PURPOSE: To identify nursing interventions performed by Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian using NIC.
The sample consisted of 36 nurses working in 2 hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was used for data collection. The instrument was translated to Korean using the method of back-translation.
Twenty-eight interventions were performed at least daily. Interventions in the Physiological: Basic domain were most frequently used at least daily. The most frequently used interventions was Positioning, followed by the interventions Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Intravenous (IV) Therapy, Hypothermia Treatment and Intravenous (IV) Insertion. The least frequently used interventions was Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Antepartum. Nurses working in special medical care units performed interventions most often, while nurses working in general surgical units performed them least. Nurses working in general medical, special medical and other care units performed interventions in the Physiological domain more often than the nurses working in general surgical units.
Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian performed physiological interventions frequently. Further studies will be needed to compare interventions performed by nurses in two countries.