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Application and Effectiveness of a Preceptorship for the Improvement of Clinical Education
Won Hee Lee, So Sun Kim, Shin Hi Han, So Yon Lee, Gi Yon Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(3):581-596.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Clinical practice in nursing education provides an opportunity for students, through the process of applying theoretical knowledge to practice, and to learn nursing skills as well as being socialized into nursing and as such decrease the reality shock of actual nursing practice. Because of a shortage of nursing faculty, the job of achieving the objectives of the clinical practice had been turned over to the head nurses. This resulted in many problems, such as, unclear location of responsibilities and inadequate feedback from head nurses. Therefore this study was done to introduce and evaluate the use of preceptors as a way to minimize the above problems, and to maximize the achievement of the clinical practice objectives. Using an adaptation of Zerbe's (1991) three-tiered team model, clinical practice was done using a preceptor, a head nurse and a clinical instructor, each with different and well defined roles. The subjects of this study were 67 senior students of the College of Nursing of Y University in Seoul whose clinical practice in adult nursing was carried out between May 1, 1994 and December 8, 1994. There were 22 preceptors who had at least two years of clinical experience and who were recommended by their head nurses. They were given additional education on the philosophy and objectives of the College of Nursing, on communication skills, on the theory and practice of education, and on nursing diagnosis and education evaluation. The role of the preceptor was to work one-to-one with students in their practice. The role of the head nurse was to supervise and evaluate the preceptors. The role of the clinical instructor was to provide the education program for the preceptors, to provide advice and suggestions to the preceptors and to maintain lines of communication with the college. With each of these roles in place, it was thought that the effectiveness and efficiency of the clinical practice could be increased significantly. To evaluate the effectiveness of the precep-torship, the three-tiered model, Lowery's Teacher Evaluation Opinion Form translated and adapted to Korea was used to measure student statisfaction. The Clinical Practice Compentency Evaluation Tool developed by Lee et al was also used to measure student competencies. The results of this study are as follows: 1. The satisfaction with clinical practice was higher with the introduction of the perceptors than it was before they were used. (t=-5.96, p=<.005) 2. The clinical practice competencies were higher with the introduction of the preceptors than it was before they were used(t= -5.13, p<.005) 3. In order to analyze areas not measured by the quantitative tools additional analysis of the open questions was done. The results of this analysis showed that: 1) The students felt positive about their sense of security, confidence, handling of responsbility, and being systematic. They also felt positive about improvements in knowledge, opportunities for direct care, and socialization. 2) The students felt negative about the technical part of their role, lack of knowledge by the preceptor, unprofessional attitudes on the part of the preceptor, difficulty in the role of the professional nurse (student). 3) The preceptors felt positive about their responsibility, motivation, and relationship with the college. 4) The preceptors felt negative about their burden. Introduction of the preceptorship model will lead to change and improvement in the negative factors discussed above, solve problems in the present clinical education system, increase continuity in the education of the students, help with socialization of the students and motivation of the preceptors to upgrade their education and increase their confidence. These objectives must be obtained to further the development of professional nursing, and thus, making the preceptorship a reality is our job for the future.

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A Study on the Contents of Fundamental Nursing Practice
Young Whee Lee, Wha Sook Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):650-661.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this was to provide fundamental data for determining contents of Fundamental Nursing Practice and developing desirable bedside nursing techniques for clinical nursing areas. Subjects for this study were 86 nurse who were employees of two university hospitals located in Seoul and a district area. Data were collected by questionnaires. Items of Fundamental Nursing Practice from were content into 72 items according to the result from content analysis of 9 textbooks of Fundamental Nursing. The results are as follows: 1) Items which above 80% of respondents practiced during the school inside practice or clinical nursing practice course were axillae temperature measurement, radial pulse measurement, respiratory rate measurement, application of oral hygiene, hand-washing technique, application of hot and cold bags, intermuscular injection technique, open bed-making, soap enema method, application of nelaton cathetrization and oral and nasal suction methods. 2) Above 90% of respondents replied that all items except temperature measurement and bed-making were requisite contents for Fundamental Nursing Practice. Above 10% of respondents replied oral and rectal temperature measurement and bed-making were unnecessary content. 3) Above 90% of respondents replied that operating method of all items except isolation technique, admission and discharge procedures, and retention enema in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course and clinical situation were consistent. The main reasons that respondents did not apply methods which they learned in the Fundamental Nursing Practice course to the clinical situation were 'insufficient time', 'colleagues were using different methods', 'insufficient supply of instruments' or 'inappropriate appliances'.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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