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A Structural Model for Quality of Life in Individuals with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):614-626.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The main purposes of the study were to develop and test a model which explains the dynamic relationship among factors reported as affecting to the quality of life of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and to examine the relationship between self-help response and quality of life. Data for the study were collected from March 1996 to December 1996 from 153 female patients who regularly visited a clinic for people with rheumatism. The Patients were introduced to the investigators by nurses who worked at that clinic, and then the investigator interviewed the patients for 30 to 40 minutes to collect the data. Instruments used in the study were modified self-report questionnaires from the ones which were already developed in previous studies of from related literature. Data analysis were performed using LISREL(Lineal Structural Relations) 8 Program to test whether the proposed hypothesized model fit the collected data. To test fitablity of the hypothesized model both a general fit measure and a detailed fit measure were used. Based on the test results from the various fit measures, the hypothesized model was found to be well suited to the real data. As characteristics related to illness becomes severe, the feasibility for uncertainty about the illness tend to increase, but, the direct effects from the illness characteristics(such as level of physical symptoms, sense of social-psychologic change, limitations of action) as they are related to the other intrinsic variables(self-efficacy or self-help behavior and quality of life), were found to be not significant. It was found that uncertainty had a direct effect on self-efficacy but did not have a direct effect on self-help behavior or quality of life. Also, it is noted that self-efficacy had a positive effect on self-help behavior and quality of life and there was a bilateral relationship between self-efficacy and self-help behavior. Lastly, the hypothesis proposed from the theoretical model in this study was supported basis of the results that self-help behavior provides both direct and positive effects to quality of life. Particularity, since a bilateral relationship was also found between self-help behavior and quality of life in the modified model, as self-help behavior increased, so did quality of life. And, reversely, as quality of life increased, so did self-help behavior. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that focusing on both acquirement and reinforcement of adjustment factors or self-help behavior is more efficient than focusing on the characteristics of illness in establishing the strategies for improving quality of life of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.

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Exploratory Study on Developing Model for Smoking Cessation Process
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):71-82.   Published online March 30, 2017
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In this paper, the study model, which presents the patterns of how the changing mechanisms are adopted to the changing stages of smoking cessation, was developed modifying the integrative model of Prochaska et al.(1983) with including seven changing mechanisms which were identified by Oh and Kim(1996). Then the developed study model was exploratively tested with 155 University student between 20 and 29 years of age subjects. According to the study results, among the five mechanisms, which are significant in explaining the differences between stages, DUNCAN post-comparison showed that the least applied ones were Stimulus Control, Self Determinism, Cognitive Restructuring in the precompletion stage, and Reinforcement and Dramatic Relief, in the relapsed stage. In the contemplation stage, it was observed that Dramatic Relief is used most frequently and that the other two mechanisms, Information Management and Cognitive Restructuring, showed different results from those inferred in the study hypothesis. In the case of Information Management, it was excluded from the analysis it was not included in explaining significant difference among changing stages, but Cognitive Reconstruction turns out to be a more frequently used mechanism in the action stage rather than in the contemplation stage. Helping Relationship was also excluded in the post-comparison analysis since it was not included in explaining significant difference among changing stages and Reinforcement was a more frequently used mechanisms in the contemplation stage. Stimulus Control turns out to be the connecting mechanism which was most frequently used in both the contemplation and action stages. Self Determination was most frequently used in the action stage rather than in both the contemplation stage and action stage, differing from the presumption of the model. Lastly, subjects in the relapsed stage were utilizing Stimulus Control and Self Determination at the same level as subjects in the precontemplation stage, and the utilization of both Reinformcement and Dramatic Relief was lower than that of the precontemplation stage, that is at the lowest level. Only Cognitive Restructuring was used of the same level as the contemplation stage. The relapsed stage in this study did not represent the preparation for action stage as presumed in the model of Prochaska et. al.(1983) but did show a pattern similar to the initial stage of smoking cessation, However, since this interpretation about the relapser was based on only a small number of relapsers(n=5), this conclusion may not be reliable.

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Changing Mechanisms Corresponding to The Changing Stages of Smoking Cessation
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):820-832.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The average smoking rate for Adults' in our country is 40.6%: It is 74.2% for men and 5.0% for women. Particularly, the smoking rate for men is reported higher than that of men in U. S. A. or Japan. Since the first report on the association between smoking and cancer appeared, 370 thousand smokers have succeeded in smoking cessation and over 90% of them have responded that they depended on a self-help smoking cessation approach. Despite this positive evidence about self-help approaches for smoking cessation, most studies on smoking cessation have focused on evaluation of formal treatment programs that are provided by clinics. Reports on the smoking cessation process used by smokers in our country could not be found. However, it is believed that the situation in our country would be quite similar to that in U.S.A. as far as approaches to successful smoking cessation are concerned. This study was conducted to classify the smoking stage to which they smoker belong and which changing mechanisms could be included at each changing stage (precontemplation stage, comtem-plation stage, action stage) with a sample of 155 college students between 20 and 29 years old. And it also identified which variables related both to smoking pattern and to health, which ones were significantly discriminating in the changing stages. From the results of the data analysis it was found that Self-Determination is the most influential variable as one of the changning mechanisms which can discriminate three changing stages. And as the next significant mechanisms were Reinforcement, Dramatic Relief, Cognitive Restructuring, Helping Relationship, and Information Management in that order. Among variables related to the smoking pattern, years of regular smoking, whether smoking is continued or not even when they are sick, the number of attempts to stop smoking, number of cigarettes smoked per day, and whether they have smoked over 100 cigarettes up to now, but not the time of the first cigarette after waking-up, were the significant factors to descriminate changing stages. It was confirmed that among variables related to health that, perceived control for health, confidence of health maintence ability, and self confidence in smoking cessation, were significant variables in determinating changing stages. The most influential variables among them was self-confidence in smoking cessation. Conclusively, it was shown that smoking cessation is the process of attempting to change smoking habits through the various changing processes. Also it can be shown that a few factors smoking habit, self-confidence of smoking cessation, and belief in self control of his/her health, were influential in discriminating the changing stages of the smoking habit.

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Factor Analysis on Behavior Change Mechanisms in Self-help Smoking Cessation
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):678-687.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Smoking is considered to be one of the important risk factors associated with various health problems. Thirty seven million people in America quit smoking in the past decade, with 90% quitting on their own(Americal Heart Association, 1986). According to McAlister(1975), 70% of smokers reported that they adopted a self-help smoking cessation approach rather than a formal treatment program. In our country, although, auccessful exsmokers have used, are not available, concerns about smoking cessation have increased, recently, due to changes in social and political attitudes to health promotion. This study was conducted to help smokers who had made a decision to adopt a self-helf smoking cessation approach instead of depending on a formal treatment program. It provided a structurd way for sucessful smoking cessation by identifying change mechanism factors which have been commonly used by smokers. The subjects selected for this study were 155 university students between 20 and 29. Years of age the results from the analysis of the collected data showed that seven factors in the self-help change processes significant, and they are named, Stimulus Control, Self-Determination, Information Management, Reinforcement Management, Helpful Relationships, Dramatic Relief and Cognitive Restructuring. All of the factors except Self-Determination represent the same change mechanisms which are proposed by Prochaska et al. (1988). Self-Determination uniformly includes items belonging to various change processes. Therefore, it might be an transitional factor including strategies related to both cognitive and behavioral dimensions. In spite of this, noted that one item which gives meaning of Self-Determination shows the highest factor loading, it is named Self-Determination.

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Analysis on Effect of Health Promotion Program for the Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim, Won Park, Jeong Soo Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(2):342-353.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was performed to examine the effect of a 7-week comprehensive health promotion program for improving pain, depression, and disability by employing a quasi-experimental design. The subjects were regular out-patients of a RA aclinic in an University Hospital in Inchon from November 11. 1998 to December 24. 1998. The Experimental group included 18 patients who participated in an arthritis health promotion program, and the control group included 18 patients who did not. The 7-week health promotion program, which had the objective to enhance health promoting skills, was provided to patients. The effects of this program on the patients' pain, depression, and functional disability were examined. According to the study results, a significant group difference was found on these dependent variables (Hotelling's T =.30, F=3.11, p=.04). To examine which dependent variables had significant effects, one-way ANOVAs were performed. There were significant group differences in pain (F=4.35, p=.05) and in depression (F=4.22, p=.05) However, no significant group differences on functional disability (F=.04, p=.84) were found. Conclusively, the arthritis health promotion program, which was designed to enhance 11 health promoting skills, can be evaluated as successfully achieving the ultimate goal of enhancing the patients' quality of life. It can also be contended that the improvement of the patients' quality of life was enabled by relieving pain and reducing depression.

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Development of health Promotion Program for Individuals With Arthritis: Application of holistic Model
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):314-327.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this study, domains, contents, and effects of pre-existed intervention programs for individuals with arthritis were meta-analyzed to develop arthritis health promotion program based on Holistic Model. The developed program includes strategies of cognition, environment, and behavior, and also generates positive changes in the physical, psychological, and social demensions. Then needs assessment on conveniently selected 153 women who visited a university hospital in Seoul or in Inchon are conducted to identify the objective domains of arthritis health promotion program. According to the study results, target health problems of the arthritis health promotion program were shown as pain, disability, depression, and role impediment in social domain. These objectives could be achieved by including the strategies of changing cognition, the strategies of changing behavior through learning the skill related to the health promoting behavior, and the strategies of changing environment in the health promotion program. That is, it is analyzed that the contents of program are not exclusive one another in physical, psychological, and social demensions, and also are not exclusive one another in aspect of cognition, behavior, and environment. The necessary methods to achieve the desired objectives for the developed arthritis health promotion program and evaluation subjects are as follows : (1) In the arthritis health promotion program, knowledge on management of arthritis, efficacy related to arthritis management, skill for pain management, skill for exercise, establishment of positive self-concept, enhancement of positive thinking, stress management, skill for problem solving, skill for setting goals, skill for requesting help, and skill for communication are all included. Through the improvement of all those strategies, intermediate objectives, such as "joint protection, and maintenance of pain management behavior", "maintenance of regular exercise", and "promotion of coping skill in psychosocial dimension" are achieved. (2) These intermediate objectives are also the methods for achieving objectives in next stage. It implies that through the intermediate objectives, the final objectives such as "minimization of physical symptoms and signs", "maximization of psychological function", and "maximization of role performance in social domain" could be achieved. Each of these final objectives reflects the different dimension of quality of life, respectively. When these objectives are achieved, the quality of life that client perceives is improved. Therefore, through evaluation of these final objectives, the level of achieving final outcome of arthritis health promotion such as quality of life is determined.

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Development of an Integrative Cognitive Rehabilitation Program for Brain Injured Patients in the Post-acute Stage
Hyun Soo Oh, Young Ran Kim, Wha Sook Seo, Yeon Ok Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):270-282.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop a comprehensive cognitive rehabilitation program that can be easily applied to brain injured patients by family members or nurses in community or hospital settings.


A Systemic literature review design was used. Thirty-three related studies were reviewed.


Based on the results of the literature review, the training tasks for attention were designated to enhancing 4 hierarchical areas, i.e., focused, selective, alternating, and divided attention. On the other hand, the memory rehabilitation tasks mainly consisted of mnemonic skills, such as the association method which helps patients memorize given information by linking together common attributes, the visual imagery method, and self-instruction method. The problem solving rehabilitation program included a task of games or plays which stimulated the patients' curiosity and interest. The training tasks for problem solving were to encourage the process of deriving reasonable solutions for a problematic situation resembling real problems that the patients were faced with in their everyday life.


It is expected that the cognitive rehabilitation program developed from this study could help patients having difficulty in their every day life, due to a reduced cognitive ability resulting from brain injury, to effectively adapt to every day life.

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Difference in Time of Bowel Sounds and Passing of Gas in Abdominal Hysterectomy Patients having San-Yin-Jia (SP-6) Acupressure
Soon Bok Chang, Young Ran Kim, Mi Hee Yoon, Joung Un Shim, Eun Hui Ko, Min Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1164-1171.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to compare differences in the time when bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed in women who had an abdominal hysterectomy and were treated for 5 minutes (experimental group A) or 10 minutes (experimental group B) with San-Yin-Jiao (SP-6) acupressure.


The design of this study was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized post test only design. The participants included 142 women, 39 in experimental group A, 30 in experimental group B, and 73 in the control group. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire which included items on general characteristics and a self report of time when gas was passed. Differences for the three groups as to time when bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed were analyzed using ANOVA.


The time when bowel sounds were heard was statistically significantly shorter in both experimental groups compared to the control group(F=10.29, p=.000). The time when gas was passed was statistically significantly shorter in experimental group B(10 min) compared to the control group(F=4.68, p=.011).


It could be concluded that SP-6 acupressure of 10 minutes was effective in shortening the time until bowel sounds were heard and gas was passed for women who had had an abdominal hysterectomy. Replication of the study with a larger number of participants is necessary in order to be able to generalize the results.

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Effects of a Sexual Assertiveness Training Program in High School Girls
Soon Bok Chang, Sun Kyoung Lee, Young Ran Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):659-667.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to develop an applicable training program for high school girls on sexual assertiveness.


The design combined methodological study and non-synchronized quasi experimental study designs. The participants were 174 high school girls from two schools. Two questionnaires were used, one consisted of 23 questions on self efficacy and the other, of 22 items on sexual assertiveness. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis. Experimental group 1(3 hour program) and experimental group 2(6 hour program) were received on sexual assertiveness. The sexual assertiveness program was carried out by members of the research team. There were no differences in demographic characteristics between control group, experimental group 1, and experimental group 2.


There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 1 over the control group, but there was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in the experimental group 1 over the control group. There was an increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 2 over the control group, but it was not significant. There was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the control group. There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in the experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1, and there was no significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1.


The results show that a 3 hour program was as effective as a 6 hour program for sexual assertiveness. Therefore, it is advisable to use a 3 hour program for clinical convenience. But further study is needed to determine the lasting effect on sexual assertiveness.

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