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A Study on the Family Attitude toward Mental illness
Young Sook Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(1):7-18.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between family attitude about mental illness and their general characteristics. The subjects for this study were a sample of 120 families selected from psychiatric ward of one university hospital, which is one national hospital in Seoul. Data was collected from July 1th to August 10th in 1980 used by Opinion about Mental Illness Scale (O.M.I.). The materials were analized by S.P.S.S. program. The findings of the study were as follows: A. Families' attitude toward mental illness shown by this study was more negative compared to those of Korean nuraing professorss, nurses and nursing students. B. Variables which influence families' attitude about mental illness: 1. There is no significant between general characteristics and authoritarianism. (P> 0.05) 2. Benevolence (Factor B) was found to be significantly related to such variables as religion, eucation levels, existence of mental patient in their an intimate friends. (P < 0.01) Families' attitude about benevolence was more positive to families who have not relegion or having chrirtion beliefs; having the higher education levels; not having a mental patient in their an intimate friends. 3. Mental health ideology (Factor C) was found to be significantly related to variable experience of mental illness. (P < 0.01). Families' attitude about mental health ideology was more positive in families who had experience of mental illness. 4. Social Restrictiveness (Factor D) was found to be significantly related to variable relationship between families and patients (P < 0.01). An intimate friend's attitude about mental health Ideology was more positive than that of parent and couple. 5. Interpersonal Etiology (Factor E) was found to be significantly related to variable religion (P < 0.05). Families' attitude about interpersonal etiology was more positive in families who have relegion.

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A phenomenologic study on the stresses and the experiences of pregnant women and postpartum mothers who had immigrated to the United States
Young Sook Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(3):432-447.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Koreans are one of the fastest growing immigrant groups in America. Adjusting to life in foreign country produces a great deal of stress. Differences in culture, language, expectation and social behavior can lead to misunderstandings. The pregnancy and delivery event is one of maturational crisis in life cycle. The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the lived experience of pregnant women and postpartum mothers who had immigrated to the United States. The research question was "What is the structure of the experience of pregnant women and postpartal mothers?" The sample consisted of 16 women registrated at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of one local clinic in Hawaii. The unstructured interviews were carried out from Jnuary 5, through January, 30, 1994. They were audio-recorded and analyzed using Van Kaam's method. There are different views on the causative factors of stress. Maladjustcment to the immigrant life, spousal conflicts, anxiety related to bringing up the baby and conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are considered to be related factors. The experiences of pregnant women over the period of the pregnancy can be varied and can include change of body image, emotional and physical change. The experiences of postpartum mothers over the postpartum period can be varied and can include postpartum depression, emotional irritability, fear related to bringing up the baby and disappointment with husband. Positive experiences over the period of pregnancy and postpartum were the strengthening beliefs. Sources of support were, first, spouse then mother and faith. Support was also received from the physician in charge and through self-control. The nurse, by providing empathetic support, should be a person with whom they can express their feelings and share their experiences.

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The Experience of Parents Whose Child is Dying with Cancer
Young Sook Cho, Susie Kim, Ida Martinson
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(4):491-505.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to understand the structure of the lived experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer. The research question was "What is the structure of the experience of parents of a child terminally ill with cancer?" The sample consisted of 17 parents of children admitted to the cancer units of two university hospitals in Seoul. The unstructured interviews were carried out from October 10, 1991 through January 10, 1992. They were audio-recorded and analyzed using Van Kaam's method. Parents ascribed the cause of the cancer to the mother's emotional imbalance during pregnancy, the mother's stress, failure to observe religious rites, food, the parent's sin, misfortune and pollution. The theme clusters were tension, fear and depression experienced during pregnancy, stress that children suffer from abusive parents, failure to observe religious activities, bad luck, and sins committed during a previous life. When the child suffered a recurrence of cancer, the parents experienced negative emotions, nervousness, sorrow, depression and death. The theme clusters were feelings of despair, helplessness, regret, guilt, insecurity, emptiness and apathy. The long struggle with cancer resulted in the loss of economic security, loss of psychological and physical well being, and social withdrawal. The theme clusters were the economic burden of medical cost, giving up treatment, debt, limited medical insurance coverage and blood transfusion. The loss of psychological well being included stress, lack of support systems, inability to carry out responsibilities, lack of trust of the medical team, family breakdown, inappropriate expression of emotion and not disclosing the diagnosis to the child. Physically the parents suffered fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of weight, dizzness, headache, psychosomatic symptoms, and increased consumption of liquor and cigarettes. Social withdrawal was manifested by taking time off from work to look after the child, decrease of outside social activities and feelings of isolation. Influences on family life were spousal conflicts, negative response of siblings, separation of the family members and economic hardship. The theme clusters were blaming a spouse for the cause of the illness and disagreements, maladjustment, loneliness, hostility and depression of siblings. The high price of medical care over the long period was a major factor influencing the life of the family. Positive experiences during the child's long illness were the strengthening of support systems and religious beliefs and financial help from social organizations. The support of one's spouse primarily helped to overcome the stress of the long illness. In addition, support was received from parents of other children with cancer and from nurses and religious leaders. The nurse, by providing empathetic support, should be a person with whom parents can express their feelings and share their experiences.

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Clinical Competency for Directing of Registered Nurses's National Examination: focused on Fundamental, Medical-Surgical, Psychiatric, women's health, community, Pediatric, and Administrative Nursing
Boon Han Kim, SoYaJa Kim, Jeong Seop Lee, Young Ran Tak, Hee Soon Kim, Ee Soon Choi, Kyoung Rim Shin, Kyoung Sook Choi, Gui Boon Kim, Gwang Joo Kim, So Woo Lee, Kem Soon Kim, Sook Ja Lee, Yun Hee Kim, Kyoung Hea Lee, Young Sook Jeong, Ji Ho Song, Jeong Ho Pak
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):1075-1087.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

For producing large numbers of professional nurses who could manage 21th century's human health, it is necessary to review the direction of registered nursed' national examination which evaluates the nursing education and is granted a licence. For adapting to social expectation of the nurse, we have to nurture the nurses' problem solving capability in clinical setting. Seven divisions of Korean Academy of Nursing suggested clinical competency according to their categories. This paper was presented in the workshop for setting up direction of registered nurses' national examination. We expect that this paper would be more refine and confirm through reviewing subdivisions' learning objectives and discussing clinical minimum level of competence contents with clinical leaders.

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A Survey on the Ostomate Eudcation Materials
Kyung Sook Park, Myoung Sook Kim, Kyoung Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):705-717.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Ostomates have suffered from many difficulties due to their physical, psychosocial handicaps and changes of life style to include ostoma management that influences their daily and quality of life. An appropriate nursing education for ostoma management is very important. Practical education materials needs revision because those were developed by pharmaceutical companies and hospital institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide more practical and resonable education materials for ostomates by doing analysis and survey of educational materials now being used. We surveyed 8 types of educational materials used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers used in 23 university hospitals and medical centers in Seoul ; four of them were developed by department of nursing and the remainder by an Ostomy Company. Data, collected from July 14, 1997 through July 31, 1997 were analyzed. The results are as follows ; 1. The analyzed of education guide, on ostomate included 14 subcategories ; introduction, structure and fuction of gastrointestinal tracts, definition of stoma, types of ostomy, definition of peristalsis, methods of defection management, selection of instrument, resolution of problems and general situations following surgery, daily life, where to ask for help, explanations for terms, information about where to buy instrument, explanations for enterostomal therapist, a matter of consultation with doctor, etc. 2. Introduction contained specific contents on practical ostomate management that ostomates would experience through their lives. Ostomate education guides were developed 3 hospitals except one which missed this point. 3. Most ostomate education guides, except one hospital, helped ostmates to understand their physical structure change with specific explanation on gastrointestinal tracts with figures. 4. Six institution did not talk about the definition of peristalsis. 5. All institutions, except two, helped ostomates to understand types of ostomy with figures. 6. More detailed explanations in natural defecation are needed. The benefits and pitfalls in natural defection should be more specified. 7. No psychosocial difficulties of ostomy management were addressed. 8. The efficiency off enema can be better understand through all explanations with figures. Some institutions did not mention items about definition, benefits, pitfalls of enema, sequency of enema, how to wash, cautions performing and enema, skin management, cleaning instrument after enema proper time to spend. 9. There were no detailed contents and what to do in case of not being able to do enema. 10. Only one educational material mentioned emotional aspects after the surgery. 11. Most institution explained sucategory of daily life but did not provide specific contents on the difficulties of physical, psychological, and sociocultural controls. 12. The subcategory of ureterostomy education guides included explanations in normal structure and function of urinary tracts, types of ureterostomy, how to management skin, usage and types instrument, commercial urostomy, how to manage instrument, daily life, introduction the general contents. However, more specific explanations were needed.

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Family Experiences of Living with Chronic Schizophrenic Patients: Application of Parse's Human Becoming Research Methodology
Ok Ja Lee, Young Sook Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(1):26-34.   Published online February 28, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was aimed at understanding the nature of the suffering of families with patients in mental health nursing homes and hoped to contribute to the rehabilitation process of those with a chronic mental disorder.


Research methodology was based upon Parse's human becoming research methodology.


a) Despite the despair the family feels by the violence caused by their now-institutionalized relative, they also realize anew the importance of their role as protectors b) Although they fear social stigmatization they also try to be supportive, out of guilt feelings; c) They regret their severe rearing style and wish to be more sympathetic, d) They find courage and hope through family therapy, which leads to a better understanding of the illness, e) With hopes of rehabilitation, the family members feel happy and go through an emotional release, by sharing the pain with each other.


Families of nursing home residents share a focus on the process of human-health-universe. This is a positive, ‘human-becoming’ process with which, based on past feelings of despair, fear, resignation, and pain, one can render meaning into his or her experiences in the present in the pursuit of love, conquest, hope, liberty and success.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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