PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of pregnancy, abortion, delivery and contraceptive use and the relationship between the related factors and the early coitus among Korean teenagers.
The subjects of this study were 12,733 teenagers age 13-19 years in 7 major cities and 9 provinces in Korea. Data was collected from 2 Oct., to 28 Oct., 2000 and analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 Program.
The results showed pregnancy rate 4.5%, delivery rate 0.5%, abortion rate 0.4%. Adolescent girls who experienced coitus relatively went to vocational school, coeduaction school, night school in the general characteristics (p=0.000). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus tend to go to video room (18.5%), go the singing room (60.7%), the bar (54.8%), petting with the partner during the dates. There were overlapping juvenile delinquencies such as drinking (89.2%), pornography (65.3%), bond inhalation (2.7%), leaving homes (43.7%), smoking (14.5%), cyber sex (70.8%), phone sex (12.9%). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus were more suffering from Wangtta (26.1%) than who had not. They showed significant positive attitudes toward coitus; such as feeling of excitement (6.6%), nature (37.9%), beauty (8.7%). On the other hand, they had more guilty (2.8%) than the inexperienced (p=0.000). The main factors relating to early coitus were 'to confirm love' (46.9%), 'afraid of rejection' (32.2%). They think the benefits of coitus were 'more intimacy with boyfriends' (20.6%), 'satisfaction of curiosity' (16.8%). The losses on coitus were 'worry about pregnancy' (73.7%) and 'unability to refuse sexual contacts' (28.7%)
It could be concluded that it is necessary to plan different sex education programs according to general characteristics and delinquency behaviors of teenage girls in Korea.