PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to grasp the conflicts that nurses are facing in their practice and to develop some nursing intervention on these conflicts of nurses. The subjects of this study are the nurses working at K hospital in Seoul. The data were taken from Jan. to May in 2001. It took me and half or two hours for each interview and six interviews were done for each subject. The data were analysed by Giorgi technique and conclusions are given as followings; 1. The unreasonable international relationship is derived from misunderstanding between peer groups in nursing, the lack of leadership, the relative property, irresponsible job done, under expectation and some unreasonable behaviors. 2. The changing portrait of oneself is view through the changed fram of mind, unreasonable fret and the changing appearance. 3. The limitations originated from lack of vision, lack of knowledge, lack of professionalism, lack of confidence and one's worry about one's job. 4. The poor working environments are such as lack of man power, lack of commodities, worn out facilities, irregular transferring of job, night work, overwork, good for nothing continuing education program and errors in the administration. 5. The conflicts between nurse's role in the hospital and a nurse as a homemaker are the lack of opportunity to educate their offsprings, multiple roles, and not cooperating husband who has to chip in his role as a partner. The nutshell of our study is that the working environment should be improved such that nurses can work with joy in their heart. Also the practical educational programs should be provided by hospital administration such that nurses can work in the hospital with pride in their heart
PURPOSE: This study aims to find the sources of nurses' conflicts and to find ways to
eliminate them for improved nursing care.
METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. All participants were
woking at K-hospital, located in Seoul. The research was performed from September
2000 to February 2001. Data was collected through interviews and observations while
participants were working. Interviews lasted a duration of one and half hours and data
collection accured five to six times per participant. The data were analysed by Giorgi
and the results are as follows:
Essential themes in the professional conflict of clinical nurses emerged
(1) The discords of human relationships ; (2) Dissatisfaction with working conditions;
(3) Lack of self-respect in one's professional expertise ; (4) Dissatisfaction with one's
work ; (5) Depression accurring due to one's ability as a professional.
CONCLUSION: The foregoing arguments suggest that nurses perform stressful environments
in a hospital originating from the relationship among peer group, working conditions, and
lack of self-respect as a nurses. Therefore, hospital authorities should strangly consider
working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions in order to
promote self-respect of the nurses hospitals.