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Development of a Maternal Identity Scale for Pregnant Women
Hae Won Kim, Kyung Ja Hong
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):531-543.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to develop a Maternal Identity Scale for Pregnant Women and to test the validity and reliability of the scale. A convenience sample of 161 pregnant women were asked to complete the MISP questionnaire which consisted of 45 item, this was done from December 20, 1995 to January 15, 1996. The research procedure were as follows. The first step was to identify a conceptual definition of maternal identity using Rubin(1984)'s maternal identity and maternal experience during pregnancy. The second step was to operationalize the maternal identity, that is, perception of image possible of selves as mother, maternal role play by imagination, and the experiences of various emotional responses which are embedded in the mother-fetus dyad. The third step was item development which resulted in 45 items as appropriate measurement of maternal identity are except for the perception of image possible of selves as mother. The result findings were as follows: 1) Four factors for MISP(finally 40 items) were extracted through the principal component analysis and varimax rotation, and these contributed 49.3% of the variance in the total score. All 40 items in the scale loaded above .43 on one of 4 factors. 2) Each factor was named: factor 1 was named maternal role imagery and has 10 items, factor 2 was named happiness and has 11 items, factor 3 was named maternal fetal interaction and has 10 items, and the last factor 4 was named negative emotion and has 9 items. 3) Cronbach's -alpha coefficient for internal consistsncy was .92 for the total 40 items and .89, . 90, .86, .78 for the four subscales in that order. Recommendations are suggested below: 1) The developed MISP be used to assess maternal readiness in pregnancy. 2) Replication study be done to test validity and relaibility. 3) For the overall measure of Maternal Identity in Pregnancy, scale for the perception of image possible of selves as mother, and cognitive domain be reorganized for the maternal identity in pregnancy. 4) It is necessary to identify variables that influences maternal pregnancy. 5) It is necessary to identify that maternal identity in pregnancy is a reliable index of motherhood, to do correlation studies on maternal identity and major maternal variables in maternal transition period, to reoperationalize the maternal identity in postpartum, and finally to designate a longitudinal study of the maternal identity changes or stabilities.

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Model Construction of Maternal Identity in Primigravida
Hae Won Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):510-518.   Published online March 29, 2017
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It was assumed that the maternal identity in primigravida is one of the most attribute of the motherhood, that is not biological but cognitive phenomena, appears active process as intelligent human being. The purposes of this study were that the identification the cognitive structure and the influencing factors of the maternal identity in primigravida. Theoretical framework in this study, maternal identity in primigravida was constructed as a cognitive output, has the cognitive structure of cognitive output, has cognitive structure of cognitive-perceptual factor, cognitive-behavioral factor, and cognitive-emotional factor. Influencing factors of maternal identity was constructed as a cognitive input, which were pregnancy related perceptions(pregnancy intention, minor discomfort, value of motherhood), interpersonal relationship(relationship with mother, relationship with husband, relationship with social network), preparation to motherhood(maternal knowledge, antenatal, self care), and biological factor(gestation period). This study was to descriptive correlational research design, was done from the 3rd January to the 15th March 1996, and the research subjects were selected conveniently 226 the primigravida during the gestation period, data collection method was self reported questionnaire cross-sectionally. Descriptive data analysis was done SAS PC+, testing the hypothetical model was done by covariance structural analysis using LISREL 8.03 program. The result of the hypothesis testing, the value of motherhood(gamma=.650, T=4.26) the maternal knowledge(gamma=.137, T=2.030), the gestation period(gamma=.113, T-2.621), showed significant causal effect on the maternal identity in primigravida. In conclusion, the maternal identity in primigravida had interrelated cognitive structure consist of perceptual, behavior, and emotional factors. Significant causal factors influencing the maternal identity were value identified. It seems to contribute toward the understanding the characteristics of the maternal identity as a cognitive domains that has been regarded highly abstract concept, so has not been validated empirically.

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