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6 "Young Ja Lee"
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A Microbiological Study of Sterilized Materials on Dressing Carts
Jung Ho Park, Young Ja Lee, Tae Hee Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1973;3(2):45-52.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Hospital Bacterial cultures of the transfer forceps, 4"*4" mesh gauzes and polluted air of nursing units of general surgery, internal medicine, gynecology and pediatrics of S.N.U.H. were carried on for 5 consecutive days (from nth to 21st August, 1972) to investigate the degree of contamination of such instruments which were used in dressing the patients. 1. The average hospitalized patients for each nursing unit were 24 persons. 2. The frequency of dressing, and using forceps and gauzes in surgical nursing unit were 25,316 and 66 times respectively. Actually the forceps were used most frequently. There was no dressing in the nursing unit of internal medine. 3. Most of dressing were carried on from 11 : 00 to 13 : 59 o'clock. 4. Averagely 121. 5 persons passed throught each nursing unit. 549 visitors dropped in the nursing unit of gynecology in maximun, and 219 visitors in the nursing of internal medicine in minimun. The visitors rushed in from 11 : 00 to 13 '. 59 o'clock to he 142. 5 persons for each nursing unit in average. 5. Colony counts after the bacterial cultures of the forceps and gauzes disclosed 1098. 44 and 704. 51 per plate respectively. 6. The degree of contamination was paralled to the duration and frequency of dressings. 7. The degree of contanination of the instruments was severest in the nursingunit of internal medicine, and least in the nursing unit of gynecology. On the matter of gauze, the contamination was most extreme in the pediatric nursing unit. 8. There was no significant daily differences in terms of contamination throughout the week. 9. It was disclosed that empty forceps jars were less contaminated than the jars with solution of any kind. 10. Bacterial cultures of the polluted air in corridor showed 73,88 colony counts per plate.

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An Operations Study on a Home Health Nursing Demonstration Program for the Patients with Chronic Residual Health Care Problems
Yeo Shin Hong, Eun Ok Lee, So Woo Lee, Mae Ja Kim, Kyung Ja Hong, Moon Ja Suh, Young Ja Lee, Jung Ho Park, Mi Soon Song
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(2):227-248.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The study was conceived in relation to a concern over the growing gap between the needs of chronic patients and the availability of care from the current health care system in Korea. Patients with agonizing chronic pain, discomfort, despair and disability are left with helplessly unprepared families with little help from the acute care oriented health care system after discharge from hospital. There is a great need for the development of an alternative means of quality care that is economically feasible and culturally adaptable to our society. Thus, the study was designed to demonstrate the effectiveness of home health care as an alternative to bridge the existing gap between the patients' needs and the current practice of health care. The study specifically purports to test the effects of home care on health expenditure, readmission, job retention, compliance to health care regime, general conditions, complications, and self-care knowledge and practices. The study was guided by the operations research method advocated by the Primary Health Care Operations Research Institute(PRICOR) which constitutes 3 stages of research : namely, problems analysis solution development, and solution validation. The first step in the operations research was field preparation to develop the necessary consensus and cooperation. This was done through the formation of a consulting body at the hospital and a steering committee among the researchers. For the stage of problem analysis, the Annual Report of Seoul National University Hospital and the patients records for last 5 years were reviewed and selective patient interviews were conducted to find out the magnitude of chronic health problems and areas of unmect health care needs to finally decide on the kinds of health problems to study. On the basis of problem analysis, the solution development stage was devoted to home care program development as a solution alternative. Assessment tools, teaching guidelines and care protocols were developed and tested for their validity. The final stage was the stage of experimentation and evaluation. Patients with liver diseases, hemiplegic and diabetic conditions were selected as study samples. Discharge evaluation, follow up home care, measurement and evaluation were carried out according to the protocols of care and measurement plan for each patient for the period of 6 months after discharge. The study was carried out for the period from Jan. 1987 to Dec. 1989. The following are the results of the study presented according to the hypothesis set forth for the study : 1. Total expenditures for the period of study were not reduced for the experimental group, however, since the cost per hospital visit is about 4 times as great as the cost per home visit, the effect of cost saving by home care will become a reality as home care replaces part of the hospital visits. 2. The effect on the rate of readmission and job retention was found to be statistically nonsignificant though the number of readmission was less among the experimental group receiving home care. 3. The effect on compliance to the health care regime was found to be statistically significant at the 5% level for hepatopathic and diabetic patients. 4. Education on diet, rest and exercise, and medication through home care had an effect on improved liver function test scores, prevention of complications and self-care knowledge in hepatopathic patients at a statistically significant level. 5. In hemiplegic patient, home care had an effect on increased grasping power at a significant level. However, there was no significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the level of compliance, prevention of complications or in self-care practices. 6. In diabetic patients, there was no difference between the experimental and control groups in scores of laboratory tests, appearance of complications, and self-care practices. The above findings indicate that a home care program instituted for such short term as 6 months period could not totally demonstrate its effectiveness at a statistically significant level by quantitative analysis however, what was shown in part in this analysis, and in the continuous consultation sought by those who had been in the experimental group, is that home health care has a great potential in retarding or preventing pathological progress, facilitating rehabilitative and productive life, and improving quality of life by adding comfort, confidence and strength to patients and their families. For the further studies of this kind with chronic patients it is recommended that a sample of newly diagnosed patients be followed up for a longer period of time with more frequent observations to demonstrate a more clear-cut picture of the effectiveness of home care.

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A Study on Autistic Children in Korea
Young Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(2):142-152.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was to determined the trend of child rearing attitude, to investigate how variables affect the child rearing attitudes, and to suggest directions for developing much needed parental effective training programer or counselling for autistic child in community. The subjects were seventy six mother's of autistic children who attending to 13 treatment institutions in Korea. The data were collected from 1, March to 30, May, 1985. Maternal Behavior Research Instrument exploited by Schaefer, used as a tool in this study. The research findings obtained were as follows : 1. Mothers, in general, had affective, restrictive attitudes, and were found to be affective, yet did not give a positive evaluation of children's behavior and used fear control extensively, thus made their children dependent. 2. There were no significantly differences in child rearing attitude by children's sex and age. 3. There were no significantly differences in child rearing attitudes by mother's age, education level and religion. 4. There was no significantly differences in child rearing attitudes by father's occupation.

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A Study of the Relationships Between Daily Life Stress, Self-efficacy and University Student Life Adjustment
Young Whee Lee, Young Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(4):664-671.   Published online March 28, 2017

This correlation study was undertaken to examine the relationships between daily life stress, self-efficacy and university student life adjustment and to analyze the self-efficacy affecting that university student life adjustment.


265 university students were recruited from several participating required undergraduate classes. They were surveyed as the subject of this study. Data collection was conducted through the use of questionnaires.


The university life adjustment level showed a maximum score of 9 with the mean score 5.22. A negative correlation was found between daily life stress and university life adjustment. Also, there was positively correlation between self-efficacy and university life adjustment. Self-efficacy and daily life stress accounted for 23% of the variance in university student life adjustment.


According to the results, self-efficacy is a useful concept in helping overall university life adjustment. Therefore, university student consultation office or nurse should consider the program based on selfefficacy in order to help university students to better adapt to university life.

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Effects of Taping Therapy on the Deformed Angle of the Foot and Pain in Hallux Valgus Patients
Mi Yang Jeon, Hyeon Cheol Jeong, Mi Suk Jeong, Young Ja Lee, Jeong Ok Kim, Sung Tae Lee, Nan Young Lim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(5):685-692.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was to examine the effects of Taping therapy on the deformed angle of the foot and pain in hallux valgus patients.


The subjects were 24 feet from 15 patients who were diagnosed withhallus valgus at the orthopedic department of K University Hospital in Seoul. Taping therapy was conducted 15 times overall during a four-week period. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test.


The deformed angle of the foot of the hallus valgus patients significantly improved from 21.95(4.38) to 18.75(4.80) after Taping therapy. Pain significantly decreased from 4.73(1.56) to 3.45(2.21) after Taping therapy.


The result shows that Taping therapy is effective in improving the deformed angle of the foot and in decreasing pain in the hallux valgus patients.

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Trends of Nursing Science Inquiry in Doctoral Dissertations
Eui Sook Kim, Gwang Suk Kim, Dae Ran Kim, Eun Jeong Kim, Kyung Mi Sung, Hae Kung Shin, Hyun Sook Shin, Young Ja Lee, Seok Hee Jeong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(2):315-323.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the theoretical characteristics and direction of inquiry in the discipline of nursing by analyzing doctoral dissertations.


The materials used in this study were 277 doctoral dissertations from five universities in Korea. The framework for the study was derived from Kim's(1993) alternative linkage among philosophy, theory, and method in nursing science.


Of the 277 dissertations it was found that there were 13 types of linkages out of a possible 54 types. Most of the dissertations (128 of 277) were done within the linkage of realism/etic/quantitative/explanatory knowledge type. Of the 218 dissertations within scientific realism, 42 were within relativism, and 17 within practicism. There were 134 dissertations of the explanatory knowledge type, 112 descriptive ones, and 31 prescriptive ones. Studies done within the etic quantitative methodology included 209 dissertations and within the emic perspective, 43 with qualitative methodology, and 7 with quantitative.


The results show that it is necessary to develop more alternative linkages for nursing practice and this will lead to expanding nursing knowledge.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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