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The Effect of Health Education on the Performance of Health Promoting Behavior in College Students
Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):359-371.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study has been done for the purpose of testing the effect of health education on the performance of health promoting behavior in college students, and identifying the factors affecting health promoting behaviors. A Nonequivalent control group posttest research design was used. Two hundred thirty college students at K College in T city were studied, Of them, 114 who attended a systematic health education session for three hours a week during one semester were the experimental group. And 116 college students who were chosen of matched sampling of grade, class and sex were the control group. This study was conducted from March 1 to July 2, 1995. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristics, perceived health status, self-esteem, health promoting behavior and health locus of control. Analysis of data was done by use of mean, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results of this study are summerized as follows; 1) The average item score for the health promoting behavior was low at 2.52. In the sub-categories, the highest degree of performance was 'harmonious relationships', following 'sanitary life', 'self-esteem', 'rest and sleep', and 'emotional support' and the lowest degree was 'professional health management'. 2) Hypothesis 1 that the college students who get health education will have a higher degree of health promoting behavior than the college students who do not get health education was accepted. There was a statistically significant difference between the average of the experimental group, 2.60, and the average of the control group, 2.45.(t=11.30, p=0.0009). 3) Hypothesis 2 that the college students who get health education will have a higher score of perceived health status than college students who do not get the health education was rejected. (t=1.13, p=0.289) 4) Performance of health promoting behavior was positively correlated with self-esteem and grade and negatively correlated with perceived health status. 5) The most important factor affecting performance of health promoting behavior was self-esteem. The following suggestions are made based on the above results; 1) Replication of the research is needed to confirm effects of health education. 2) More effective health education programs need to be deveolped through by modification of teaching methods and content analysis of health education. 3) Other factors affecting health promoting behavior should be identified. 4) Nursing colleges or departments of nursing should make an effort to develop and carry out various health education programs for the health promotion of all college students.

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A Study on Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Sexuality of Elderly People in Korea
Kyung Ja Lee, Myoung Sook Kwon, Mi Ja Kim, Seong Mi Moon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(2):179-184.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the level of knowledge and the attitudes of Korean adults toward sexuality of elderly people.


This was a descriptive study using a convenience sample of 241 adults. The questionnaire had 34 items for knowledge and 26 items for attitudes.


The result showed that, related to sexuality of elderly people, the level of knowledge was average and attitudes were conservative. The level of knowledge was significantly higher in groups that were highly educated and of low economic status (p<.05). Attitudes toward sexuality of elderly people were significantly more conservative in female, older, less educated, and high economic status group.


The findings suggest a need for more education for Korean adults regarding sexuality in elderly people.

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Knowledge Discovery in Nursing Minimum Data Set Using Data Mining
Myonghwa Park, Jeong Sook Park, Chong Nam Kim, Kyung Min Park, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):652-661.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study were to apply data mining tool to nursing specific knowledge discovery process and to identify the utilization of data mining skill for clinical decision making.


Data mining based on rough set model was conducted on a large clinical data set containing NMDS elements. Randomized 1000 patient data were selected from year 1998 database which had at least one of the five most frequently used nursing diagnoses. Patient characteristics and care service characteristics including nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes were analyzed to derive the meaningful decision rules.


Number of comorbidity, marital status, nursing diagnosis related to risk for infection and nursing intervention related to infection protection, and discharge status were the predictors that could determine the length of stay. Four variables (age, impaired skin integrity, pain, and discharge status) were identified as valuable predictors for nursing outcome, relived pain. Five variables (age, pain, potential for infection, marital status, and primary disease) were identified as important predictors for mortality.


This study demonstrated the utilization of data mining method through a large data set with stan-dardized language format to identify the contribution of nursing care to patient's health.

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Development and Application of an Online Alternative Therapy and Health Promotion Class
Jeong Sook Park, Young Sook Kwon, Hye Ran Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):286-298.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to develop an online ‘ alternative therapy and health promotion’ class for university students and to evaluate its changes.


The online class was developed based on the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) model and model of Web-Based Instruction (WBI) developmental process. This was a quasi- experimental, one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were 130 students in 3 universities, and they were provided the cyber class for 16 weeks. Data was analyzed by descriptive and plural answer statistics, and paired t-test.


The cyber class was developed in five steps : analysis, design, data collection and reconstruction, programing and publishing, and evaluation. The results of program evaluation were positive, which included learning 3.47, system 3.57, and learning satisfaction 3.64 on the scale of 5. The posttest scores of cognition and reliability of alternative therapy were higher than pretest scores. The posttest score of health promoting lifestyle (t=-5.051, p=.000) and perceived health status (t=2.979, p=.003) were significantly higher than those of the pretest.


These results suggest that the cyber class is a positive method in increasing a cognition, reliability of alternative therapy, and is effective to improve a health promotion lifestyle and perceived health status for the university students.

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The Effects of Dogbi(ST35) & Sulan Moxibustion on Knee Joint Pain, Range of Motion and Discomfort during ADL in the Aged
Jeong Sook Park, Soon Jo Kwon, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(1):189-196.   Published online February 28, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to test the effects of ST35 & Sulan moxibustion on knee joint pain, range of motion, and discomfort during Activies of Daily Living (ADL) in elderly with knee joint pain.


A nonequivalent control group pre-post test research design was used. Thirty four elderly who had knee joint pain were studied. Of them, sixteen were in the experimental group and eighteen the control group. The instruments used for this study were NRS, goniometer, and a modified ADL questionnaire developed by Lee.


The pain scores of right & left knee joint after moxibustion were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group (Right: F=26.27, p=0.000, Left: F=20.77, p=0.000). Right and left knee ROM scores were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group after moxibustion (Right: F=10.74, p=0.003, Left: F=9.239, p=0.005). Discomfort during ADL scores were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group after moxibustion (F= 32.31, p=0.000).


It is necessary that nurses provide the elderly with knee joint pain with moxibustion to reduce joint pain and to increase knee ROM as an alternative therapy.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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