional survey with 203 older adults for exploratoryfactor analysis (EFA) and 200 older adults for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and to determine convergent and discriminant validity. Totest the validity and reliability of the scale, EFA using principal component analysis with varimax rotation and CFA were conducted, andconvergent and discriminant validity as well as internal consistency reliability were determined.
As a result of EFA, three self-carefactors (knowledge, resources, behaviors) with 21 items were validated. The CFA and convergent and discriminant validity indicated theapplicability of the three-factor self-care scale. The reliability of the SCAPP-K scale was acceptable, with Cronbach’s a=.87~.91.
The SCAPP-K scale has acceptable validity and reliability and can contribute to clinical practice, research, and education to improveself-care for the prevention of aspiration pneumonia in older adults at risk of dysphasia.
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Testing a Middle-Range Theory of Self-Care of Chronic Illness: A Validation for Korean Adult Patients with Severe Hypertension
Eunha Gil, Heeyoung Oh
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(5):521-533.   Published online October 31, 2018
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The aims of this study are to provide a theoretical framework for improving the self-care of adults with severe hypertension and to examine the practical suitability of a middle-range theory of self-care for chronic illness by validating the structural model.


Data were collected at a university hospital in D metropolitan city from July 1 to August 14, 2015. A total of 224 Korean adult patients with severe hypertension were recruited. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22.0 and AMOS 22.0.


The results show that the fit index of the hypothetical model meets the recommended level; 7 out of 8 hypothetical model paths were statistically significant. Motivation, self-efficacy, support from others, and accessibility to care showed statistical significance and explained 67.3% of the self-care process. The self-care process explained 45.3%, 63.6%, and 26.5% of quality of life, health, and illness stability, respectively.


This model can be used as a theoretical framework for improving self-care among adult Korean patients with severe hypertension. Moreover, the practical suitability and validity of the middle-range theory of self-care for chronic illness is secured.

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Structural Equation Modeling of Self-Care Behaviors in Kidney Transplant Patients Based on Self-Determination Theory
Hye Won Jeong, Hyang Sook So
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(6):731-742.   Published online January 15, 2018
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Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to test a hypothesis explaining direct and indirect relationships among the factors affecting self-care behaviors of kidney transplant patients, based on self-determination theory.


Data were collected from 222 outpatients with kidney transplantation. The endogenous and exogenous variables of the hypothetical model consisted of healthcare provider's autonomy support, duration after kidney transplantation, basic psychological need satisfaction, autonomous and controlled motivation, depression, and self-care behaviors. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 24.0 and AMOS 24.0.


The hypothetical model demonstrated a good fit: RMSEA=.06, SRMR=.04, TLI=.94, CFI=.97. Statistically significant explanatory variables for the self-care behaviors of kidney transplant patients were duration after transplantation and basic psychological need satisfaction. Healthcare provider's autonomy support was indirectly significant, while autonomous motivation, controlled motivation and depression were not statistically significant for self-care behaviors. The variables accounted for 59.5% of the self-care behaviors of kidney transplant patients.


It is necessary to develop an autonomy support program for healthcare providers to enhance the self-care behaviors of kidney transplant patients. Preventing the deterioration of self-care behaviors will be possible by conducting this program at one year and six years post-transplantation. In addition, the results suggest the need to developing personalized autonomy support programs for healthcare providers that can meet the basic psychological need satisfaction of kidney transplant patients.

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An Effect of Self: Care Education and Level of Resourcefulness on Active Coping in Patients with Chemotherapy
Soon Rim Suh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):639-647.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify how internal and external coping resources influenced active coping in the process of stress-coping. The model was established theoretically by comparing and integrating the following theories : Stress-Coping, Self-Care, and Resourcefulness. The subjects consisted of sixty eight patients undergoing chemotherapy(experimental group 34, control group 34) at two general hospitals from January to July, 1995, The results were as follows : After self-care education, the active coping score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. The active coping score of the high resourcefulness group was significantly higher than that of the low resourcefulness group. The interaction effect between self-care education and resourcfulness was not significant statistically. Specifically as to such scores of seeking social support, problem-oriented strategy and self care behavior, there were significantly higher in the experimental group and high resourcefulness group than in each of the other groups. Considering them both, self-care education and resourcefulness are effective nursing strategies to promote active coping including self-care. Consequently, the synthesis and testing of theories of stress-coping, self-care, and resoucefulness in this study are mostly proven to enhance the explanation and prediction of the change of active coping including self-care. Therefore the result of this study will contribute in the development of practice theory of nursing. A further study is necessary to reevaluate the interaction effect between self-care education and resourcefulness and to identify the difference between resourcefulness and self-efficacy.

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Effects of a Program to Promote Self-Efficacy and Hope on the Self: Care Behaviors and the Quality of Life in Patients with Leukemia
Pok Ja Oh, Eun Ok Lee, Young Sook Tae, Dong Choon Um
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):627-638.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Most patients having leukemia suffer severely from emotional turmoil due to the generalized perception that cancer will be fatal. The conventional chemotherapy results in side effects such as severe bone marrow depression which interfere with self-care management, vital for improvement in their condition. Bandura's theory of the self-efficacy suggests that self-efficacy can be enforced by performance attainments, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion and the release of emotional arousal. Self-efficacy can be enforced by a program of vicarious experiences and verbal persuasion, while the emotional arousal can be relieved through a hope promotion program. If once self-efficacy increases, the patient's self-care behaviors and the quality of life will also increase. The purpose of this study was to empirically test the effects of a program, to promote self-efficacy and hope, on self-care behaviors and quality of life in patients having leukemia. In this study, three types of approaches to enhance self-efficacy and hope were used : 1) a 20-minute long slide/tape for vagarious experiences ; 2) a 10-minute long telephone call coaching for verbal persuasion ; and 3)two booklets for information about the symptoms of leukemia and treatment modalities and hope promotion. Thirsty one patients were recruited in the experimental group and 29 in the control group with a nonequivalent pretest-posttest design. The subjects were patients with leukemia undergoing chemotherapy. Sherer and Maddux's self-efficacy scale, Nowotny's hope scale, and Padilla's quality of life scale were employed with some modifications. A self-care behavior scale was developed by the researchers. Statistical analyses including paired t-test, Chi-square, ANCOVA and ANOVA, were used. The results are as follows : The levels of self-efficacy, self-care behavior and quality of life were higher in the experimental group than in the control group after four weeks of intervention(F=28.71, P=.0001 ; F=63.35, P=.0001 ; F=16.57, P=.0001). After ten weeks of intervention, all of the dependent variables(self-efficacy, self-care behavior, hope and quality of life) in the experimental group were higher than in the control group(F=74.12, P=.0001 ; F=108.34, P=.0001 ; F=13.11, P=.001 ; F=43.52, P=.0001). In conclusion, self-care behavior and quality of life increased mainly through an increase an increase in self-efficacy, while increases in hope took more time and effort.

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The Study of the Development of Efficacy Expectation Promoting Program and it's Effect for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patients
Ok Nam Hwang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):544-555.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The Study of the Development of Efficacy Expectation Promoting Program and it's Effect for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patients. This study was conducted to develop on Efficacy Expectation Promoting Program (EEPP) based on the Self-Efficacy Theory of Bandura for Cervical Spinal Cord Injury Patient(CSCIP), and invesgated it's effects. The research process of this study was done in three phases. The first phase was an analysis of the patient's life experience. The second phase was to develop an Efficacy Expectation Promoting VTR Tape Program(EEPP) that reflected the life experience of the CSCIPs. EEPP was composed Performance Accomplishment and Vicarious Experience with a home visitation program based on Verbal Persuation, which are all induction modes of efficacy expectation of Bandura. The third phase was an experimental stage. The experimental design was an AB Single Experimental Design. Research subjects were three CSCIPs(cer-vical area 5-7). The data was collected from 24th June to 22th Oct, 1995. The result of the experimentation showed great increase self-efficacy score, subject self-care score, all competence of daily living score, and social activities. In conclusion, it was found that an EEPP is an effective home nursing intervention technique for rehabilitation of CSCIPs.

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The Correlational Analysis between Perceived Heath Status, Self-Esteem, and Self-Care Agencies among Adolescents
Hee Jung Jang, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):186-195.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to identify and clarify the relationship between perceived health, self-esteem, and self-care agencies for promoting self care among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected from 817 adolescents in schools located in Seoul, Kyungki-do, and Chuncheon from Sept, 16th to Sept, 28th, 1999, and from Mar 10th to Mar 25th, 2000. The instruments used for this study were the Health Self-Rating Scale, Self-Care Agency Assessment Questionnaire (Denyes, 1981), the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1971). RESULT: 1) The mean perceived health status among Korean adolescents was 8.75 (SD=1.72) 2) The mean self-esteem was 27.27 (SD=4.64). 3) The mean self-care agency was 99.64 (SD=21.02) and the average self-care agency score was 3.99 (SD=0.84). In the subcategories, the highest degree was feelings towards health (4.15), followed by ego strength (4.06), attending to health (3.87), general health knowledge (3.56), and the lowest degree was specific health knowledge (3.20) 4) There was statistical significant differences between demographic factors and self-care agencies, expecially, gender (t=28.65), grade (F=3.79), pocket money (t=5.72), and height (F=9.82) 5) The statistical relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies were found to have a positive correlation. 6) Self-care agencies among adolescents was the highest factor predicting self-esteem (15%). CONCLUSION: The relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies revealed a significant positive correlation among adolescents. Therefore, nursing intervention for adolescents needs to develop self-esteem programs to increase self-care agencies.

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The Effect of a Self-Regulation Program for Hypertensives in Rural Areas
Young Im Park, Myung Hee Jun
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(5):1303-1317.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was conducted to identify a effect of the comprehensive self-regulation program for hypertensives as a nursing intervention on self-care performance and the physiologic parameters in rural areas. For this purpose, a nonequivalent control group and a pre and post-test quasi- experimental design was used. Fifty-four were evaluated subjects from two Community Health Practitioner Posts in the suburbs of Taejon City. The subjects of the control and experimental groups were matched for age and sex. The self-regulation program developed by author given to the experimental group. The program consisted of group education on hypertension and self-care, self-regulation including the blood pressure self-monitoring, recording of self-care activities, and encouraging and reinforcing self-efficacy. The whole program was carried out from September to November of 1999. The data were analyzed by repeated measure ANCOVA, t-test, and ANCOVA. The results were as follows; There was significant improvement in the scores on knowledge (F=.68, P=.004), perceived self-efficacy (F=26.39, P=.000), self-care performance (F=26.11, P=.000) of the experimental group compared with those of the control group. There was no significant change on the score of locus of control, perceived benefits and perceived barrier, blood cholesterol level, body weight between two groups (P>.05). From these results, it can be concluded that the self-regulation program is an effective nursing strategy to promote self-care performance of hypertensives in rural area.

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The Development and Test of Self-Efficacy Promotion Program on Self-care of Hemodialysis Patients
Mi Ryeong Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):1066-1077.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to develop self-efficacy promotion program and to test its effects on self-efficacy, self-care, physiologic index of hemodialysis patients after applying this program to them. Preliminary study was carried out to identify the levels and types of self-care, self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients. To develop self-efficacy promoting program, several discussions with nursing professors and nurse specialists on hemodialysis patients were made after in-depth literature review on the area. Through these processes, the self-efficacy promoting program including 20 minutes long videotape and other counciling documents were completed. This videotape consisted of specific self-care techniques for hemodialysis patients including management of fistula, measurement of blood presure and body weight, special diets, medications, exercise and rest, management of physical problems and social adjustment. Two group equivalent pre and post test quasai-experimental research design was used in this study. The total subjects were 34 hemodialysis patients who received hemodialysis three time per week at 1 university hospital. Seventeen experimental group subjects were matched with control group subjects in sex and age. Data were analysed with the SPSS window program. Homogeniety between experimental and control group pretest data was tested by 2 and t-test. There were no significanct differences in general characteristics, illness history, specific self-efficacy and self-care between the two groups. The differences of general self-efficacy of two groups were tested with the Repeated Measure ANCOVA because of significant differences of pretest data of general self efficacy between two groups. The differences of self-efficacy and self-care of two groups were tested with Repeated Measure ANOVA and the differences of physiologic indecies including blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level and interdialytic weight gain were tested by t-test. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in general self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and no interaction by groups and by time. 2. There was significant difference in specific self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 3. There was significant difference in self-care between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 4. There were no significant differences of blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level, but there was significant difference of interdialytic weight gain between the two groups. From the results above, it can be concluded that the self-efficacy promotion program for hemodialysis patients was effective to improve degree of specific self-efficacy and self-care and to decrease interdialytic weight gain. Considering results, the followings are recommended: 1) Repeated studies are needed for another hemodialysis patients. 2) This program can be used for improving degree of self-efficacy and self-care of hemodialysis patients by nurse practitioner and nurse educator.

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The Effects of a Community Psychiatric Nursing Program on the Rehabilitation of Home-based Long-term Psychiatric Patients
Sook Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1103-1112.   Published online March 29, 2017
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In the last few years, psychiatric nurse practitioners have shown a growing an interest in community psychosocial rehabiliation, caring for chronic psychiatric patients as case manager in South Korea. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a community psychiatric rehabilitation nursing program on self-care actively and quality of life and to suggest this program as an effective nursing intervention in a group of chronic home-based psychiatric patients in a poor town. A nonequivalent control group, pretest-posttest design was used . Of the twenty women that started the program, sixteen finished it. The data were analyzed by the Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test. The program included the process of case management which consisted of four phases: the first was an active case finding and pre-test, the second was home visiting and contracted by phone, the third was group activity therapy of 12 sessions, and the fourth phase was terminal and post-test. The effects of the program were assessed by quality of life and self-care activity. The quality of life and the self-care activity, especially, area of nutrition, elimination, dressing, leisure activity, and follow-up clinic visiting showed greater improvement than those of the control group. The results of this study suggest that this program was effective in improving the quality of life of chronic home-based psychiatric patients.

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Self-Efficacy as a Predictor of Self-Care in Persons with Diabetes Mellitus: Meta-Analysis
Hyang Yeon Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1087-1102.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Diabetes mellitus, a universal and prevalent chronic disease, is projected to be one of the most formidable worldwide health problems in the 21st century. For those living with diabetes, there is a need for self-care skills to manage a complex medical regimen. Self-efficacy which refers to one's belief in his/her capability to monitor and perform the daily activities required to manage diabletes has found to be related to self-care. The concept of self-efficacy comes from social cognitive theory which maintains that cognitive mechanism mediate the performance of behavior. The literature cities several research studies which show a strong relationship between self-efficacy and self-care behavior. Meta-analysis is a technique that enables systematic review and quantitative integration of the results from multiple primary studies that are relevant to a particular research question. Therefore, this study was done using meta-analysis to quantitatively integrate the results of independent research studies to obtain numerical estimates of the overall effect of a self-efficacy with diabetic patient on self-care behaviors. The research proceeded in three stages : 1) literature search and retrieval of studies in which self-efficacy was related to self-care, 2) coding, and 3) calculation of mean effect size and data analysis. Seventeen studies which met the research criteria included study population of adults with diabetes, measures of self-care and measures of self-efficacy as a predictive variable. Computation of effect size was done on DSTAT which is a statistical computer program specifically designed for meta-analysis. To determine the effect of self-efficacy on self-care practice homogeneity tests were conducted. Pooled effect size estimates, to determine the best subvariable for composite variables, metabolic control variables and component of self-efficacy and self-care, indicated that the effect of self-efficacy composite on self-care composite was moderate to large. The weighted mean effect size of self-efficacy composite and self-care composite were +.76 and the confidence interval was from +.66 to +.86 with the number of subjects being 1,545. The total for this meta-analysis result showed that the weighted mean effect sizes ranged from +.70 to +1.81 which indicates a large effect. But since reliabilities of the instruments in the primary studies were studies were low or not stated, caution must be applied in unconditionally accepting the results from these effect sizes. Meta-analysis is a useful took for clarifying the status of knowledge development and guiding decision making about future research and this study confirmed that there is a relationship between self-efficacy and self-care in patients with diabetes. It, thus, provides support for nurses to promote self-efficacy in their patients. While most of the studies included in this meta-analysis used social cognitive theory as a framework for the study, some studies use Fishbein and Ajzen's attitude model as a model for active self-care. Future research is needed to more fully define the concept of self-care and to determine what it is that makes patients feel competent in their self-care activities. The results of this study showed that self-efficacy can promote self-care. Future research is needed with experimental design to determine nursing interventions that will increase self-efficacy.

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A Study on Quality of Life and Related Factors of Ostomates
Kyung Sook Song, Young Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(4):817-828.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This is a descriptive study on quality of life(QOL) and related factors of ostomates to provide a basic data for development of nursing interventions. The subjects were 110 ostomates who were members of the Daegu or Daejon branches of the Korean Ostomy Association. Data collection was performed between March 1st and April 6th, 1998. Measurements of QOL, self-care, family support, self-esteem, and hope were used as the study tools. Data were analyzed with the SAS program by using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The results are as follows : 1) The score on the QOL scale ranged from 97 to 226 with a mean of 164.53(+/-28.29). 2) The score of QOL on the general and ostomate-related characteristic showed significant differences according to monthly income, monthly participation in ostomate meetings, combined treatments after operation, types of evacuation management, problems of ostomy, help in caring for the ostomy, length of time since ostomate surgery, and presence or absence of readmission after discharge. 3) There were significant positive correlations between quality in life and other factors ; self-esteem(r=0.7107, P<0.001), hope(r=0.6584, P<0.001) family support(r=0.6191, P<0.001), perception of health condition(r=0.6017, P<0.001), and self-care(r=0.2286, P<0.05). 4) The variables that affected the quality of life of the subjects were self-esteem, level of family support, perception of health condition, monthly participation in ostomate meetings, combined treatments after operation, monthly income, level of hope, and age in that order. The variance of quality of life was R2=77.20 percent by calculating the sum of those variables. In conclusion, it is necessary for nursing intervention to promote self-esteem, family support, and hope in the care of ostomates in order to improve QOL.

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A Study on the Correlation between Self-efficacy and Self-care in Hemodialysis Patients
Mi Ryeong Song, Mae Ja Kim, Myeong Eun Lee, In Bum Lee, Mi Rhe Shu
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):563-575.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between self-efficacy and self-care of hemodialysis patients. The subjects consisted of 140 hemodialysis patients who underwent hemodialysis at 2 university hospital. The data were collected by used the self-efficacy tool developed by Kim Ju Hyune(1995) and the self-care tool developed by literature review and indepth open openended questions to 10 patients. Also, the questionnaire in cluded phusiologic data which collected through review of the patients' charts. The statistical analysis was used the SPSS program for frequency, mean, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson correlation. The results were as follows: 1. The mean score for general self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients was 3.103(1-4point) and there were significant differences according to perceived health. The mean score for specific self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients was 3.113 (1-4point) and there were significant differences according to perceived health, side effects and complications which related hemodialysis. 2. The mean score for self-care of hemodialysis patients was 3.822(1-5point) and there were significant differences according to marital status and economic level. 3. The relationship between general self-efficacy and self-care was a positive correlation(P=.000). The relationship between specific self-efficacy and self-care was a positive correlation(P=.000). In conclusion, this study revealed the level of self-efficacy and self-care, and the positive correlation between self-efficacy and self-care on hemodialysis patients. Therefore, intervention is needer to promote self-efficacy for self-care of hemodialysis patients. Considering the vulnerable self-care area same as checking blood pressure and weight, fluid restriction, social adjustment, exercise and rest, further studies should develop self-efficacy promoting programs for self-care of hemodialysis patients.

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An Analyses of Research Trend and Proposition Related to Self-care
Hyun Sook Kang, Won Ock Kim, Kyung Sun Hyun, Hyun Sook Cho, Jeong Hwa Kim, Meong Ja Wang, Seung Nam Paik, Jeong Sook Won, Heoun Jeong, So Hyune Sok, Eun Mi Lee, Jeong Mi Jang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):1013-1026.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to analyse the tendency of the self-care studies, to investigate the variables related to self-care, which could be applied for the data establishing the theory of self-care. to accomplish the objectives of this study, the researchers analyzed 83 studies, available that contained the area of self-care, which was published in local and foreign areas between 1981 and Feb. 1997. The findings of this study are as follows: 1) Studies published in Korea were about twice more than foreign studies. According to the statistics, the number of studies in this study tended to increase year by year. Between 1991 and 1995 were most. Analysis on the subject of this studies showed, that they were most dealt with chronic diseases an adults. 2) The theoretical definition of self-care were most referred to Orem's self-care. For the main concept of studies, self care performance was the most. 3) The correlational study was most often used design and experimental study is tended to increase. The questionnaires were the most often used data collection method. There was lots of different variable measuring technique to evaluate main concepts. 4) In the results of analysis on the propositions related to the self-care performance, a client's education, social support, self-efficacy, and level of knowledge as a causal variable were found. Also, the physiological index improved and quality of life were fond to be significant effective variables.

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A Study of Factors Predicting Self-care Behavior in Diabetics
Young Ock Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):625-637.   Published online March 29, 2017
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To determine factors affecting self-care behavior if diabetics, the relationships of hardiness, family support, demographic and medical variables to self-care behavior were investigated in 180 samples with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. In stepwise multiple regression analysis, 26.76% of the variance in self-care behavior was accounted for by family support(15.52%), age(7.76%), and clinical history(2.07%). To compared the magnitude of predictor's significance by gender, stepwise multiple regression was conducted separatively by gender group. In the male sample 25.22% of the variance in self-care behavior was accounted for by family support, age, and challenge. In the female sample family support, age, and committment were significant predictors in self-care behavior with 28.82% of the variance. The results highlight the value of family support in self-care behavior in diabetics regardless of gender difference. According to the finding of this study, family support is the most significant predictor of self-care behavior in NIDDM. This implicates that in future diabetic care, a family member should be encouraged to participate in the patient education process. Also as hardiness is not supported by a unidimensional construct, more empirical studies are recommended to differentiate the conceptual traits for the three subconcept of hardiness.

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Effects of Telephone Intervention as Supportive Nursing on Self-Care Practices and Qualify of Life for Gynecological Cancer Patients under Chemotherapy
Ae Sook Kim, Eun Sook Lee, Sung Hyo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):744-753.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The effects of telephone intervention on self-care practices and quality of life for gynecological cancer patients under chemotherapy was investigated.


A non-equivalent control group pre-test post-test quasi-experimental design was used. The subjects were women cancer patients who had received less than two chemotherapy sessions at C university hospital of Chonnam province(26 in the experimental group: 25 in the control group). The patient's self-care practices(Na & Lee, 1999; Jang, 2004) and quality of life(Lee & Jo, 1997) were measured three times. using a questionnaire. The data was analyzed by Repeated Measures ANOVA, the Friedman test, and the Mann-Whitney test using the SPSS window version 12.0 program.


This study showed that the score of self-care practices and quality of life for the experimental group under telephone counseling were higher than those of the control group.


This study revealed that a telephone intervention as supportive nursing care for women cancer patients under going chemotherapy was effective for self-care practices and qualify of life during the recovery period. Futhermore, this study also suggests that telephone counseling can serve as a continuing nursing supportive intervention for women cancer patients for the upcoming stages of further chemotherapy.

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Case Reports
Self-Care in Elders with Dementia: A Concept Analysis
Hye A Yeom
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(8):1402-1408.   Published online March 28, 2017

The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of self-care in elders with dementia through a review of nursing literature and to provide more understanding of the definition and perspectives of the concept of self-care notion in elders with dementia.


The technique developed by Walker and Avant was used as a guide in analyzing the concept of selfcare.


Attributes of self-care in dementia may include a single or group of actions needed for sustaining life, a personal effort to maintain functional independence while minimizing other's assistance, an outcome behavior from the person's interaction with inter-personal and/or contextual environment, and a functional ability that may decline in parallel to cognitive impairment. Antecedents of self-care in dementia may include at least presence of a certain degree of cognitive appraisal for the self-care needs, self-willingness for the selfcare action, spatial and visual orientation, cultural pre-conception of the self-care behavior, presence of environmental context/equipment available for self-care, and sufficient time available. The consequences may include sustaining of life, feel of satisfaction, achieving independence, extended life expectancy, increased self-confidence, decreased caregiver distress and/or burden, savings in health care costs.


Defining attributes and antecedents and consequences of self-care in dementia identified in this study provided empirical ground of a middle-range theory of self-care for a clinical population with dementia and generated possible hypotheses to be tested in future studies.

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Original Articles
Development of a Scale to Measure Self-Care for Korean Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Jeong Ja Jun, Ae Kyung Kim, Sang Ok Choi, Jung Hee Ae, Mi Kyung Choi, Sun A Jang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(1):9-16.   Published online March 28, 2017

The objective of this study was the development and validation of a scale to measure the self-care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) in Korea.


Self-care scale was developed based on the self-care activities patients had to carry out in order to manage their COPD. The original scale contained 34 items rated along a five-point Likert scale and was reviewed by 18 professional nurses and 10 Korean patients with COPD for content validity. Subsequently, patients with COPD were asked to complete this 23-item scale and further tests were done with the 125 useable responses.


Factor analysis identified eight factors- “maintaining a clean air way”, “taking medication”, “support from family”, “preventing infection”, “managing symptoms”, “breathing exercising”, and “taking in nutrition”. The internal consistency of the total scale was Cronbach's alpha=0.7226. These eight factors explained 60.8% of total variance. There was correlation among Korean Self-Care Scale score, administration level, and knowledge level but there was no correlation to patients' satisfaction with medical services.


The 23 item questionnaire positively identified 8 areas defined important for COPD patients. Further studies are required to see how these can be integrated into patient education.

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Development and Effects of a Heart Health Diary for Self-Care Enhancement of Patients with Heart Failure
Jae Lan Shim, Seon Young Hwang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(6):881-893.   Published online December 30, 2016
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The purpose of this study was to develop a heart health diary to promote self-care ability among patients with heart failure (HF), and to identify the diary's effect on self-care adherence, self-efficacy, and physical activity.


A randomized control-group pretest-posttest design was adopted using block randomization. A calender-typed health diary was developed and it included a self-care checklist and education information on HF management. The experimental group were given guided counseling and education for 8 weeks and wrote a daily health diary during that period. Data were collected from the outpatient department of a tertiary medical center from February to April 2016. To verify the hypotheses, data for the experimental group (n=28) and control group (n=33) were analysed using the independent t-test with SPSS/WIN 21.0.


At the end of 8 weeks the experimental group had significantly higher scores for self-care adherence (t=-2.48, p =.016) and exercise related self-efficacy (t=-3.44, p =.001) compared to the control group.


The findings show that the application of a patient-directed heart health diary is an effective nursing intervention for improving HF patients' self-care adherence and exercise self-efficacy. Strategies to promote dietary self-efficacy are necessary along with further studies including repeated research with an increasing intervention period. Healthcare providers need to encourage the utilization of a health diary for HF patients as a tool for evaluation and for implementation that leads to self-care.

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Psychometric Properties of the Korean Version of the HIV Self-Management Scale in Patients with HIV
Gwang Suk Kim, Sang Hui Chu, Yunhee Park, Jun Yong Choi, Jeong In Lee, Chang Gi Park, Linda L. McCreary
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(3):439-448.   Published online June 30, 2015
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The purpose of this study was to examine validity and reliability of Webel and colleagues' HIV Self-Management Scale when used with a Korean sample.


The original 20-item HIV Self-Management Scale was translated into Korean using translation and back-translation. Nine HIV nurse experts tested content validity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of data from 203 patients was used to test construct validity. Concurrent validity was evaluated using correlation with patients' self-rating as a "smart patient" measured using a visual analogue scale. Internal consistency was tested by Cronbach's alpha coefficients.


All items were rated as having satisfactory content validity. Based on PCA and consideration of conceptual meaning, a three-factor solution was selected, explaining 48.76% of the variance. CFA demonstrated the adequacy of the three-domain structure of the construct HIV self-management: daily self-management health practices, social support and HIV self-management, and chronic nature of HIV self-management. Goodness-of-fit indices showed an acceptable fit overall with the full model (χ2/ df(164)=1.66, RMSEA=0.06, SRMR=0.05, TLI=0.91, and CFI=0.92). The Korean version of the HIV Self-Management Scale (KHSMS) was significantly correlated with patients' self-rated smart patient (r=.41). The subscale Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from .78 to .81; alpha for the total scale was .89.


The KHSMS provides a valid and reliable measure of self-management in Korean patients with HIV. Continued psychometric testing is recommended to provide further evidence of validity with this population.

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Effects of a Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification for Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus
Jung Mi Ko, Jong Kyung Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(6):672-681.   Published online December 31, 2014
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using a Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification with pregnant women who have gestational diabetes.


The research design for this study was a non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental study. Pregnant women with gestational diabetes were recruited from D women's hospital located in Gyeonggi Province from April to October, 2013. Participants in this study were 34 for the control group and 34 for the experimental group. The experimental group participated in the Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification. The program consisted of education, small group coaching and telephone coaching over 4weeks. Statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS 21.0 program.


There were significant improvements in self-care behavior, and decreases in depression, fasting blood sugar and HbA1C in the experimental group compared to the control group. However, no significant differences were found between the two groups for knowledge of gestational diabetes mellitus.


The Coaching Program on Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification used in this study was found to be effective in improving self-care behavior and reducing depression, fasting blood sugar and HbA1C, and is recommended for use in clinical practice as an effective nursing intervention for pregnant women with gestational diabetes.

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A Predictive Model on Self Care Behavior for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Based on Self-Determination Theory
Yeong Mi Seo, Won Hee Choi
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(4):491-499.   Published online August 31, 2011
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The study was conducted to develop and test a hypothetical model which explains self-care behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes was established based on the Self-Determination Theory.


The participants were 218 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus enrolled in an outpatient clinic of one endocrine center in Korea. The data were collected using questionnaires from April 5 through May 7, 2010. The descriptive and correlation statistics were analyzed using the SPSS/WIN 15.0 and the structural equation modeling procedure was performed using the AMOS 7.0 program.


The results of this study showed that competence and autonomous motivation were the strong factors influencing self-care behavior in patients in this sample. Support from health provider for autonomy was a significant indirect factor on self-care behavior. These factors explained 64.9% of variance in the participants' self care behavior. The proposed model was concise and extensive in predicting self-care behavior of the participants.


Findings may provide useful assistance in developing effective nursing interventions for maintaining and promoting self-care behavior in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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The Effects of Tailored Diabetes Education on Blood Glucose Control and Self-Care
Kyung Sun Hyun, Kwang Mi Kim, Sook Hee Jang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(5):720-730.   Published online October 31, 2009
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The purpose of this study was to test the effects of tailored diabetic education on blood glucose control and self-care for patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy.


The participants were 60 patients (experimental group: 30, control group: 30) with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy. The patients were being seen at a university hospital in Seoul, Korea. Group diabetic education and tailored diabetic education were given to the experiment group while group diabetic education only was given to the control group. Data were collected before and three months after the education. χ2 test, t-test, and ANCOVA were used to analyze the data.


No significant differences in postprandial (PP2hrs) glucose and HbA1c levels were found between the two groups. Participants in the experiment group showed statistically significant differences in the area of self-glucose test, management of insulin injection, and life style change compared to those in the control group.


The results indicate that tailored education for patients with diabetes on insulin therapy improve self-glucose test, management of insulin injection, and life style. Therefore it is suggested that tailored education can be applied in diabetic education to improve self-care.

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Self-Care Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms of Low-Income Elderly Women with Hypertension
Ki Wol Sung, Mi Han Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(4):593-602.   Published online August 31, 2008
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This study aimed to compare self-care behaviors and depressive symptoms between the young old (65-74 yr) and the old-old (75-84 yr) in low-income women with hypertension.


This study used a descriptive research design. The subjects of this study were 136 elderly women over 65 yr living in D city. Data was collected from September to December 2007 through personal interviews using a questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using the SPSS WIN 12.0 Program.


Self-care behaviors, functional status, and number of medications showed a significant difference between young elderly and middle elderly. There was a negative correlation between self-care behaviors and depressive symptoms. 52.2% of variance in self-care behaviors of young elderly and 76.8% of variance in self-care behaviors of middle elderly were explained by depressive symptoms, number of medications, and functional status.


It is necessary to manage depressive symptoms to improve the self-care behaviors of low-income elderly with hypertension. Depressive symptoms need to be considered in planning hypertension programs for low-income elderly women.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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