It had been thought the role of Nursing administrator was still not started along the right line in Korea because of the Lacking of full understanding and recognition of the real meaning of administrator' s role, and because there are several Rinds of problems and difficulties in actual role. The present study is an attempt to clarify some existing relationships between the chief Nurse' s Leadership style and the organizational climate of Hospitals. The problems of the study are specifically started as follows; 1) What influence does the individual behavior have on the formation of the organizational climate of Hospital ? 2) From what do the difference of climate arise ? 3) How are the individual be havior and organizational climate of Hospital measured ? In order to see the relationships of the interactions between the two factors, the chief nurse' s Leadership style and organizational climate of hospital, the researcher has classified, the former into; 1) effective Leadership style. 2) initiating structure leadership style. 3) Consideration structure Leadership style, and 4) ineffective Leadersip style, and the latter in to. 1) open climate and 2) closed climate The Chief Nurses Leaderehip style has been. Classified into consideration-human relations approaches and initiating structure approaches according to L. B. D. Q by Hapin. Organizational climate of hospital has been classified into open-closed continum according to O. C. D Q. by Halpin and Croft. The results obtained are as follows! 1) The chief nurse' s Leadership style is closer to Initiating structure Leadership style than Consideration structure Leadership style. 2) The organizational climate of hospital is closer to open climate than closed climate. 3) The chief nurse's Leadership style and the organizational climate of hospital to not sh OW any significant relations.
This study was designed to investigate differences in some aspects of value conceptions in fundamentals of nursing functions between nursing service pers- onnel and nurse-educators. The purpose of the study was to identify the difference of value conceptions between the hospital nurses and school instructors, to contribute as a reference in strengthening the educational program in establishing may hinder professi- onal growth. The questionaires of this study were focused in the following aspects; 1) establishment of nursing service management system, 2) strengthening of the professionalization of nursing service, 3) hindrance in accomplishment of indepen- dent nursing functions, 4) communication skills in nurse-patient relationship, 5) activities directly related to nursing care planning, 6) communication skills in nurse-doctor relationship, 7) attitude towards taking responsibilities for patient- centered nursing approach, and 8) nursing educational approach towards prepar- ation of professional competence in practicing independent nursing functions. 265 graduate nurses from 14 general hospitals and 88 nursing instructors from 18 schools, collegiate and diploma, were sampled. The main findings of the study were as follows; 1. Both groups responded highly in the lack of public recognition of nursing profession and hospital administrators support in establishment of nursing service management system. Further investigation is needed to define some relationship between the intrinsic and extrinsic factors which might give influence to the professional development. 2. While hospital nursing personnel responded on environmental pressure such as a heavy nursing load as the factor giving hindrance to independent nursing functions, the nurse educators responded highly on lack of nursing competence of individual nurses. An emphasis should be placed on the development of nursing interaction through professional education. If the professional model is not well establ- ished, nursing function will be limitted to medical assistance. 3. The patient-centered approach for nurse patient communication had given positive respond for both group, but lacks in team concept in problem solving process. There exist a social distance between nurses and other professional co-workers in the hospital heirarchy. 4. It was indicated that, as an intrinsic factor in the development of nursing service and nursing cducation, building up a philosophical basis is an utmost importance. This question is opened for further and extensive study to clarify whether existance cf philosophical abscence or philosophical stasis in nursing profession hinders the development.