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An Experimental Study on the Effects of Structured Preoperative Teaching on Postoperative Recovery
Myoung Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1984;14(2):38-46.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to test the effect of the structured preoperative teaching on postoperative recovery and to observe the effects of an structured preoperative teaching on the adult surgical patient's ventilatory function ability, the length of hospital stay, the number of analgesics within a 72 hour postoperative period, the length of early ambulation The research question investigated in the study was: What would be the effects of a structured preoperative teaching upon the adult surgical patients postoperative recovery? This study was based on a sample of 40 patients who were scheduled for abdominal surgery. They were assigned alternately to experimental and control group. Among 40 subjects, 20 were placed in the experimental group and 20 in the control group. Preoperative ventilation function testing of control and experimental subjects was done the evening before surgery and before the patient received the structured preoperative teaching. A structured preoperative teaching was given to the subjects in the experimental group only by writer. postoperative testing was done the 5th postoperative day. The data were collected over a period of two months, from Aug. 8 to Oct. 31, 1983. For the analysis of the data and test for the hypotheses, the t-test with mean difference was used. The results of this study regarding the four-hypotheses were as follows: 1. Experimental group which received structured preoperative eaching will have more increase to-cough and deep breathe as measured by his forced vital capacity(FVC), forced expiratory volume 1 (FEV1), maximal voluntary volume 15 (MVV15) than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The ventilation function ability was more increase in experimental group than in control group, the mean difference was statistically significant at 0.01 level. hypotheses 1 was supported. 2. Experimental group with structured preoperative teaching will have more reduced the length of hospital stay than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The length of hospital stay of the experimental group and control group were 11.90 days and 16.05 days respectively. However, the difference was not statistically significant at 0.05 level. Therefore the hypotheses 2 was not supported. 3. Experimental group with structured preoperative teaching will have more reduce the number of analgesics within a 72 hour postoperative period than control group. The number of analgesics within a 72 hour postoperative period of experimental group and control group were 1.65 times and 2.4 times. The difference was not statically significant at 0.05 level. Therefore, the hypotheses 3 was not supported. 4. Experimental group with structured preoperative teaching will have more reduce the length of early ambulation than control group without structured preoperative teaching. The length of early ambulation of experimental group and control group were 2.2 days and 3.6 days respectively. The difference was statistically significant at 0.05 level. The the hypotheses 4 was supported.

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A Study on the Effect of Transformational Leadership and Personal Characteristics on Job Involvement : Focusing on Nurses in Hospital Organization
Myoung Sook Kim, Young Bae Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):598-609.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study investigated the effect of transformational leadership and individual characteristics on nurses' job involvement. METHOD: The sample for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 large Korean hospitals. The factor analysis was drawn from the Cronbach's alpha analysis, the Pearson correlation analysis, the multiple regression analysis, and the hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Result: This study found that; (1) charisma dimension of transformational leadership has positive influence on job involvement; but intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration did not showed significant effects on job involvement (2) nurse individual characteristics (age, marital status, educational level, tenure, position) moderated the effect of transformational leadership on job involvement. Conclusion : Therefore, to improve job involvement nurses are required to apply the charisma dimension of transformational leadership in hospital organization.

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A Study on the Influence of Job Characteristics Perceived by Nurses on Their Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment: Focusing on Moderating Effect of Individual Personality Characteristics
Myoung Sook Kim, Young Bae Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(6):1434-1444.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of job characteristics on the nurses' the moderating effect of locus of control on the job satisfaction and organizational commitment and relationship between job characteristics and attitude. The sample for this study consisted of 594 nurses from 8 university hospitals. Factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha analysis, multiple regression analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used for the statistical methods. The results of this study were found that (1) autonomy among 5 core job characteristics showed positive influence on job satisfaction, (2) task significance and autonomy among 5 core job characteristics had positive influence on organizational commitment, (3) the internals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' job satisfaction, and (4) internals and externals of locus of control moderated the effect of job characteristics on nurses' organizational commitment.

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A Survey on the Ostomate Eudcation Materials
Kyung Sook Park, Myoung Sook Kim, Kyoung Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):705-717.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Ostomates have suffered from many difficulties due to their physical, psychosocial handicaps and changes of life style to include ostoma management that influences their daily and quality of life. An appropriate nursing education for ostoma management is very important. Practical education materials needs revision because those were developed by pharmaceutical companies and hospital institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide more practical and resonable education materials for ostomates by doing analysis and survey of educational materials now being used. We surveyed 8 types of educational materials used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers in Seoul ; four of them were developed by department of nursing and the remainder by an Ostomy Company. Data, collected from July 14, 1997 through July 31, 1997 were analyzed. The results are as follows ; 1. The analyzed of education guide, on ostomate included 14 subcategories ; introduction, structure and fuction of gastrointestinal tracts, definition of stoma, types of ostomy, definition of peristalsis, methods of defection management, selection of instrument, resolution of problems and general situations following surgery, daily life, where to ask for help, explanations for terms, information about where to buy instrument, explanations for enterostomal therapist, a matter of consultation with doctor, etc. 2. Introduction contained specific contents on practical ostomate management that ostomates would experience through their lives. Ostomate education guides were developed 3 hospitals except one which missed this point. 3. Most ostomate education guides, except one hospital, helped ostmates to understand their physical structure change with specific explanation on gastrointestinal tracts with figures. 4. Six institution did not talk about the definition of peristalsis. 5. All institutions, except two, helped ostomates to understand types of ostomy with figures. 6. More detailed explanations in natural defecation are needed. The benefits and pitfalls in natural defection should be more specified. 7. No psychosocial difficulties of ostomy management were addressed. 8. The efficiency off enema can be better understand through all explanations with figures. Some institutions did not mention items about definition, benefits, pitfalls of enema, sequency of enema, how to wash, cautions performing and enema, skin management, cleaning instrument after enema proper time to spend. 9. There were no detailed contents and what to do in case of not being able to do enema. 10. Only one educational material mentioned emotional aspects after the surgery. 11. Most institution explained sucategory of daily life but did not provide specific contents on the difficulties of physical, psychological, and sociocultural controls. 12. The subcategory of ureterostomy education guides included explanations in normal structure and function of urinary tracts, types of ureterostomy, how to management skin, usage and types instrument, commercial urostomy, how to manage instrument, daily life, introduction the general contents. However, more specific explanations were needed.

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Comparative Analysis of Structural, Process, and Outcome Indicators for Evaluating the Quality of Nursing Care
Young Sook Kim, Hae Soon Kim, Chung Youb Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):17-25.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to evaluate the quality of clinical nursing care using the variables of structure, process, and outcome and to analyze the relationship between the variables. This study also explored which variables are validating indicators to evaluate the quality of nursing care. The results analyzed by multiple regression showed that, generally structural variables did not contribute to the variance in outcome scores, but process variables of nursing care contributed significantly to the outcome variable of patient satisfaction. A combination of structure and process variables more than structural variables alone. Also, patient satisfaction and hospital preference were significantly related to each other. Therefore, if nursing quality evaluation relies solely upon on structural variables such as number of available nurses and workload, it would be inaccurate because process variables of nursing care are strongly related to outcome variables and the two categories of structure and process variables helped to strengthen the relationships. Thus, it is important to focus on variables of structure, process, and outcome together in evaluating nursing care quality.

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A Study on Health-related Quality of Life, Smoking Knowledge, Smoking Attitude, and Smoking Cessation Intention in Male Smokers
Myoung Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):344-352.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to examine the relationship among health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, and smoking cessation intention in male smokers.


The subjects were 259 male smokers in J city. The data was collected using structured questionnaires from Nov. to Dec. of 2003. The data was analyzed by the SPSS (ver.10.0)computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression.


The smoking cessation intention had a significant positive correlation among health-related quality of life (r=.159), smoking knowledge (r=.161), and smoking attitude (r=.127). These variables account for 26.8% of smoking cessation intention.


These results suggested that the smoking cessation program to enhance the health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, and smoking cessation intention and to increase a negative influence on smoking attitude need to be developed. Therefore, these findings give useful information for constructing a smoking cessation program in male smokers.

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Risk Factors for Falls among the Community-Dwelling Elderly in Korea
Kyeong Yae Sohng, Jung Soon Moon, Hae Hiang Song, Kwang Soo Lee, Young Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(8):1483-1490.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Community-based centres were surveyed to determine the frequency of and risk factors for falls among elderly Koreans. We examined fall-related risk factors, including physiological and physical health, psychosocial functions, self-reported physical capacity and activity, vision, and the use of medication, among 351 elderly people aged 65 years or older, with ambulatory. Forty-two per cent of elderly Korean subjects reported at least one episode of falling in the previous 12 months, 38% of whom had consequences that required either the attention of a physician or hospitalization.

Factors significantly associated with an increased risk of falling were a restricted activity during the previous five years (adjusted OR 1.3), use of alternative therapy (adjusted OR 2.7), low knee flexor and extensor-muscle strength (adjusted OR 1.21 and 1.20), and poor balance with closed eyes (adjusted OR 8.32).

We conclude that falls among older persons living in the community are common in Korea and that indicator of bad health and frailty or variables directly related to neuromuscular impairment are significant predictors of the risk of falling.

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Predictors of Depression among Family Caregivers of Older Adults with Dementia
Hae Jung Lee, Young Sook Kim, Ki Ryeon Kim, Ju Sung Kim, Ji Min Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(7):936-944.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to identify important predictors of depression among characteristics of caregiving situation and utilized resources in order to provide basic information for effective nursing interventions to reduce depression experienced by family caregivers of older adults with dementia.


Seventy one family caregivers were identified from community service centers and face-to-face interviewed using structured questionnaires. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and hierarchical multiple regression using SPSS WIN 10.0 program.


Family caregivers reported high levels of depression, moderate levels of social support, and moderate utilization of coping strategies. Female caregivers who (β=.22) utilized ‘negative’ coping strategies more often (β=.48) and ‘cognitive reconstructuring’ coping strategies less often (β=-.23) were more likely to report higher depression (R2=0.63).


Nursing interventions increasing family caregivers' utilization of positive coping strategies such as problem solving, existential growth, and help seeking and decreasing their utilization of negative coping strategies such as self-blaming are needed to decrease their depression levels.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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