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Original Article
Review of Prenatal care on Clinical and Statistical Observation
Young Sook Yoon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):131-140.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Among a total of 1,410 women who were taken in th the Ilshin Maternity Hospital in Pusan for child-bearing from January 1 to May 31, 1970. review and observation were made on 653 mothers and 661 babies delivered (including twin) who had received prental care, and on 757 mothers and 775 babies delivered(including twin) who had not received prental care. The results are: 1. Out of 1,410 women 653 received prental care, The number is 46.4% 2. Most of them are between 25 and 29 years of age, and it shows the highest percentage. 3. Twenty five % of them visited the hospital care for the first time in the tenth month of pregnancy It was the highets percentage. 4. Those who visited the clinic only once for prental care during the pregnancy were 25.7%, the highest precentage. 5. Those who got prental care among primiparae were 43.7%, and among multiparae were 48.5% The- rates are similar to each other. 6. Maturity rate of the babies delivered after receiving prematal care: mature-91%, Immature-1% and premature-8%. 7. It was found that among primiparae were the higher frequency of prematurity. 8. Among babies delivered by mothers after receving prental care, 8.1% were premature, while 16.1% of babies delivered by those who hadn't received the care were premature. 9. Mothers between 25 and 29 years of age brought birth to premature babies most. 10. Frequeney of prematurity based on the times of prental care received was: ocne or twice-8.7% 3 or 4 time-8.9%, 5 or tines-10.3%, 7 or 8 times-4.5%, 11 or 12 times-2.7%, 13 or 14 times-3.8%. 11. Perinatal death rate shows 2.9% among the mothers received prenatal care, and 7.3% among those without prental care. 12. Average weight of a baby boy was 3,114 gm, and that of a baby girl was 3,021gm. 13. Obstetric complication rate was 63.2% in the babies delivered by mothers with prenatal care, and 85.6% in those delivered by mothers without prental care.

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