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A Study About The Health Problems of Post Hysterectomy Woman
Soon Bok Chang, Yun Soon Choi, Dong Sook Cho, Kye Hyang Ma
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(2):53-62.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to understand the pattern of health problems of post hysterectomy women by the period after their operation and to find out the related factors with health problems. A descriptive study was done using a survey methodology. The subjects were women who had undergone a hysterectomy for benign gynecological diseases at two general hospitals. They were all between one month and three year post hysterectomy as of July 15, 1985. The results are summarized as follows; 1. The percentages of the subject who were experiencing operative symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group 53.8%. 46.2%. 37.4% respectively. The percentages of the subjects who were experiencing menopause symptom of 1st, 2nd and 3rd year group-39.0%, 35.0%, 33.7%. respectively. 2. The operative factor scores of 1,2,3 year group were 20.218, 13.646, 14.030 respectively. The menopause factor scores of 1,2,3 year group-were 19.055, 17.845, 17.606 respectively. 3. The sociodemographic & physiologic characteristics of the subject were as follows; the mean age of the subject was 44.47 years old, 56.2% of them, were high school graduates, 73.5% had any religion, 18.3% had job, 72.6% were middle economic class, 54.3% had medical insurance, 78.4% lived in nuclei family system, the mean pregnancy number was 5.63, the mean delivery number was 2.92, 71.2% of them were diagnosed as myoma, and half of them had preserved their ovary. 4. No one factors among the 10 factors were indentified having any relation with health problem of post hysterectomy women.

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Experimental Study of Clinical Obstetric Nursing Education
Yun Soon Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):217-236.   Published online April 3, 2017
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INTRODUCTION: The integration of theoretical material in the classroom with clinical practice in the field is an important concept in nursing education. Nursing students at all levels need to acquire individual patient's needs, and applying creativity in the comprehensive nursing care. Problem solving and observa- tion skills are important aspects in the development of nursing skills. Nursing students during their clinical work in maternal and child health observed that the major difficulties experienced by new mothers centered around psychological and physiological changes. Breast engorgement and thorbbing breast pain were the most frequent complaints by primiparas during the postpartum phase. In order to understand the factors affecting the discomfort, and to devise appropriate nursing care, these complaints were experimented. resent study represents an attempt to ewaluate the impact of antepartal care(including breast care)on the subsequent of breast feeding difficulties. For the research purposes, hypotheses were made as follows: 1. There is a relationship between breast care and antenatal care attendance. 2. If primiparas pracitce breat care during their antenatal peried, they will have less throbbing breast pain during the postpartum phase. 3. If primiparas practice breast care during their antenatal peried, they will have less breast engorge- ment during the postpartum phase. METHOD: The researcher selected two highly specialized nurses in maternity clinical ward. They checked mother's chest circumference on the top line of breast every morning including mother's fever, caked- breast, end lymprmedes on axillae. These nurses checker] mother's breast while they staying hospital for four days. The total number of primiparas were 62 during June 5th to July 15th in 1971 at the Severance Hospital. For 40 days among 62 members of new mothers, 28 of them had breast care during antenatal period. Rest of them did not have breast care during antenatal period. RESULT: The result of this research revealed that the first hypothesis was accepted that the group which had breast care during antenatal period, had positive relationship with antenatal care. If the mothers were more educated, the more anticipated to antenatal care including breast care. For the second hypothesis, on the delivery day, there was no change on breast between two groups, On the first day of delivery, there were breast throbbing pains to the group who did not receive breast tare, than the group who received the breast care. Therefore, second hypothesis was also accepted. For the third hypothesis, there was no breast engorgement difference between two groups for the entire period. The third hypothesis was rejected.

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A Case Analysis of Home Health Care for Cesarean Postpartum Women and Their Newborns
Hea Sook Kim, Yun Soon Choi, Eun Mi Jan
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(4):696-705.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to provide a basis for home health care management for women following Cesarean delivery. Furthermore it was initiated as an possible application of home health care in the future. In this study, client selection criteria was developed by the researcher and assessment tools for home health care, recording system and problem oriented recording system were revised from Jun's(1993) methods. The selection criteria tool for home health care for women who had a Cesarean delivery was structured and consisted of five areas: physical status, functional status, psychological-emotional status, educational needs status and environmental status. The structured assessment tool consisted of general items, obstetric history, past medical history, methods of feeding, medications taken before admission, laboratory results, discharge instructions, discharge medications, family tree, economic status, environmental status, a map, health assessment of women and their newborns. The visit note consisted of the date: nursing problems: nursing process including initial assessment: nursing goals: visit plan: health status of the postpartum women and their newborn: nursing diagnoses: nursing implementation: evaluation: summary: next visit plan and revision. The problem oriented recording system consisted of the date, problem numbers, nursing diagnoses, problem appearance date, problem resolution date. The results of the research are as follows: The seven cases having had a Cesarean delivery were discharged on an average on the 5th day after the Cesarean birth. The total number of home visits was 13. According to Gordon's functional health patterns the total possible nursing diagnoses was 34 diagnoses for the mothers and their newborns. Among the 34 diagnoses, there were 13 diagnoses in the health perception/management pattern, 7 in the psychosocial health perception/management pattern, 8 in the psychosocial self-perception, 2 in the nutrition/metabolism pattern of physical function, 2 in the knowledge deficit of newborn management, anxiety related to newborn management, knowledge deficit related to disease process of newborn, anxiety related to disease process of newborn, anxiety related to prognosis of baby's condition, knowledge deficit related to newborn jaundice each appeared once. The changes in the number of nursing diagnoses was related to not the number of visits but to the number of nursing diagnoses decreasing. The content of the home health care was categorized according to assessment, direct care, counseling, education, family care. The recommendation based on the results of this research are: Home health care nurses for Cesarean postpartum women and their neonates requires comprehensive knowledge of pregnancy, delivery, and the postpartum period and of the neonate so that they can provide appropriate care and holistic views. Most of cases terminated after the second visit, this outcome may be related to the subjects being discharged on the 5th day after delivery. Therefore, study done with earlier discharge after delivery may have different outcome. It is very hard to assess psychological aspects that need follow-up and to develop communcation channels.

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A comparative study on health promotion lifestyles and attitudes between unmarried and married pregnant women
Hea Sook Kim, Yun Soon Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(2):255-268.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This descriptive correlational research was conducted to compare the relationship between self-esteem, performance of antenatal care and health promotion lifestyles for unmarried and married pregnant women. The sample consisted of 94 married women attending one general hospital and residing in Seoul and 82 unmarried women from two social institutes for unmarried women. The tool used for this study was a structured questionnaire which was developed and revised by the researcher. The tool consisted of 12 items related to demographic characteristics, 10 items on self-esteem measurement, 20 items on performance of antenatal care and 37 items on health promotion lifestyle profile. The data collected from the interviews were analyzing using the SPSS, yielding frequencies, percentiles, means, standard deviations, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation. The results of this study are as follows: 1) The demographic variables for the two groups were heterogenous except for religion. 2) The results of the comparison between the two groups were significantly different for self-esteem, married women(mean 20.41, standard deviation 3. 94) had higher scores on self-esteem than unmarried women(mean 24.02, standard deviation 4.11), (t=-5.91, p.001) 3) There was a stastically significant difference between the two groups on the health promotion lifestyle profile. The married women had higher scores on the health promotion lifestyle profile (t=7.22, p<.001) 4) The 3corc for married women on performance of antenatal care has higher than the score for unmarried women (t=8.83, p<.001) 5) With regard to the relationship between health promotion lifestyle and performance of antenatal care and self-esteem, the correlation coefficient between self-esteem and health promotion lifestyle for married women was .45, between performance of antenatal care and health promotion lifestyle, .54, between self-esteem and performance of antenatal care, .32. For the unmarried women, between self-esteem and health promotion lifestyle, .39, between performance of antenatal care and health promotion lifestyle, .67, between self-esteem and performance of antenatal care, .30. 6) There was a statistically significant different between the two groups on all subconcepts of the health promotion lifestyle profile (p<.001). 7) Comparison of the order of the scores between the two groups for the married women showed that the highest score was for nutrition, then self-actualization, interpersonal support, health responsibility, stress management and exercise in that order. For the unmarried women, the highest score was for self-actualization followed by nutrition, interpersonal support, stress management, health responsibility, and exercise in that order. The score in the exercise domain was lowest in both groups. In conclusion, on the basis of the results of this study, resources and protection facilities for unmarried pregnant women could be improved through government policies and health care policies that would allow unmarried women to utilize significant social support resources and actualize health promotion lifestyles. Nursing should offer interventions to increase psychosocial adjustment and support tp improve the quality of life for unmarried pregnant women and further to promote improved growth and development of the infants.

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Home Care Needs of Parturient Women and Neonates-Retrospective Study
Soon Bok Park, Yun Soon Choi, So Mi Park, Jeong Sook Park, Eun Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):507-517.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to understand home care needs for parturient women and neonates up to the postpartum period. MEHTODS: The design of this study is a cross-sectional survey study. The subjects of this study are 88 postpartum mothers who delivered a first baby during the period from December 1996 to July 1997. Data collection was done with a structured questionnaire by mailing. Data were collected at the point of six months after delivery. A structured questionnaire composed of items related to home care needs. Data analysis was done with descriptive statistics. The study results are as follows: 1) The highest need was personal hygiene(93.2%) for the parturient women, and the peak period was the two week period after delivery. 2) The most frequent maternal needs regarding neonates were cord care(72.4%) during the first week, elimination(67.9%) during the first two weeks, baby crying(88.3%) and sleeping pattern(71.5%) at one month after delivery, and baby temperament(30.4%) at sixth months after delivery. 3)The mothers requested home care methods such as written material for self health care(35%) and counseling(34%) and direct home visits(5%) for neonate care. CONCLUSION: The most important period for home health care needs was one week after delivery, and the health care needs for neonate temperament, behavior and sleeping pattern rose rapidly at the period of 6 months after delivery. Therefore it could be concluded that the postpartum home care should be done by those, written material should be enhanced for parturient women care, and counseling enhanced for neonate care.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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